No, God is not prejudiced.
His organization isn't either.
Sinful man is.
who is more likely to be disfellowshipped for 'sinning'?
is it a man or a woman?
which one is likely to be reinstated faster if they are df'd?.
No, God is not prejudiced.
His organization isn't either.
Sinful man is.
who is more likely to be disfellowshipped for 'sinning'?
is it a man or a woman?
which one is likely to be reinstated faster if they are df'd?.
This topic reminds me of the movie I saw on tv a while ago ...Town Without Pity.
No, it isn't very pretty
What a town without pity
Can do.
who is more likely to be disfellowshipped for 'sinning'?
is it a man or a woman?
which one is likely to be reinstated faster if they are df'd?.
Gill ... I was speaking in generalities ... notice ... JW or not ????
All being imperfect ... people will generally forgive an adultrous man.
Few will forgive an adultrous woman.
Just the way it is.
who is more likely to be disfellowshipped for 'sinning'?
is it a man or a woman?
which one is likely to be reinstated faster if they are df'd?.
I see you are running with my post to lovelylissa :)
Women who commit adultry are seen as ... very immoral tarts.
Men who commit adultry are seen as ... virile and taken advantage of because of said virility.
It's a mans world ....
Men will be forgiven.
Women won't.
Nothing to do with being JW ... just the way it is.
i got disfelowshiped when i divorced my husband and altho we both went on to have relationships with other people he didn't get disfelowshiped as he wasn't going to meetings.
we have since then got back together and i find it so frustrating that i still get treated like a leper being shunned by his family and all the other witnesses but he still gets invited to dinner and works with them.
i don't want to be best buddys with any of them i just hate it when they cross the road to avoid me .
Let me get this straight.
You are divorced.
You and hubby are back together.
And you wonder why the treatment you are getting?
If you are living together without benfit of marriage .. hubby is NOT in good standing as a JW.
Therefore he'd get treated the same as you.
i got disfelowshiped when i divorced my husband and altho we both went on to have relationships with other people he didn't get disfelowshiped as he wasn't going to meetings.
we have since then got back together and i find it so frustrating that i still get treated like a leper being shunned by his family and all the other witnesses but he still gets invited to dinner and works with them.
i don't want to be best buddys with any of them i just hate it when they cross the road to avoid me .
I do see your point. Why are you shunned and hubby not when you committed the same wrong?
You got df'd and he didn't.
He must have been repentant and you weren't ... just a guess.
If you feel that strongly ... get reinstated ... end of problem.
p.s. .... don't be surprised if you get the cold shoulder even after getting back in...
women who are unfaithful are never forgiven ... totally.
Just the way it is ... JW or not.
i wonder if anyon on hre can give me some advice , my daughter was abused by an ex jw , it came out in court that he had abused other childrn when he was serving as a ministerial servant years earlier , the elders knw about those victims and never reported him to the police , the judge called it a coverup , there were no press in the room so it never made it in the papers which i was very angry about .
had they reported him years ago he would never have been able to abuse my daughter , and i want an apoligy , i have tried to discuss it with the elders but they all mak out they knew nothing , which makes m wonder who it was that reported the abuse to london hq bethel as that was said in court .
do you think if i wrot to them we would get an apology, his wife who used to be a close friend is supporting him, and his jw family , i feel devastated by this, the cps did not persue the 8 charges for my daughter due to lack of evidence , even though he took my daughter and another victim to the same place, which his wife must just think is a huge coincidence, they critise the catholics for keeping hush hush about abuse but do the same themselves , i wish i could talk to another mum of a child who was abused by a jw , i cant talk to the other mums involved in our case as i think they have been told not to talk to me , i am not a jw but am married to a disfellowshipped man .
looloo ... a few things don't ring true here.
You say your daughter was abused by an .... exjw. That alone takes away from your story. If your point is that this man abused others while a MS .. that still does not involve your daughter. He is being punished for those deeds ... and rightly so.
If the judge threw your case out .. it must not have held water.
AND you say his JW rellies are standing by him. Now is he an exjw or not? If he is an ex his family will definitely not be standing by him.
i got disfelowshiped when i divorced my husband and altho we both went on to have relationships with other people he didn't get disfelowshiped as he wasn't going to meetings.
we have since then got back together and i find it so frustrating that i still get treated like a leper being shunned by his family and all the other witnesses but he still gets invited to dinner and works with them.
i don't want to be best buddys with any of them i just hate it when they cross the road to avoid me .
If you are still df'd, why would you expect anything different?
i would like someone to discuss some issues i have.
i understand all are welcome here, so i am sure some elders or former elders could help me.
i was a pioneer for 7 years, before that i was a regular auxiliarry pioneer for 3 years, i have been a witness for 17 years.
inactive? .... the more you post the more I'm understanding the elders in your congregation.
i would like someone to discuss some issues i have.
i understand all are welcome here, so i am sure some elders or former elders could help me.
i was a pioneer for 7 years, before that i was a regular auxiliarry pioneer for 3 years, i have been a witness for 17 years.
It is truly amazing how far you've come in one day.
Door mat in the morning ..
Tailbone developing in the evening ..
Good show!!