Warlock, I screwed up. You were one of the first to welcome me on board. I appreciate that. Please be good to yourself.
for those of you here who think you know so much, read: "the black swan" by nassim nicholas taleb.
then, you will see how much you really don't know.. for those of you here who think you don't know much, read: "the black swan" by nassim nicholas taleb.. then, you will see how much you really do know.. i love all of you, either way, but that was my parting shot.
i've been here for almost a year and i must move on.. warlock .
Warlock, I screwed up. You were one of the first to welcome me on board. I appreciate that. Please be good to yourself.
for those of you here who think you know so much, read: "the black swan" by nassim nicholas taleb.
then, you will see how much you really don't know.. for those of you here who think you don't know much, read: "the black swan" by nassim nicholas taleb.. then, you will see how much you really do know.. i love all of you, either way, but that was my parting shot.
i've been here for almost a year and i must move on.. warlock .
I was wondering when you were going to join.
<!-- .style2 { font-family: arial; font-size: 16px; color: #000099; } .style3 { font-family: verdana, arial, sans-serif; font-size: 12px; } --> has your personality or mindset changed since leaving the organization?the watchtower tried to instruct individuals to adopt the sheep .
like personality or christ like personality.
personally, i still try to .
I can talk with people now - not at them. I can sing Swing Low, Sweet Chariot and not bat an eye.
No more Watchtower, no more Watchtower , no more Watchtower over me
Before I'd be a slave, I'd be buried in my grave, and go home to my Lord and be free!!!
so, here's the scripture:.
2:2 in the last days, the mountain of the lord's temple will be established as chief among the hills, and all nations will stream to it.
many peoples will come and say, "come, let us go up to the mountain of the lord, to the house of the god of jacob.
Read and prayerfully meditate on Zechariah chapter 14 and Revelation chapter 21. Take off those WTS blinders and allow the Word to speak for itself or Himself,
re: http://www.jehovahs-witness.com/8/116108/1.ashx.
a bethel insider in the know told me that all of the child abuse lawsuits where the watchtower bible and tract society was one of the defendants were settled back in the beginning of this year.
i questioned it and called napa myself and they were absolutely settled back then.
i see many new faces here since my last visit - .
this place was instrumental in helping me see the wtbts for what it really is.. .
please - keep an open mind.
That was really nice of you to address this thread to all of the newbies. They are just flocking here to find validation, questions answered and some peace of mind with the bountiful support one finds at this forum
Amen to that. I feel like a new person already. For a while I thought I was losing my mind. Nice to find others who are going through the same process. The WTS is a diabolical organization, and the hold it has on its adherents is unbelievable. I used to be so active in the field ministry, but I'm happy to say that I never convinced anyone outside my family to become a member. Now I'm working on those members who are still in. Whenever I get the opportunity, I chip away at their faith in the Organization. Snowbird
<!-- .style1 { font-family: arial; font-size: 18px; color: #0000cc; } .style2 { font-family: arial; font-size: 16px; color: #0000cc; } .style3 { font-family: verdana, arial, sans-serif; font-size: 12px; } --> how much influence did the watchtower have in destroying your faith in god?personally, i do not believe that a corrupt organization should destroy the belief .
or concept of a designer, god or creator.
in addition, because an organization .
None. The only thing that the Watchtower organization destroyed was the possibility that they would get anymore of my money
Arthur, you are something else! That's exactly how I feel. Not another dime if I have anything to do with it.
Spirituality runs in my blood; I cut my teeth on the Holy Scriptures. I never believed in the 1975 thingy because I recalled Jesus' words in Acts 1. However, I wanted so badly to belong to something that I went along with whatever. Now I am reading the Bible for myself for what it's worth. I'm tackling Zechariah, especially chapter 14. Chapter 12 of Matthew, Luke, and John are really eye-openers. I am having a ball. I LOVE THIS PLACE!!!
i have lurked around here for a little while and i've finally seen the need to post.
i'm 22 years old and a ministerial servant and pioneer in my congregation.
i'm not really here to knock the organization, but i must admit that there are some things(ex.
Snowbird thinks that information gathering is the path to enlightenment. It is not
Reply to barbiecon:
The dismissive attitude you display exactly mirrors that of the Watchtower Society. I find it insulting and demeaning. The posters on this board have all gone through tremendous emotional turmoil before finally finding a place where they can express themselves without fear of being criticized or judged. And you take it upon yourself to take us to task for letting it all out! What hubris! What chutzpah! Yet, I can understand where you're coming from because I used to be you. An answer for everything until I was hit with the awful truth that the Watchtower Society has no answers. It is gasping for breath even as we have this discussion. Ah yes, life for the Society was much more simpler before the arrival of the Great Equalizer---the Internet.
my story as a witness follows much of a 'dumb and dumber' sort of path.
i get to be both dumb, and dumber, of course.
what drove me to post on this site was sheer despiration.
Welcome! My first post was on 5-2-07, so I'm as new as you are. You have come to the right place. My story is similar to yours. Mounting personal problems, and no one to turn to for comfort. I suffered a breakdown in 2005 because of trying to do it all. Finally, I just refused to go to another meeting or assembly. That was the best thing I could have done. Now, I have got to work on getting my daughter out. Keep coming back here and venting. There will be no one to pass judgment on you. Plenty of sympathetic ears---even a bit of humor now and then!!! Keep the faith, baby.
i gotta' admit, i gotta' lil redneck in me.
as life gets shorter by the minute, i'm finding all kinda' neat things out about it before it's unfortunately time to go to the check out line.
country music is slowly becoming a way of life for this redneck trapped in a black man's body.
Hey Prophecor
It's good to know that I'm not the only Black person who likes country music. I grew up on country music as the only station we could get in the backwoods was a country station out of Montgomery, Alabama.
I remember refusing to go to a Garth Brooks show because I feared what the Witnesses and other Black folks would say. Now, I don't give a continental d--- what others think.