I have to disagree with you "LOYAL LOVE" was my favorite ...It was so meaningfulGranny, it was one of my favorite, too. But the stanza: Us he gave the faithful slave,
Him a grand commission gave; That Jehovah's name he bear; In its vindication share
began to wear thin after a while.
When we sang in the Baptist church from which I came, we didn't use song books. We knew all of the songs by heart. I learned most of all the Kingdom melodies by heart, also. Others would look at me like I was an oddball. Go figure.
JoinedPosts by snowbird
The Kingdumb Melodies
by WTWizard inone of the things i find distasteful is what the witnesses' taste for music is.
they have the same 225 songs that they had since 1984. and many of those were carried from the previous book.. what i noticed while i was there is that none of the songs are really music.
they are so poorly written and performed that i think whoever was in charge of it just threw it together.
Are Interracial RelationshipsA Taboo Subject?
by The wanderer in<!-- .style1 { font-family: arial; font-size: 18px; color: #cc0000; } .style2 { font-family: arial; font-size: 16px; color: #cc0000; } .style3 { font-family: verdana, arial, sans-serif; font-size: 12px; } .style4 {color: #000000} --> are interracial relationshipsa taboo subject?the exposure to individuals of other racial backgrounds was helpful in my past .
jehovahs witness life to see past racial prejudice.
i am grateful for the exposure.
To Stapler99
WITHOUTBLACK PEOPLE?This is a story of a little boy named Theo. He woke up one morning and asked his mother, "Mom, what if there were no black people in the world?"
Well, his mother thought about that for a moment, and then said, "Son, follow me around today and let's just see what it would be like if there were no black people in the world."
Mom said, "Now go get dressed and we will get started." Theo ran to his room to put on his clothes and shoes. His mother took one look at him and said, "Theo, where are your shoes? Those clothes are all wrinkled, son, I must iron them." But when she reached for the ironing board it was no longer there. You see Sarah Boone, a black woman, invented the ironing board and Jan E. Matzelinger, a black man, invented the shoe lasting machine.
"Oh well", she said, "please go and do something to your hair." Theo ran to his room to comb his hair, but the comb was not there. You see, Walter Sammons, a black man, invented the comb. Theo decided to just brush his hair, but the brush was gone. You see, Lydia O. Newman, a black woman, invented the brush. Well, this was a sight, no shoes, wrinkled clothes, hair a mess . . . even mom's hair. Without the hair care inventions of Madam C.J. Walker, well ... you get the picture.
Mom told Theo, "Let's do our chores around the house and then take a trip to the grocery store."
Theo's job was to sweep the floor. He swept and swept and swept. When he reached for the dust pan, it was not there. You see, Lloyd P. Ray, a black man, invented the dust pan. So he swept his pile of dirt over in the corner and left it there. He then decided to mop the floor, but the mop was gone. You see, Thomas W. Stewart, a black man, invented the mop.
Theo yelled to his mom, "Mom, I'm not having any luck."
"Well, son", she said, "let me finish washing these clothes and we will prepare a list for the grocery store."
When the wash finished, she went to place the clothes in the dryer, but it was not there. You see, George T. Samon, a black man, invented the clothes dryer.
Mom asked Theo to go get a pencil and some paper to prepare their list for the market. Theo ran for the paper and pencil but noticed the pencil's lead was broken. Well, he was out of luck, because John Love, a black man, invented the pencil sharpener. Mom reached for a pen, but it was not there because William Purvis, a black man, invented the fountain pen. As a matter of fact, Lee Burridge invented the type writing machine, and W. A. Lovette the advanced printing press.
Theo and his mother decided to head out to the market. Well, when Theo opened the door he noticed the grass was as high as he was tall. You see, the lawn mower was invented by John Burr, a black man.
They made their way over to the car, and found that it just wouldn't go. You see, Richard Spikes, a black man, invented the automatic gearshift and Joseph Gammel invented the supercharge system for internal combustion engines. They noticed that the few cars that were moving were running into each other and having wrecks because there were no traffic signals. You see, Garrett A. Morgan, a black man invented the traffic light.
