Barry... it's more like $1000 per fortnight for a family of four... just checked through the estimator on the Centrelink website. Rent assistance is a maximum of $60 per week.
JoinedPosts by brinjen
if anyone is not willing to work, then he is not to eat, either
by biometrics infor even when we were with you, we used to give you this order: if anyone is not willing to work, then he is not to eat, either.
(2 thess.
how many witlesses actually take this scripture to heart and apply it in their lives.
if anyone is not willing to work, then he is not to eat, either
by biometrics infor even when we were with you, we used to give you this order: if anyone is not willing to work, then he is not to eat, either.
(2 thess.
how many witlesses actually take this scripture to heart and apply it in their lives.
That was pretty much my point (which Julia Orwell explained much better). The amount of time it takes for the mutual obligations would make it extremely difficult to pioneer as well. It's a fair system... if you want to get a job you'll do most of those activities anyway, plus you have a lot of resources available to you via the appointments.
MUST READ: Books for Young JWs - a Required Reading List
by Oubliette ini've been contemplating a list of works of fiction that should be read by every young jehovah's witness, (12 - 18 years old).
the goal is to plant seeds of truth and critical thinking skills which could ultimately invoking cognitive dissonance and help them wake up to the truth about "the truth" (ttatt).
my idea is an adaptation of steven hassan's approach of not attacking a cult members beliefs directly, but rather indirectly by getting them to look at other similar belief systems and social structures, in this case fictional ones that mirror many of the destructive, oppressive features of jehovah's witnesses.
if anyone is not willing to work, then he is not to eat, either
by biometrics infor even when we were with you, we used to give you this order: if anyone is not willing to work, then he is not to eat, either.
(2 thess.
how many witlesses actually take this scripture to heart and apply it in their lives.
I agree... anyone who isn't willing to work shouldn't get unemployment. In my opinion... the best way to do that is to means test the dole (which they do in Oz). You can't receive payment until you've proven that you are actually looking for paid employment... which you are able to do (not just putting in resumes for jobs you don't have a hope in hell of getting) and that you submitting quality applications also. Makes the system fair for those who do want to work and can be easily proven by them anway.
Over 184 million served ...
by Simon intopic pages that is (not counting home page, active or subject pages).
holy crap, you lot like to talk and read a lot !.
we're currently getting about 1.8 million page views (across all pages) and ~ 150k unique visitors (275k visits in total) per month.. glad i have a plan to move things to the cloud soon!.
Global Cooling
by Jomavrick inso if i send money to al gore to pay for carbon credits, will it warm up the 30 degree temperature outside today?
pearly on years ago when i realized a few people and organizations were using junk science as away to build a cottage industry of money making and taxing, i knew it was a hoax.
then when the data came back to show the earth has been cooling instead of warming, the con artists changed the label from global warming to climate change.. believe what you want to, i don't care, but blind allegiance to the gw idea is so similar to jw belief in my mind, blind!.
" Thats not true, in NSW we had very few hot days during the summer. I dont think we had a 35+ day all summer."
Sydney topped 45 degrees celcius on the 18th of January. Here in Victoria, we had above average temperatures pretty much all summer long.
Global Cooling
by Jomavrick inso if i send money to al gore to pay for carbon credits, will it warm up the 30 degree temperature outside today?
pearly on years ago when i realized a few people and organizations were using junk science as away to build a cottage industry of money making and taxing, i knew it was a hoax.
then when the data came back to show the earth has been cooling instead of warming, the con artists changed the label from global warming to climate change.. believe what you want to, i don't care, but blind allegiance to the gw idea is so similar to jw belief in my mind, blind!.
Global Cooling
by Jomavrick inso if i send money to al gore to pay for carbon credits, will it warm up the 30 degree temperature outside today?
pearly on years ago when i realized a few people and organizations were using junk science as away to build a cottage industry of money making and taxing, i knew it was a hoax.
then when the data came back to show the earth has been cooling instead of warming, the con artists changed the label from global warming to climate change.. believe what you want to, i don't care, but blind allegiance to the gw idea is so similar to jw belief in my mind, blind!.
" The globe has warmed and cooled many times...this panic is so stupid. We now have a climate tax so gas and electric company can charge double due to this "crisis.""
They've been putting the price up on electricity and gas for years now. The carbon tax is just another excuse from them to pass the buck and "blame the government" and the carbon tax for higher bills. Meanwhile AGL have tripled their profits...
Global Cooling
by Jomavrick inso if i send money to al gore to pay for carbon credits, will it warm up the 30 degree temperature outside today?
pearly on years ago when i realized a few people and organizations were using junk science as away to build a cottage industry of money making and taxing, i knew it was a hoax.
then when the data came back to show the earth has been cooling instead of warming, the con artists changed the label from global warming to climate change.. believe what you want to, i don't care, but blind allegiance to the gw idea is so similar to jw belief in my mind, blind!.
Over 184 million served ...
by Simon intopic pages that is (not counting home page, active or subject pages).
holy crap, you lot like to talk and read a lot !.
we're currently getting about 1.8 million page views (across all pages) and ~ 150k unique visitors (275k visits in total) per month.. glad i have a plan to move things to the cloud soon!.