The younger daughter, of wan mien, was a study in contrast to the more robust aspect of her older sister.
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this here is very educational..
come on, y'all.. sylvia.
The younger daughter, of wan mien, was a study in contrast to the more robust aspect of her older sister.
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this here is very educational..
come on, y'all.. sylvia.
LOL @ CoCo.
I just KNEW you would respond thusly.
I am familiar with the words strumpet and trollop, but skank didn't come to my attention until the year 2007, when a cadet at the Southwest Alabama Police Academy apprised me of its meaning.
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this here is very educational..
come on, y'all.. sylvia.
Mornin' to all.
The sneaky cheetah stole the velveeta while the safari guide was imbibing a margarita.
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out of interest, and to formulate a cordial chat, would you give your top one reason for your belief or non belief?.
my foremost 'one reason' for non belief is:.
the historical evidence that provides an explination and timeline for how the modern religious doctrine's and dogma developed over time.. .
I believe in God because of what I observe in nature and in us humans.
i was baptized in 1968. last meeting 2010. i have to say i was never 100% in.
there were times i absolutely believed, but i never really gave it my all.
never liked service, assemblies, meetings.
this here is very educational..
come on, y'all.. sylvia.
I can see why she is your user name.
My youngest daughter has the complete series.
Can you make a cartoon which features Neptune, the god of the sea, and a crazy loon?
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this here is very educational..
come on, y'all.. sylvia.
Morning Has Broken
I will be very succinct; her succotash is anything but succulent!
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wtf .
the st. louis archbishop embroiled in a sexual abuse scandal testified last month that he didnt know in the 1980s whether it was illegal for priests to have sex with children, according to a court deposition released monday.
archbishop robert carlson, who was chancellor of the archdiocese of minneapolis and st. paul at the time, was deposed as part of a lawsuit against the twin cities archdiocese and the diocese of winona, minnesota.
i have come to the conclusion that science cannot prove or disprove the existence of god.
however the scientific evidence available is compelling enough for me to believe that a creator is responsible for life on earth.. i have read much about powner and understand the work he is doing.
i am interested in your views as to his credibility.
I must be one of those with a strong predisposition to believe in a Creator.
this here is very educational..
come on, y'all.. sylvia.
Snow's writings inveighed against bad manners, yet she would invade the privacy of others, making sure she inveigled secrets, confidences, etc.
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