Who is more likely to be disfellowshipped....a man or a woman?

by Gill 34 Replies latest jw friends

  • Gill

    Who is more likely to be disfellowshipped for 'sinning'? Is it a man or a woman? Which one is likely to be reinstated faster if they are DF'd?

    I ask this because of, too many years experience with the WTBTS!

    A man was disfellowshipped for about two weeks when he admitted adultery and ran off with his mistress to live with her. AS he was a very high ranking lawyer and did a lot of work for the WTBTS as well as JWs all round the UK he appears to have been 'let off' for his sin. He was reinstated within two weeks. The woman he ran off with was NOT!

    A sister in the same congregation went out with a man who was two weeks from the end of his divorce being finalised. She was disfellowshipped and so was the man. They have both never been reinstated.

    A married Elder had an affair with a young sister. They were neither DF'd but reproved. They continued to see eachother as she was pregnant. This caused uproar in the congregation. The Elder was DF'd and reinstated in a few months. The young girl has never been reinstated.

    So....are the odds stacked against women in the bORg because of the sexist attitudes of the idiots who run it?

  • nvrgnbk
    are the odds stacked against women in the bORg because of the sexist attitudes of the idiots who run it?

    I've seen it go both ways with elders.

    Sadly though, it is rather slanted against the ladies.

    But let's not stop at the JW organization.

    Does not the Judeo-Christian Bible itself perpetuate misogyny?

    And Islam?

  • Gill

    Religion tends to be stacked against women FULL STOP!

    However, we might expect better from the 'only true religion' on the planet, might we not? OR is that asking too much?

  • Rosalee

    I see you are running with my post to lovelylissa :)

    Women who commit adultry are seen as ... very immoral tarts.

    Men who commit adultry are seen as ... virile and taken advantage of because of said virility.

    It's a mans world ....

    Men will be forgiven.

    Women won't.

    Nothing to do with being JW ... just the way it is.

  • Gill

    Rosalee - Might we take it then that the JWs and other religions do not follow Jesus Christ example when rescuing and saving the life of the woman caught in adultery who was about to be stoned to death?

    'Let he who has no sin throw the first stone!'

  • nvrgnbk

    'Let he who has no sin throw the first stone!'

    Not sure, nor do I care too much, but I thought that that text was spurious.

    Perhaps one of our resident scholars( Leolaia or Narkissos) could be of assistance?

  • jgnat

    Rather than gender, I find that the elders consistently come down harder on those with no generational ties. Children of female Witness single parents, also, take the "hit". In other words, no male around to challenge their decision.

    Otherwise, why would a Witness introduce themselves, "Joe Witness, third generation."?

  • Gill

    Could this same attitude of men potentially 'getting away with more than women' simply because they're men be the reason that the WT demands two witnesses for child abuse which is mainly ( not completely there are some females) but mainly a 'male' offense against children?

    Yet a woman can be disfellowshipped for even going out for dinner with a man who is about to be divorced.

    The man escapes punishment if he is a child molester but a woman will be disfellowshipped for eating dinner.

    Does this make sense?

  • Gill

    jgnat - Too true! Discrimination runs deep in the 'only true religion!'

  • Rosalee

    Gill ... I was speaking in generalities ... notice ... JW or not ????

    All being imperfect ... people will generally forgive an adultrous man.

    Few will forgive an adultrous woman.

    Just the way it is.

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