Two here in the last year ... both seeking reinstatement.
JoinedPosts by Rosalee
xxxx is no longer one of Jehovah's Witnesses
by Honesty inis this getting to be a habit right after the announcements during tms/sm nights?
by snowbird inher last post was on this thread ....
Sylvia ... my loyalty is exactly where it ought to be. My feistiness has got me in more trouble than you want to know about.
by snowbird inher last post was on this thread ....
aaaahhhh ... snowbird ... sylvie .... the official Rosalee mascot :)
Can i have some help re shunning scriptures please?
by dobbie inhi well following on from my previous post about probs with sis and bro in law and how they haven't spoken for ages,hubs wentround today to have it out and say do they want to know me or not (i am d'ad but she has contact with her d'ad family) and she now says she does as we're family and that i've been ignoring her!
(uh hello?what cloud you on girl!
) anyway she has agredd for us all to meet and discuss what sort of part we will have if any in each others lives, because our two boys are the same age and in the same class and we don't want them to suffer.
BFD... you just exposed your true colors once again.
When did I ever shut down ... not answering honest questions?
I meant what I said in my previous post ... I will have no further study with you.
You are two-faced ... nice to me in private and then coming on here and suggesting I'm throwing something in your face. Very rude and shows your true self.
The Scriptures where Jesus is directing his words to true Christians .. obviously does not pertain to you. You know that better than any of us.
None of this is news to you ... we've already discussed it in private ... speaking of which ... I've always considered emails as private ... you obviously don't.
Have a good day ...
Can i have some help re shunning scriptures please?
by dobbie inhi well following on from my previous post about probs with sis and bro in law and how they haven't spoken for ages,hubs wentround today to have it out and say do they want to know me or not (i am d'ad but she has contact with her d'ad family) and she now says she does as we're family and that i've been ignoring her!
(uh hello?what cloud you on girl!
) anyway she has agredd for us all to meet and discuss what sort of part we will have if any in each others lives, because our two boys are the same age and in the same class and we don't want them to suffer.
Excuse me ... BFD!!!!
Since when have I thrown anything in your face. I do recognize that I told you about this scripture (via email) a few times. Do not think that I will continue to try to reason with you in private only to see you express my efforts this way in public. SHAME ON YOU!
The scripture you referenced in Luke is obviously directed to true followers of Christ, so has NO relevance to you.
Thanks for exposing your underbelly on this site. I see we will have no further dealings. It truly brings to light why we are told (in scripture) to avoid ones like you.
by snowbird inher last post was on this thread ....
Hi BFD ... perhaps we both have misunderstood. Good to hear from you ... and I will put the wet noodle away for the time being ... but you must behave :)
I would love to have our study now. I don't own a NIV but should be able to get hold of one. I use the NWT most and the KJV when some people want.
pm me when you are ready. I am free today and this coming Friday and hit and miss a few hours in between. Actually it might be easiest for me to give you my email addy as I don't frequent this site very often anymore.
very much looking forward to our friendly exchange ... a Rose is a Rose is a Rose ....
by snowbird inher last post was on this thread ....
Well ... this is a huge surprise!!! To think someone would start a thread about little ol' me :)
Thank you vey much, ninja,snakes and BFD ... however three strokes with a wet noodle to you, BFD.
tsk .. tsk .... you have told a lie. Shame on you! You said you offered to study the Bible with me using only the the Bible AND I agreed! (via pm) Now you claim I said I needed further help from the WT ... didn't happen, my friend. You are not the first person to ask me this and not the last to step out of actually starting a study using only the Bible. Care to step up to the plate now and have that study? (via pm).
nj ... you really must get that hostility under control :)
WHAT do YOU know about LUCIFER... and His teachings?
by LtCmd.Lore ini am interested to know what you know about lucifer/satan and what you really think of his teachings.. god demands that we believe everything that he tells us, and that we do everything that he says without questioning.
(deuteronomy 6:16-19).
lucifer is the embodiment of reason, of intelligence, of critical thought.
The question in this topic is :What do YOU know about LUCIFER... and His teachings?"
In the KJV of the Bible in Isaiah 14:12 the word "Lucifer" is used. It is in reference to the King of Babylon. It is a mocking question about his lofty position .. in his own mind .. and how he will be abased .. to the 'pit' .. hell or hades.
To be sent to 'hades', one has to considered human. It being the resting place of the dead. Spirits do not go to the common grave ... thus ... this reference cannot be to Satan ... a spirit creature.
Thus the name Lucifer is not a name for Satan.
At one time, it was understood to be but is now recognized not to be.
That being said, His teachings are not noteworthy.
JW Gets 37 years in prison after violating probation
by kwr in,0,7357675,print.story.
when glenn blackledge violated his probation on super bowl sunday, he ran out of second chances.. .
police found him slumped over the wheel of his still-running truck in a coral springs parking lot, reeking of alcohol.. ---snip---.
ronon1 ... actually it's the meek that will unherit the Kingdom.
I did not twist your words.
You are in no position to call me self-righteous or anything else for that matter, as I would not dream of doing that to you. Common decency and fellow respect.
JW Gets 37 years in prison after violating probation
by kwr in,0,7357675,print.story.
when glenn blackledge violated his probation on super bowl sunday, he ran out of second chances.. .
police found him slumped over the wheel of his still-running truck in a coral springs parking lot, reeking of alcohol.. ---snip---.
Ronin1 ... do not confuse Jesus' compassion with his commands. He knew (knows) we are mere mortals and sin daily. He also expects us to live up to our dedication. There have to be rules ... what kind of mess would there be without them?
You say you aren't making excuses for him but blame the domino effect of the society ... I already showed you he started the domino effect himself.
DragonLady got it right.