I feel you, Brother Man. I'm inactive since 2005, have to tread carefully because my 17-year old daughter is still in. She wanted to go right into pioneering, but her dad and I made her apply for college. The thing is, there's no easy way of leaving the WTS. Its tentacles reach out to encompass every area of our lives.
Reading the Bible on my own, praying to Jesus (yes, Jesus!!!) helps me a lot. I know He understands because He underwent the most trialsome times of any of us. From reading John chapter 7, we see that He was rejected by His immediate family as well as His nation. Imagine how He must have felt.
Anyway, you're in good company here on this board. Talk about multi-cultural diversity! But, one thing we all have in common is that we've found out about the cunning and duplicity of the WTS.