Maybe I should go back and be a good little dubbie again!!

by AK - Jeff 67 Replies latest jw experiences

  • AK - Jeff
    AK - Jeff

    I believe that I am experiencing a profound change in my personality, and those changes are at a stage where I have honestly contemplated this recently. Honestly.

    I don't think I could ever do it - anyone who has followed me on the boards here know that I am neither suicidal nor an apologist for that lot. Yet, having been off work for a few weeks now with surgical recovery, I have had time to make assessment of my future. It seems rather bleak in many ways to be quite honest.

    I am 51 years old, no higher education, married to the same woman [happily] for 32 years, in the throws of raising our three wonderful grandchildren. But, as a result of casting off my Jw roots, I have also lost all my social life. Oh, I have made a few acquaintances in my daily routine, but no solid, 'I know I can depend on you to be there' kind of friendships. Last fall I tried to set up an Aposta-BBQ. The thread died while others in the same timeframe flourished.

    I am a conservative midwest bland fellow with a rather bland life I suppose. I am not the intellectual former Jw, turned scientific know it all, that some have become. I am just little ole' me. Some will quickly jump on this as a 'feeling sorry for myself' thread. Although it might sound like that, that is not the intent. I am really in the midst of looking straight ahead at another 20 or 30 years of friendlessness, and I am not looking forward to it at all.

    I long for real friends. The kind who will stop over to the house and have a beer or coffee with you, talk about the latest, and go with you to the lumber yard to buy shingles for the house. Lack of hobbies over the years has left me rather dull I fear. All I was ever good at was giving public talks and making converts to the Jw's. Not much basis upon which to build is it? And at my age, where do I start? Are people in my age group generally out looking for people to be their friends? Not likely. I threw off all relationships outside the organization for 40 years or so. Now I find myself almost, and I did say almost, wishing I had found out the 'truth about the Truth', but hung around anyway. At least I had someone to drink a beer with on Friday night.

    Additionally, I find myself still drawn to Christianity [of the private variety], a subject that is typically ridiculed here as igorant or foolish. Though Jw's are not much in the way of Christian, they think they are, and they are good hearted people, and I can feel comfortable around them. Often I long for that. I am almost ashamed to state that, but it is true. At least from time to time as a Jw, I could expect a visit from someone at the Hall. No one ever comes here now, with the exception of my SIL from time to time, or my dad. My sister left the Jw's 15 years ago - and at that age was able to develop a new set of friends. I really don't know how to go about it. I am still uncomfortable in the churches, have no interest in the bars, and in this little town there is nothing else.

    I honestly believe that some of my mood was caused by a very painful shunning this past week. Two people that I have known forever, painfully shunned me in a restaurant. Carla and I had been as close as two people of the opposite sex could be without being romantic during many years as pioneers. I had watched her parents bring her home from the hospital when I was 'studying'. Ned was a young student of mine when he was 6 or 8 years old. I have literally known them both for 35 years, and loved them dearly. They have both divorced and married each other now, and they refused to even greet me. I never got to wish them well. And I did not have the stomach to enforce my 'no shunning policy' and embarrass them. I just could not do so. I am in pain at this particular loss. As I write this I am tearing up a bit. It hurt me worse than any other shunning in my past.

    At this moment I just feel so cast off - unattached - and perhaps unattachable - to life. My history is gone, washed away, with no one to discuss it with other than my wife, who has heard all I have to say about life and love already a thousand times.

    I know I will not go back. But at times the prospect of having others in my life besides just the family is appealing. Sorry to have taken on such a meloncholy mood this evening. I should not have started the thread, and I should likely not post it. But it does represent my current feelings and thinking, so I guess I will. Then I shall retire for the evening. I likely will arise in the AM with a differing perspective on life, and a lingering regret that I posted this.

    You won't see this type of thread from me often. I don't often have such thoughts as those expressed here. Perhaps it is due to my recent surgery, and my realization of my personal mortality that is speaking here. Or a shift in body chemistry due to the surgery? Hell, I don't know.

    How does a relatively conservative, slightly introverted person go about this? [Rhetorical]

    Thanks for listening to my goofy ramblings tonight.

    Nite all


  • AlmostAtheist

    >>Additionally, I find myself still drawn to Christianity [of the private variety], a subject that is typically ridiculed here as igorant or foolish.

    Maybe the non-religious types are just more vocal? There are plenty of believers here, Jeff, and it's nothing to accept ridicule over. (You may get it, but don't take it to heart)

    >>I am still uncomfortable in the churches

    Have you examined why this is the case? Churches are extremely social places -- I've considered going to one just for the social aspects of it. (I don't and probably won't, but it's at least crossed my mind.)

    If it's any consolation, you're not alone. Your point about your 'history being gone' is one I've made before as well. Where are my friends I've known all my life? I don't have any. (Well, one. Thanks Jan!) Friendships can be forged, but that's a journey of a thousand miles and the first 100 miles can seem pretty discouraging on foot.

