You are missing something. First of all, the serpent (not necessarily a snake) that Moses was instructed to create and hang on the staff represented sin being eliminated. Not a false god. The golden calf represented a false god, it was an idol. The ark is not an idol. It is a container. If one begins to purport that any object created can be an idol then we are in serious trouble. The main point of the 2nd commandment is to not make images of angels or other gods. It applies to the golden calf, yes, but not the ark or anything else God commanded.
JoinedPosts by Creeper
covenant, Ark of...
by Priest73 inhummm.
i'm sitting here watching the history channel (digging for the truth -great show.
) anyway a thought just occurred to me.
by Creeper ini thought it would be polite if i just introduced myself.
i am a former jehovah's witness that left studying a few years back for the purpose of solace and grace in my life, freedom from the hypocrisy of men, and the teachings which the bible does not correspond with.
i have since adopted a more simple way of living, and no longer have to worry about ring around the collar, or that book study that i never read ahead for.
Greetings Everyone, I thought it would be polite if I just introduced myself. I am a former Jehovah's Witness that left studying a few years back for the purpose of solace and grace in my life, freedom from the hypocrisy of men, and the teachings which the bible does not correspond with. I have since adopted a more simple way of living, and no longer have to worry about ring around the collar, or that book study that I never read ahead for. Creeper
by juni indo you feel there was a "gap" between those who had more materially and those families or individuals who had less?.
example: did those who had "less" materially not get invited to private homes for get togethers as frequently or not at all?.
thanks for your input.. juni .
This is an absolutely fantastic topic, and now that I look back and think about it, there was definitely a degree of separation like this. For some reason, I never realized it, seeing as how I didn't donate, didn't participate, didn't help in any way really, and I thought that was why I never got any extra invites or anything. To be perfectly honest, I was kind of a mooch at the KH. I was the type that needed two fresh brand new copies of the Watchtower, one for underlining and highlighting with different colored Accent markers, and another in mint condition for archiving. It was tough to get extra copies of the "All scripture" book, or the Kingdom interlinear translation, (you know, that book that makes you look smarter). All in all, I never realized that none of that would have mattered at all if I actually had money. What I did see, however, was the competition between men in suits. For some reason, the visiting speakers would always seem to have top of the line apparel.
WTS, religion, all or nothing-Sunday KH-goers
by JWdaughter inwhen i was a jw, i thought (because that is what i had been taught) that there is only one true religion, that it was all or nothing.
i read here so often (most recently sweetpea) of experiences and discussions with jws who know it isn't all right, but they are in it for various reasons-basically a lot of 'its better than what i knew before' and 'what will happen if i leave???'.
i wonder now how many jws did not have the idea that it is the truth, but didn't really care?
A lot of it (from what I could see in my days there) seemed to have to deal with hypocrisy as the chief problem that the organization has.
For instance, there are many things they know that are truth, for example the holidays are pagan customs, and have no real business in the life of a believer in the Messiah. But then they go and participate in all sorts of other revelry and worldly commerce, negating the very servitude and honor they claim to purport.
Then you have the "question your religion" presentation at one's front door, yet, the very same principle is discouraged by the very organization that presents it, when turned on itself. There are some bible writers that disagree with this though:
1Jn 4:1
Beloved, believe not every spirit, but prove the spirits, whether they are of God; because many false prophets are gone out into the world.Act 17:11 Now these were more noble than those in Thessalonica, in that they received the word with all readiness of the mind, examining the Scriptures daily, whether these things were so.
There is no doubt that the WT has many things completely wrong, mainly due to a mixing of the old and new covenants, but also because of several other issues, such as the preexistence of Jesus as an angel, the arrival of the Kingdom in 1914, and many other false teachings that are obviously not in the bible.
But what baffles me more then anything, is that they fail to put the number one bible principle first and foremost in anything that they do, because in reality, the Watchtower experience is more about becoming selfish, then it is about becoming a giving, caring, and humble organization. The love for others simply really doesn't exist, unless you have something to offer. IF they were the "true religion" then they would have listened to James when he said:
Jas 1:26 If any man thinketh himself to be religious, while he bridleth not his tongue but deceiveth his heart, this man's religion is vain. Jas 1:27 Pure religion and undefiled before our God and Father is this, to visit the fatherless and widows in their affliction, and to keep oneself unspotted from the world.
But exactly how much money does the soc have? How much do they give to the red cross or any other nonprofit groups? Simply because they are more concerned with trying to please their God with rules and law, then to live by faith and love. IT really is a form of Judaism just repackaged with a different label from what Moses taught.
