One letter transposed makes a sometime humorous difference.
I remember Untied Nations.
greetings, word lovers:.
in my job, i work with words and wrangle them into shape, well, in a manner of speaking.
one word might be mistaken for another, a word with either a similar or identical sound.
One letter transposed makes a sometime humorous difference.
I remember Untied Nations.
after ban, jehovah’s witnesses in russia harassed by police during religious services.
by jason le miere on 4/25/17 at 4:48 pm .
Me, too, Blondie.
Private homes should suffice.
That's how it all began.
greetings, word lovers:.
in my job, i work with words and wrangle them into shape, well, in a manner of speaking.
one word might be mistaken for another, a word with either a similar or identical sound.
I knew that would draw a response from you.
Either way is ok, I'm thinking.
over many years i have been pondering how mental illness has impacted upon jw's due to the effects of indoctrination.
in my case; when i was 21 i had a breakdown and was hospitalised for 6 weeks.
i was diagnosed with anxiety tension state disorder.
Now, that is the truth, VI.
Crazy begetting crazy.
over many years i have been pondering how mental illness has impacted upon jw's due to the effects of indoctrination.
in my case; when i was 21 i had a breakdown and was hospitalised for 6 weeks.
i was diagnosed with anxiety tension state disorder.
What Simon & CoCo said.
I'm still recovering from a breakdown due to unaddressed childhood trauma, and being drawn into JW's in my early twenties.
Looking back, that was the last thing I needed.
after ban, jehovah’s witnesses in russia harassed by police during religious services.
by jason le miere on 4/25/17 at 4:48 pm .
I wonder how the parents of those kids featured in that Awake! feel now.
good morning, all.. it is good to be here.. thanks to all for your contributions.. love and blessings.
Good mid-morning.
greetings, word lovers:.
in my job, i work with words and wrangle them into shape, well, in a manner of speaking.
one word might be mistaken for another, a word with either a similar or identical sound.
Blackguard ...
Hah, hah.
after ban, jehovah’s witnesses in russia harassed by police during religious services.
by jason le miere on 4/25/17 at 4:48 pm .
Now, the rubber hits the road.
Be careful what you wish for.
May they live long and prosper.
somewhere in the bible it says; the wages of sin is death.. just death.
not pain or anguish or agonising illnesses.
so , why do we have to endure all of the heart-breaking torment that goes along with life?
The Bible speaks of set time periods for God to act - Acts, Romans, Galatians, Ephesians, Hebrews.
What did the Bible writers know, and how did they know it?
This intrigued me so much that I set out to find as much as I could about the subject.
The Book of Enoch prophesies a ten-week time frame before all things in Heaven and Earth are restored to unity with God.
If you calculate the time period from Adam to Jesus of Nazareth, it is 3760 years, the end of the 7th or Sabbath Day. Now, this should have been a wrap-up of all things, as God would have sevened Himself, but the Evil One cut across His path.
So, another "day" of 3760 years, an 8th day as it were, was needed in order to bring all Creation into harmony with His will. This, I believe, was symbolized by the last Great Day of the Festival of Ingathering.
We, I believe, are 2017 years into the 8th day, with 1743 years left.
However, back to the ten weeks of Enoch.
Each week, it seems, is composed of 752 years; five weeks (3760 years) before Jesus of Nazareth, and five weeks (3760 years) after.
It has been nearly three weeks (2256 years) since Jesus of Nazareth promised He would return, and the Book of Enoch shows that He will be back on Earth and ruling in His Kingdom before the year 2256, which is 239 years away.
The question is, WHEN during the 239-year interval does He show up?
Fascinating stuff, isn't it?