Hey Vinny,
First, thanks for posting the link---one of the other forum members mentioned that to me and I just found out at about the same time.....
I do appreciate the feedback on the debate board and in allowing a more theist along with atheist balance. That has been a troublesome issue to balance out in the past. The forum guidelines that we have over there do state that all beliefs need to be shown proper respect, but I suppose in practice, it could also use more of a look at.
One main idea we've had is just to make sure no preaching goes on since new exjw's especially need time to let the air clear before having more beliefs inadvertently pushed on them.
I actually haven't had much feedback on that one, so thank you for mentioning it. As always, I promise to see if it can be done. I don't see why not, but it will just require that people do show the proper respect for alternate belief systems.
Hi White Dove and Caliber....nice to meet you all.