    I'm lucky that I have some great coworkers and have a decent friend-base there. Without them, there's precious few people in my life. In fact, I can count them on one hand.

    Some things come to mind: Volunteering, if your community has that sort of thing. Churches. Clubs. If you've already considered these and they didn't work, why not?

    This could be a very useful thread, as I would suspect many of us are in this boat. I hope it gets lots of replies.


  • Madame Quixote
    Madame Quixote

    You are having a normal reaction to a couple of abnormal situations. We all feel that way sometimes, but it does get better. Sorry to hear you had to have surgery. I hope you're recovery is a quick one.

  • Carmel

    Jeff, Why don't you look up the local Kiwanis Club and attend a meeting? First, it welcomes anyone that is willing to work together for the betterment of society, focusing on youth and children. It does all kinds of wonderful community service and bases its acts of service on spiritual assumptions. It acknowledges that there are many paths in life so one needn't be any particular brand of christianty. You'll find most of them are mainstream christians, but I was welcomed without hesitation as a Baha'i. Performing service together begins the process of bonding and you will soon find that one or more will be inviting you to lunch, dinner, a golf tournament, a weekend outing to help an elderly lady do repair, etc. etc. Wonderful way to make friends, live your faith and be of service to humanity. Just a thought. Take the first step and I'll bet you, you'll find friendship making is really pretty easy. I wish you well.. carmel

  • horrible life
    horrible life

    Jeff, Go to bed and get a good nights sleep. I do hope you wake up felling better. We were so isolated as JW's, that I don't think we really know HOW to make friends.

    I think the reason your fest didn't go over, is that Texas is just full of heathens. I spent many summers in Indiana. The happiest times of my life. I would love to return, but it would only be to look at my grandparents home, that has been sold, and to spend half an hour with the few relatives that I really don't remember, or know I exist.

    But a free meal, with some ex-JW's, sound like it would be worth a trip. Since Texas is so full of them, why don't you and your wife, and the grandkids take off work for a couple of days, and come down to Dallas. Southwest has good deals, or it is probably only a 15 hour drive. I am only 3 hours away from Dallas. I can smell the crawfish from here!!!

    Please stop thinking like that though. Nothing could ever be as bad as going back. .

  • choosing life
    choosing life


    Sorry to hear you are feeling down. I am close to your age and have spent my entire adulthood in the Witnesses. All my friends were there too. I still talk to a few of them at times, but no BBQs or real socialization. I don't seem to be able to establish new friends in midstream either. It is tough and it feels like you don't fit in anywhere.

    The treatment of people who choose just to believe in God on this board sometimes surprises me. To each his own. I have no problem if someone chooses not to believe, but things seem to get so heated up at times when the Bible or God is mentioned.

    I really have no answers for you or me, but maybe someone who has been out longer can give good advice. Your sickness is probably adding to your situation. Just wanted to say hello and hope you get to feeling better. It takes a strong person to admit it when they are down.

  • Lady Lee
    Lady Lee

    To have a real friend you have to be a real friend. And those don't come ready made

    You said you are raising 3 grandchildren. Well there's a place to meet other parents. All kinds of activities for kids to get involved in. And for you to show up for. Where you can get to know other people and perhaps ask another couple to come on over for a beer or a barbecue.

    It takes time and effort to build real true friendship. And those won't dump you when you change what church you go to

  • The wanderer
    The wanderer

    Dear Jeff:

    This maybe just a low point for you right now. Consider
    the positive things you have in life. Your health, your
    wife, a home, food on the table, a source of income.

    You are a talented writer when you need or want to be.

    Maybe, taking up some sort of hobby may do you good
    or perhaps classes in school.

    Anyway, you have a friend in me. You have my number
    you can call anytime day or night.

    Peace and goodwill.

    Your friend,


  • AK - Jeff
    AK - Jeff

    I did stay up long enough to peek at the first replies. Thanx all. I do love and respect you all.

    Dave - thank you.

    MQ - always enjoy your upbuilding comments.

    HL - thank you and a trip to Texas would be fun sometime.

    CL and LL - appreciated much.

    Carmel - my application for info on Kiwanis in the area is submitted electronically just a moment ago. Wonderful suggestion.

    Now it's off to bed with me. I do think this thread will strike alot of chords. That can be a very good thing.


  • EnlightenedMind

    I have the same problem Jeff. I'm relatively introverted and have a hard time making friends. Only difference is that I never really had any close ones while I was on the inside either, so there's no longing to go back for that reason. But I do understand how you feel.

    Oftentimes I feel very alone and isolated from the world. I'm a little younger than you, but even at my age, it's difficult to find deep meaningful friendships. I think that others have given you good suggestions, such as volunteering or joining clubs. Because of our introversion, making friends is difficult anyway, but I think the first step is just getting out there where the people are and finding those with common interests.

    I hope that these feelings soon pass for you. I wish you well in your recovery.


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