Well, it was getting late, so they walked to the market, got their groceries and returned home. Just when they were about to put away the milk, eggs and butter, they noticed the refrigerator was gone. You see John Standard, a black man, invented the refrigerator. So they just left the food on the counter.
By this time, Theo noticed he was getting mighty cold. Mom went to turn up the heat, and what do you know? Alice Parker, a black woman, invented the heating furnace. Even in the summer time they would have been out of luck because Frederick Jones, a black man, invented the air conditioner.
It was almost time for Theo's father to arrive home. He usually takes the bus. But there was no bus, because it's precursor was the electric trolley, invented by another black man, Elbert R. Robinson. Theo's father usually takes the elevator from his office on the 20th floor, but there was no elevator because Alexander Miles, a black man, invented the elevator.
Theo's father also usually dropped off the office mail at a near by mailbox, but it was no longer there because Philip Downing, a black man, invented the letter drop mailbox and William Barry invented the postmarking and canceling machine.
If Theo were ever sick he could not get blood. Charles Drew, a black scientist, found a way to preserve and store blood, which led to his starting the world's first blood bank. What if a family member had to have heart surgery? This would not be possible without Dr. Daniel Hale Williams, a black doctor, who performed the first open heart surgery.
Theo quickly learned what it would be like if there were no black people in the world. Theo and his mother sat at the kitchen table with their heads in their hands.
When the father arrived he asked, "Why are you sitting in the dark?"
Why? Because Lewis Howard Latimer, a black man, invented the filament within the light bulb.
So, if you ever wonder, like Theo, where would we be without black people,
Well . . . it's pretty plain to see.
We would all still be in the DARK!!!!
"Author Unknown"(slightly edited)
Aren't You Glad You're Out of the Organization??? Do You Now Have A Life?
by minimus infunny though, the only time i really think about the good old days is when i come here.
when i meet other exjws, quite often they seem consumed by their present situation.
sometimes i like to go out, have a couple of drinks and enjoy the food.
Not having to worry about making it to the meetings. Not worrying about what new wacky resolution they are going to pass this assembly--and not even having to worry about being there.
Amen to that, WTWizard. Glad to see that our tastes are similar.
Are Interracial RelationshipsA Taboo Subject?
by The wanderer in<!-- .style1 { font-family: arial; font-size: 18px; color: #cc0000; } .style2 { font-family: arial; font-size: 16px; color: #cc0000; } .style3 { font-family: verdana, arial, sans-serif; font-size: 12px; } .style4 {color: #000000} --> are interracial relationshipsa taboo subject?the exposure to individuals of other racial backgrounds was helpful in my past .
jehovahs witness life to see past racial prejudice.
i am grateful for the exposure.
Stapler99 said this:
"The achievements of civilizations that consist of mostly Blacks are not impressive.
Yes, I do find it difficult to hold views like this. I can talk to a non-White person and feel friendly towards them, and forget about their race and view them as an individual. However, I believe for the long-term survival of Western civilization that an attitude of White racial preservation has to become more prevalent."Stapler99
While I will concede that you are entitled to your opinions, I beg to differ with the statement that "the achievements of civilizations that consist of mostly Blacks are not impressive." May I respectfully suggest that you check out the writings of Frank M. Snowden, Jr? Before his death in February of 2007, he was Professor Emeritus of Classical Studies at Howard University.
He has researched and written extensively on ancient Black civilizations. I submit that civilizations are cyclical - rising and falling as time marches relentlessly onward. The racial and cultural differences that we may so fervently prize now will no doubt in future times be nothing but an interesting footnote.
Not meaning to be a name-dropper, but Professor Snowden was a distant relative of mine, and he has quite a story to tell.
Sixteen Child Sex Abuse Lawsuits against Jehovahs Witnesses Are Settled
by Dogpatch inpress release 5/10/07.
sixteen child sex abuse lawsuits against jehovahs witnesses are settled.
