Nice research Doug.
Good old Ezra the Black Magician changed a lot of things around. It appears he stole the idea of animal sacrifices from the Babylonians....
What does THIS do to Christian theology?
the following is part of the decree on the cyrus cylinder, now in the british museum:.
i am cyrus, king of the universe, the great king, the powerful king, king of babylon, king of sumer and akkad, king of the four quarters of the world, son of cambyses, the great king, king of the city of anshan, grandson of cyrus, the great king, ki[ng of the ci]ty of anshan, descendant of teispes, the great king, king of the city of anshan, the perpetual seed of kingship, whose reign bel (marduk) and nabu love, and with whose kingship, to their joy, they concern themselves.. .
when i went as harbinger of peace i[nt]o babylon i founded my sovereign residence within the palace amid celebration and rejoicing.
Nice research Doug.
Good old Ezra the Black Magician changed a lot of things around. It appears he stole the idea of animal sacrifices from the Babylonians....
What does THIS do to Christian theology?
well, this is your "light load".
you are expected to waste 70 or more hours a month on field circus, working the same streets repeatedly.
doing this never even successfully reduces what's left to be done.
Yes, what Jesus meant by a light load was totally the opposite of Watchtower Phariseeism.
He was teaching communion with God, the KNOWLEDGE of Oneness with the Father, where the purpose of life is simply to BE and grow, and learn. To enjoy every moment, to forgive those who sin against us, and to forgive ourselves for our own sins. To be grateful for what we have, and then more will be given to us. That we are connected to the Universe and we are lacking nothing. To be proactive instead of reactive. To love those who are against us, instead of fearing them, and they will be won over with kindness.
action - what is amazing to me is how many people who become witnesses do so because they genuinely love and respect god.
after baptism they express a great amount of zeal.
they look back at their former religious beliefs with disgust and anger.
It's true. The Watchtower has been generating catastrophic negative karma for themselves. From what I've studied in Kabbalah and other metaphysical sciences, abuse on the emotional/spiritual plane is much more serious and damaging and has a much greater backlash than on the physical plane.
As a result, they are reaping what they have sown. One would be hard-pressed to find a religion under more hostile attack than the Watchtower...and deservedly so. I don't know of any other cult that destroys the lives and faith of so many people spiritually charged people. Eventually, the Internet and word of mouth will be the end of them, if newly released scientific information doesn't first wipe out the remaining shabby theological structure of "Christianity" altogether.
i've read alot of posts here regarding jw's and freemasonry, and so far i've seen the usual conjecture by non-masons, and a few well written opinions of the inquiring minds among us.. i'm a former jw from texas, and a current freemason in houston.
my question is:.
what specifically does the wts say as far as masonic membership.
I'm sure there are many Watchtower Pharisee positions available for you freydo, if you're REALLY not working for them.
a fascinating video that adresses the reality of satanism.
for those who doubt what i've said about my experiences with satanic cults.. .
this was done by one of the most repected investigative journalists working today.
The conundrum of a judgmental control freak who doesn't like perverts but loves Chuckie Russell....
disfellowshipping has a "measure" of validity since in the 1st century you could be removed from the christian congregation for practicing sin.
(but not shunned outside of worship ceremonies).. the process in which someone is accepted back into the fold in the jw policy is completely made up.
it's funny that witnesses will poke fun at catholics for making up purgatory when they have completely pulled the reinstatement process out of their asses!.
Awesome stuff Sebastious.
"Sin" and "judgment" is and always has been big business and a very effective means of control by the priesthood. But the Prodigal Son parable shows that there is no judgment. In my studies I have come across more than one spiritual teacher who has said that Jesus condensed the teachings of the entire Bible into that one parable, and then condensed our spiritual journey even further into one verse, at Matthew 13:33.... "The Kingdom of the heavens is like leaven, which a woman took and hid in three large measures of flour, until the whole mass was fermented."
Our role in this is to keep coming back to incarnate as many times as necessary until we progress enough in our spiritual evolution where we are not required to return, but then many who HAVE accomplished this then VOLUNTEER to come back because we love humanity and want to continue to help the earth in its evolution. Jesus is a prime example of an ascended Master who came back voluntarily out of love. The trick is to remember why we came in time to do something about it.
i've read alot of posts here regarding jw's and freemasonry, and so far i've seen the usual conjecture by non-masons, and a few well written opinions of the inquiring minds among us.. i'm a former jw from texas, and a current freemason in houston.
my question is:.
what specifically does the wts say as far as masonic membership.
What's your point freydo?
In typical Watchtower fashion, is your only refutation to attempt to discredit sources?
I don't need to explain to YOU why I'm here.
Why are YOU here, besides defending demons?
i've read alot of posts here regarding jw's and freemasonry, and so far i've seen the usual conjecture by non-masons, and a few well written opinions of the inquiring minds among us.. i'm a former jw from texas, and a current freemason in houston.
my question is:.
what specifically does the wts say as far as masonic membership.
okay, let's start with this...
Occult Theocrasy by Edith Starr Miller, 1933
...on page 737 lists Charles Taze Russell as a Knights Templar Mason....
Additionally, the fact that the Rothschilds and Bnai Brith funded Russell through one Frank Goldman who later bacame President of Bnai Brith....was proven in a court of law in 1922... I'll work on producing court documents.... [sigh]
to the household of god, israel, and those who go with... may you have peace.
as some of you have witnessed lately, i have been involved in a bit of "pushing" with others.
some of you were uncomfortable and i totally understand that, but as i stated, i was doing what i was directed and heard (well, 95% of the time - to say otherwise would be untrue).
Shelby, your demeanor and presentation is very un-Witness-like, and that's a good thing. It seems to me that you are sending love and light, in your own way, and that is really all that matters.
At the end, you mentioned "I AM".... yes, that would be YOU. You are the Christ, because he is more than WITH you, he is WITHIN you. That is why the WT added (in union) to the scriptures that originally said "in Christ", because that is the biggest truth that they are concealing, along with the Catholic Church and most of the other "Christian" religions..... your DIVINITY WITHIN.
it only takes one short sentence from the bible to thoroughly demolish the watchtower religion and the doctrine they claim is their most important one.
this sentence is so crystal clear that there is no way the wts can weasal out of it.
that's why they don't even try.. although their real most important doctrine is that the governing body speaks for god, their claimed most important doctrine begins with the notion that jesus took kingdom power and began reigning in 1914. if that doctrine can be shown to be false, the entire watchtower theology scam crumbles into the trash heap where it belongs.
That's a really good one Farkel, but unfortunately the Witchtower will only come back and say that Jesus delegated some of that authority over to the "anointed" when he appointed them "over all his belongings".
I think a better one about 1914 is that if their theology is correct, then that would mean that Jesus has sanctioned two world wars and all the bloodshed that has gone on since then.