We have control over ourselves only to a certain degree.
For example, we can do nothing to alter the aging/dying process.
So, I would say that free will is relative.
this was mythought on " freewill" and made me think...i need " air" to breath..so how was i born with freewill?.
We have control over ourselves only to a certain degree.
For example, we can do nothing to alter the aging/dying process.
So, I would say that free will is relative.
this was mythought on " freewill" and made me think...i need " air" to breath..so how was i born with freewill?.
1 Corinthians 4: 7 What is so special about you? What do you have that you were not given? ... Contemporary English Version
this was mythought on " freewill" and made me think...i need " air" to breath..so how was i born with freewill?.
Okay, New Hope.
when i saw this article's title in the latest kingdom ministry - http://www.jehovahs-witness.net/watchtower/bible/278822/1/june-2014-kingdom-ministry-km-06-2014-pdf - i was delighted!!.
i thought, "at last, we are all being encouraged to visit our poor brothers & sisters in nursing homes, who feel abandoned!.
nope, that's not it - it's all about targetting non-witnesses in those establishments, and get them to sign up for "bible" studies.
It's about keeping everyone busy and believing they are doing something special.
Busy people don't question or cause problems for the organization.
It's an old South plantation mentality, I tell you.
this was mythought on " freewill" and made me think...i need " air" to breath..so how was i born with freewill?.
So, you would prefer being an automaton?
Or, simply not being?
this was mythought on " freewill" and made me think...i need " air" to breath..so how was i born with freewill?.
We can choose to die - even before our time expires.
Would you like to NOT have that freedom?
this was mythought on " freewill" and made me think...i need " air" to breath..so how was i born with freewill?.
You have the ability to not breathe air, also.
this here is very educational.. http://www.funtrivia.com/tournament/jwd-trivia-quiz-75350.html.
come on, y'all.. sylvia.
The affable caretaker of the rundown abbey was its lone allure.
frog toad minnow
i will turn 61 years old this coming november.. i will turn 2,061 years old in november of 4014.. http://www.worldtimeserver.com/calendar.aspx?y=4014.
according to ecclesiastes 3:11, the concept of eternity is part of our makeup.. it's mind-boggling to think about it.. sylvia.
Oh, just now saw the post about Acts 13:19-20.
I'm trying to figure out how Paul arrived at that figure.
The closest I've come, based on the Book of Jasher, is 445 years.
just read a post on jwsurvey about the new donation arrangement.
congregations are to pledge a monthly amount to be sent to the society to fund the building of assembly halls and kingdom halls.
congregations who already have a loan from the society will no longer have to pay back the loan but the amount pledged should not be less than the current monthly repayments to the society.
What has been revealed is that nothing is too farfetched for the WT organization.
Their demise looms, they can sense it.
They've never had to deal with anything like this before.
Let us just stay calm and allow the "moles" to do their thing.