Dear Poppers:
You make me blush. Thank you for the compliment. I receive it gladly.
Yours In light and life,
JoinedPosts by FireNBandits
Creationism hiding in plain sight
by FireNBandits ina friend pointed out to me that "theistic evolution" is, in essence, no different than intelligent design.
both postulate a creator that is behind creation.
both use the words "creation" and "creator.
Creationism hiding in plain sight
by FireNBandits ina friend pointed out to me that "theistic evolution" is, in essence, no different than intelligent design.
both postulate a creator that is behind creation.
both use the words "creation" and "creator.
Hi Shepherd Book. I'm sorry I misunderstood. That happens more often now that I'm well into my fifties. The "God" I experience is not a Being seperate from myself, and there is no worship involved because there is no Ego involved. King Joe Hovah is a "tale told by an idiot; full of sound and fury, signifying nothing.'
"But he wasn't a REAL Christian!"
by FireNBandits injimmy swaggert (a "swaggert" is a swaggering braggart btw), jim and tammy fakker, or any well-known christian that "blows it" big-time in a public way is sure to elicit that response from the fundagelicals around you.
"but he wasn't a real christian!
" what a convenient psychological device to keep ones fantasy image of ones religion intact!
Hello Lt.Cmdr.Lore
You wrote: "I BELIEVED IN TALKING DONKEYS FOR CRIPES SAKE, WHAT WAS WRONG WITH ME???"LMAO cuz I almost posted a rant to that effect. It was going to be titled "WHAT THE HELL WERE WE THINKING?' or "WHATS' THE MATTER WITH US?"
My involvement with the Children of God (COG) at least makes SOME sense given that I was a twenty year old single horny male.
Saint Martin the Wiser -
"But he wasn't a REAL Christian!"
by FireNBandits injimmy swaggert (a "swaggert" is a swaggering braggart btw), jim and tammy fakker, or any well-known christian that "blows it" big-time in a public way is sure to elicit that response from the fundagelicals around you.
"but he wasn't a real christian!
" what a convenient psychological device to keep ones fantasy image of ones religion intact!
Smellsgood, after my involvement with the Dubs came a short stint with the COG. "Flirty fishing" did not involve sex with minors. That's an evangelical slur and myth. Flirty fishing involved sex between consenting adults of at least eighteen years of age. There probably were people in the COG who were pedophiles just as there are in the Dubs. Pedophilia is not public policy in either. I was recruited into the COG via Flirty Fishing. I was a freshly born again Spirit baptized Holy Ghosting Hallelujah hand-puppet for Jesus.
Also, I have never understood the attraction of chocolate. I didn't much care for it as a kid, and I can take it or leave it (usually leave it) as an adult. I didn't like ice cream either and to this day only like Jamocha or Coffee flavored ice cream. In small doses several times a year. Give me fresh fruit over any of that gunk any day.
Love and Light,
Martin the Mysterious -
"But he wasn't a REAL Christian!"
by FireNBandits injimmy swaggert (a "swaggert" is a swaggering braggart btw), jim and tammy fakker, or any well-known christian that "blows it" big-time in a public way is sure to elicit that response from the fundagelicals around you.
"but he wasn't a real christian!
" what a convenient psychological device to keep ones fantasy image of ones religion intact!
Hi Smellsgood. I was a Dub for four years. I was an evangelical Christian---and Baptist minister---for nearly sixteen years. I'm not getting Dubs and Fundagelicals mixed up. I haven't been a Dub for thirty-four years, and I haven't been a fundagelical for eighteen years or so. You're much overcomplicating a very simple statement. Through the decades as famous Christians have been caught in various scandals involving sex and money, the grassroots sheep claim these people aren't real Christians because of the very public sins. I merely pointed this habit on their part out, and gave my ideas as to its motivation, as well as where this reasoning leads if followed consistently.
JW Beliefs ?
by 5go in[edit]beliefs [edit]regarding jesusdespite contrary popular opinion jehovah's witnesses do believe in jesus.
they don't on the otherhand believe he is god.
they believe that their god jehovah raised him up out of the grave.
Lub dat Uncyclopedia! Zombie Jezus. This is a s good as "Landover Baptist Church."
April 1st 2007 WT pounds 1918/1919!
by cultswatter inas if the poor dubs did not know already that jesus approved of the wts in 1919 sheesh!!!!.
this magazine is relentless though - it pounds the 1918/19 dates over and over.
both study articles are promo pieces for the fds theoarchy.
The Bible Student groups still cling to the 1914 date, as well as 1918 (I think) and are quite clever in wiggling around it. At least to their own satisfaction. I've written the Dawn Bible Students at [email protected] and the Layman's Home Missionary Movement at [email protected] and engaged them in short discussions on this topic. They soon became irrational. Nice, but irrational.
"But he wasn't a REAL Christian!"
by FireNBandits injimmy swaggert (a "swaggert" is a swaggering braggart btw), jim and tammy fakker, or any well-known christian that "blows it" big-time in a public way is sure to elicit that response from the fundagelicals around you.
"but he wasn't a real christian!
" what a convenient psychological device to keep ones fantasy image of ones religion intact!
Narkissos, I apologize for being a sectarian. I was getting lonely! I'm glad you showed up. I'll be on MSN soon and will send you my email addy. In case you'd like to slap me upside the head occasionally, which for someone as barmy as I am it's a good idea. Now and then. Martin
"But he wasn't a REAL Christian!"
by FireNBandits injimmy swaggert (a "swaggert" is a swaggering braggart btw), jim and tammy fakker, or any well-known christian that "blows it" big-time in a public way is sure to elicit that response from the fundagelicals around you.
"but he wasn't a real christian!
" what a convenient psychological device to keep ones fantasy image of ones religion intact!
Serotonin, you're right of course but try getting any of this through the thick titanium "helmet of salvation" that protects the believers brain from the onslaught of logic, reason, evidence, and just plain old being a grown-up. Now, being the very serious, mature, and oh-so-magnificent adult that I am, here is a bit o' doggerel straight from my keyboard to you:
I live a fairy-tale universe
with unicorns, basilisk trolls
I fly through the sky on my rosary
and kiss my immortal soul
Jesus is here and His Daddy too
They love to hear me blather
As long as I tell them all day long
They're slicker than shaving lather
I kiss the butt, the butt divine
yeah i really pucker up
but i gotta hold my breath n stuff
or I just might throw up
One fair fine day in a Jesus way
I stumbled upon the gospel
I preached it to the Hell's Angels
and had a fine time in hospital
I'm a bible dood and I am so rude
but it really doesn't matter
Cuz I've been washed in the Jesus blood
and I'm madder than a hatter
Saint Martin the Mighty Poet O' Gawd -
"But he wasn't a REAL Christian!"
by FireNBandits injimmy swaggert (a "swaggert" is a swaggering braggart btw), jim and tammy fakker, or any well-known christian that "blows it" big-time in a public way is sure to elicit that response from the fundagelicals around you.
"but he wasn't a real christian!
" what a convenient psychological device to keep ones fantasy image of ones religion intact!
FireNBandits had me thinking "What????" I'm glad you cleared that up and I can see clearly now.