You said, "Nonsense. Anyone that confesses faith in Jesus Christ, believes that he is their personal saviour and redeemer and obeys his commandments is a Christian."
Not according to Jehovah's Witnesses. The criteria for being a Christian, according to Jehovah's Witnesses, is much more extensive than yours. Did you really not know that?
Even then, how can Jehovah's Witnesses believe someone is their personal savior to whom they cannot even speak? At best, such a savior is an impersonal savior. JWs teach all but 144,000 are only saved by extension, only the elect are directly redeemed ("bought from the earth"). Therefore, the vast majority are not saved by a personal savior at all.
Among Jehovah's Witnesses, Jesus is not even considered the mediator for any but the 144,000. How can these people possibly believe they are Christians?
In answer to the rest of your concerns, I already wrote to qcmbr that I wasn't addressing every religion and comparing every religion to the entire Bible. I was addressing Jehovah's Witnesses, as a religion, and comparing its doctrine specifically to the First Century Christians.
If your contention is really that JWs are no different than nearly every other mainstream Christian religion when it comes to having doctrines that disagree with the Bible, I would agree but for one fact: JWs do not believe any other religions are Christians or that any adherents to other religions are Christians. While there are some other religions that hold similar doctrine, most Christian religions do not.
You wrote, "Those in glasshouses shouldn't throw stones when it comes to doctrine."
I don't live in a glass house. I don't establish doctrine and then declare that anyone who disagrees with my opinion on Scripture will be eternally destroyed at Armageddon. I don't haughtily declare that I am God's sole channel of communication on earth, doctrinally shortening the hand of God and limiting the power of the Holy Ghost for millions of people. I don't say that everyone who rejects that authority is anathema.
Any criticism I have of JW doctrine is always held in my mind against that specific backdrop. Unlike most other churches, JW dogma is held to be inviolable on pain of disfellowshipping.
Their wanton hubris will be their downfall.