Thank you so much for printing Pastor Keller's remarks. He acknowledged that there are some things we simply don't know. The WTS would do well to follow his example.
I've always felt uneasy with their explanation of why evil is allowed. Their answer is so technical, so legalistic, so devoid of love no matter how they try to sugarcoat it. The WTS doctrine of the issue of universal sovereignty is seriously flawed and raises more questions than it gives answers.
Why would the Most High have to prove anything to a corrupt rebel? Why drag innocent bystanders into it? Why does this rebel have such power as to demand something from God? These are questions that can be answered by no one - no matter how forceful and dogmatic that person may be.
It is hot here in Alabama. Very, very hot and humid. I had a wee garden but nothing came of it, so I buy tomatoes from a truck farmer. Tomatoes help with my depression issues. Thank you again for a good dose of common sense.