What if the Universe is 28, 336 years young?
What if each "day" of Creation was 3,760 years?
What if there was only supposed to be 7 "days", but due to a contingency, 8 "days" were allotted before the Day of Eternity (2 Peter 3:18) began?
What if the 7 "days" have ended, and we are now 2,016 years into the 8th "day' which will end in the year 3760?
What if we are now in the 8th "week" (Book of Enoch) of said 8th "day"?
What if, according to the aforementioned Book of Enoch, the Millenial Kingdom is due to be set up before the 8th "week" ends?
What if the 8th "week" ends in the year 2256?
That would mean humanity has less than 240 years to witness the most spectacular happenings ever, and 1,744 years before time becomes meaningless.
What if ... ?