I hope the whole world finds out about this! I will certainly do my part by telling all who will listen about the terrible policies of the WTS. On my former job, I was proud to let everyone know I was a Jehovah's Witness. Now, I have made it my business to go back and explain just how blinded I was. Guess what? I was given hugs and hi-fives. Just as the Jim Crow policies of the 60's, the WTS is going down, down, down. Her days of despoiling are past. Nothing is going to stand but The Truth. Hallelujah!!!
Circuit Overseer's Callous Remark
by snowbird ini was just thinking about a co's closing remarks one sunday after the watchtower study.
he stated that he had heard that ray franz was dead.
he didn't call him by name, of course.
It would be funny to see Ray Franz show up somewhere that this CO was and tell him that the "rumors of my demise were highly exaggerated". Not just for the straightening-out-the-idiot factor, but mainly for the making-the-@$$hole-crap-himself factor.
Yes, it would, wouldn't it? By the way, was it Mark Twain who said that "rumors of my demise were highly exaggerated."?
Circuit Overseer's Callous Remark
by snowbird ini was just thinking about a co's closing remarks one sunday after the watchtower study.
he stated that he had heard that ray franz was dead.
he didn't call him by name, of course.
I was just thinking about a CO's closing remarks one Sunday after the Watchtower study. He stated that he had heard that Ray Franz was dead. He didn't call him by name, of course. But he stated that a former GB member who turned apostate had recently become very ill. His word were, "I imagine by now he's dead." My stomach dropped somewhere down near my knees. I was in total shock. This was around 2003. I don't know how I managed to hang on for another 2 years. What do you guys think about that?
The NWT of John 1:1; Some Questions For Leolaia and Narkissos
by FireNBandits into get right to the point, acts 12:22 and 28:6 both contain an anarthrous occurence of "theos" or a derivative, depending on one's textual base.
in both instances these verses are rightfully rendered "a god" and not "god.
" why, then, the mainstream christian problem with the same anarthrous construction in john 1:1 being translated in the nwt as "the word was a god"?
You go, Joseph Malik. I often wondered why the WTS hardly ever dealt with the book of John. I thought it was because the Synoptic gospels had already covered everything so to speak. After reading the entire book of John carefully and prayerfully, I now see why. They don't want us to allow the Holy Spirit to teach and guide us. I have no problem with having the Word be my God.
After all, it was He who sacrificed His life for us. Try getting one of the GB members to do that.
Once again, a powerful and well-thought out exposition.
How the Society Portrays Cultural Diversity
by compound complex inwhat's wrong with this picture?.
the watch tower society claims that its members are united spiritually despite ethnic and cultural diversity; they speak a "pure language.
" an anglo-american religion, whose mother tongue is english, jehovah's witnesses see paradise - in saturated color - as though already "present.
After seeing all the happy, nuclear families in WT illustrations, I used to think to myself: "Somebody got lost in the 50's." This caused me and my first child a lot of stress until I learned that this was just another person's idea of how things should be. The reality is that we are all broken, hurting creatures. No amount of fantasizing is going to change that.
King Herod's tomb discovered, Israeli university says
by z inhttp://www.ynetnews.com/articles/0,7340,l-3397066,00.html.
hebrew university announces discovery of roman king's tomb at herodium near jerusalem .
reuters published: 05.08.07, 00:50 / israel news .
And upon a set day Herod arrayed himself in royal apparel, and sat on the throne, and made an oration unto them. 12:22 And the people shouted, saying, The voice of a god, and not of a man. 12:23 And immediately an angel of the Lord smote him, because he gave not God the glory: and he was eaten of worms, and gave up the ghost. 12:24 But the word of God grew and multiplied. 12:25 And Barnabas and Saul returned from Jerusalem, when they had fulfilled their ministration, taking with them John whose surname was Mark.
Heathen, The above account can be found in Acts chapter 12. This Herod is different from the one whose tomb has been found. I'm still having trouble with copying and pasting, but I'm having a good ole time learning.