Creeper Buds
How do you guys know that standing firm won't work
by dawg inso, many of you have rightfully challenged my beliefs that standing firm and telling your families exactly what you feel about the wtbts won't work.... i submit that it doesn't work becasue we don't stand together!
if all of us would stand firm say what we know to be true, do it publically, and not back down then i guarentee you there are many in the congs that want out of this crap and their just too scared to do anything becasue they don't want to lose their families.
in my family there are many that call me privately and tell me they know the wt is a crock of shit but won't stand up against it!
I agree with dog, that there is a chance of getting through. The irony here is that many of us are not realizing that their strength is because of numbers. The very idea that dog is presenting that many are turning down is the exact concept that the WT uses to keep it's prey in check.
We could form a group of radical tyrants that kidnaps unsuspecting relatives and friends still trapped, and chock it up to a Robin Hood style of insurgency. We could call ourselves the freedom fighters or something. Although that title has always seemed a bit oxymoronic to me.
Seriously though, dawg has a point on this matter, and it is so ironically baffling that we are all missing the mark.
Y no windows on KHalls anymore?
by White Dove ini was asked this by so many people i had met outside of the jw's.
i could only tell them about protecting the sound system from theives.
that is the answer i was given.
I'm a bit surprised that no one suggested the possibility of protection during storms. It would seem like the logical and most theocratic answer, but oddly enough, it is not given. So I suppose the official reason will have to be the prison logic. Of course I always thought windows would make it easier to escape during a possible fire as well, seeing as how most states have codes where there must be windows in large occupancy meeting places. Of course, Jehover will protect his flock, right? By the way, has anyone ever heard of Kingdom Halls burning down?
Creeper Bud
re JWs lady came back/Alpha & Omega
by Guest with Questions inpart 2. .
alpha & omega: i asked the husband who the alpha & omega was.
i read rev 1:8, (i should have continued reading v12-18), rev 21:6-7, rev 22:12-13 we all agreed that god (or jehovah/i prefer yahweh) was the alpha & omega.
I think no matter how we look at the bible, if we believe in it, we must accept that Jesus is one with God. Jesus said "I and the Father are one" and that is the unity that I base my belief in. It doesn't matter whether you place the title alpha and omega on either the Father or the son, they are one, and therefore can share that title. Since Jesus speaks for God, according to the bible book of Hebrews chapter 1, then in that respect Jesus can say that in his revelation from his father.
Recipes For Dubs
by Creeper ingreetings felllow ex-borg drones, .
i am trying to find some good recipes for making various stuffed vegetables with garlic.
can anyone give me a few good ideas?
Greetings felllow ex-borg drones,
I am trying to find some good recipes for making various stuffed vegetables with garlic. Can anyone give me a few good ideas? I like stuffed green and red peppers, but I need some other ideas as to what to put in them besides tomato sauce and rice and ground beef.
Also, I know by the title of this post that you may think I was trying to find poison recipes for current dubs/elders. I assert clearly that was not my thought at all. That thought never once entered my mind.
Gracefully smooth, like black death,
by anewme indid anything exciting or alarming ever happen at your hall?
i remember only funny incidents, like one brother getting up there with his zipper down.
(i knew alot of brothers after that felt no shame to actually check down there before going up on the podium!
I remember a brother getting up on the platform and he forgot his prescription reading glasses, so he had to try and work from memory. He was an older chap, and the words came out hilariously funny. It just goes to show how badly attached the WT mind is to it's borg counterpart, the magazine articles. He kept on making sure that every other word was "Jehovah", as I suppose that would cover ground on all points. It sounded like total gibberish, and what is more incredible is how everyone else in the hall was trying not to laugh, but one brother in the back who had a psychological problem, started laughing profusely. When one of the elders came over to quiet the man who was laughing, he started waving his hands and fists in the air and screaming "Jehovah help me!!". IT was a scene, man. BTW I am new to this forum, so anyone who can help me with anything let me know, if you are willing that is.
How different are you from 10 years ago?
by JH intoday, i don't fear the elders as much, and i think that they fear me more.. how about you, how has 10 years made you better or stronger?.
Although I was never actually a baptized member, I studied with the organization for a while, some things I picked up for the better, some for the worse. But ultimately I found the experience similar to a book of the month club, with speeches and business meetings. The only thing missing was a semi-annual raffle and bingo night. Peace out, Creeper