uninformed, thank you for my laugh for the night:
Jael acted courageously, seizing the opportunity to throw in her lot with the Israelites. As a tent dweller, she was used to driving tent pins into the ground with a hammer. So, with a tent pin in one hand and a hammer in the other, Jael stealthily approachedSnowbirdSisera,(THE WATCHTOWER) who was sound asleep on hissideASS.
JoinedPosts by snowbird
New Watchtower format is all because of Blondie!
by drew sagan ini was just reading a thread about the new 'exciting' format for the watchtower and how there will be a jw only edition.
add to this what i believe is the new rule that da'd and df'd people are not allowed to receive the magazines unless they attend meetings.
this all got me thinking.... .
by snowbird inhow many administrators/moderators/assistants are on jwd?.
what does it mean when the thread folders change colors and seem to be on fire?.
thanks.. snowbird.
Juni and Ozziepost:
I thank both of you for that very useful information. I had no idea the board has such features- even a cookbook!
I'm planning on getting my degree in the near future, but between reading the posts of Leolaia and Narkissos (encarta dictionary only a click away, of course) and conversing with the rest of you guys, I will certainly have a headstart.
by snowbird inhow many administrators/moderators/assistants are on jwd?.
what does it mean when the thread folders change colors and seem to be on fire?.
thanks.. snowbird.
How many administrators/moderators/assistants are on JWD?
What does it mean when the thread folders change colors and seem to be on fire?
Talked to an OLD Friend last night
by RichieRich inso, when i was little, there was this guy i used to hang around with.
he was like an older brother to me.
in fact, 8 years my senior, he might as well have been.. his mom and my mom were best friends.
Are you sure your age is not a transposition error? You almost make me believe in reincarnation. I read your post at work and couldn't wait to get home so I could answer.
You are a treasure, and if your parents haven't told you so, (we tend to forget sometimes) please accept it from an African-American woman deep in the piney woods of Alabama's Black Belt.
Something I noticed in the famous "1975" Watchtower article...
by B_Deserter ini decided to read for myself the articles my father and mother were reading during this interesting time in witness history.
i stumbled upon the following paragraph that scared the bejeezus out of me: .
"one thing is absolutely certain, bible chronology reinforced with fulfilled bible prophecy shows that six thousand years of mans existence will soon be up, yes, within this generation!
I've got to add one more thing. The way the Society is jerking people around, I wouldn't be surprised if the rank and file don't do a "Bastille Day" on them.
Can't you just see a disgruntled group storming the Tower, kicking butts and taking names?
Something I noticed in the famous "1975" Watchtower article...
by B_Deserter ini decided to read for myself the articles my father and mother were reading during this interesting time in witness history.
i stumbled upon the following paragraph that scared the bejeezus out of me: .
"one thing is absolutely certain, bible chronology reinforced with fulfilled bible prophecy shows that six thousand years of mans existence will soon be up, yes, within this generation!
I remember it well, also. My oldest child was born in 1973 and I remember the person who "studied the Bible" with me telling me that my daughter would probably turn 2 in the New System. I never believed a word of it, and had I known about all the prophesying leading up to 1975, I would have run like the wind.
Dad on my case again...Mom to the rescue!!!
by R.F. inas i had mentioned in a thread last week, my dad has been on my case about attending meetings.. i've been to one meeting in about a month and that's not counting the dc.
well he decides to question me before he went off to book study yesterday evening.
he asked if i was going and i told him no.
I know where you're coming from. I was one of those smug, self-righteous ones. As soon as I thought someone was slacking off, I made it my business to "encourage" that person.
It's what we are programmed to do. Please be patient with your dad; he thinks he has your best interest at heart. Yours in this journey of breaking free.
Hebrews Chapter Nine Verse 27
by snowbird inhebrews 9:27 - it is appointed for men to die once and after this a judgment.
this appointment with death comes from the adamic curse at genesis 3:19, right?
so the judgment mentioned evidently has to do with how we live our lives while we are under condemnation.
Thanks, stillajwexelder. I still have questions, but that's what it's all about, isn't it?
Hebrews Chapter Nine Verse 27
by snowbird inhebrews 9:27 - it is appointed for men to die once and after this a judgment.
this appointment with death comes from the adamic curse at genesis 3:19, right?
so the judgment mentioned evidently has to do with how we live our lives while we are under condemnation.
Hebrews 9:27 - It is appointed for men to die once and after this a judgment. This appointment with death comes from the Adamic curse at Genesis 3:19, right? So the judgment mentioned evidently has to do with how we live our lives while we are under condemnation. Once the curse is lifted, if anyone dies again, then it must be because she/he chooses to do so.
I have never come across a satisfactory explanation of this Scripture from the Society. Does anyone else wish to weigh in on this baby?
Two Questions...
by AlphaOmega ini need to draw on your collective jw knowledge here; i have two questions:.
1. if satan is supposed to be the ruler of this world and jesus' arrived invisibly in 1914 to rule the world, surely only one is true.. 2. the "knocking" documentary put the dubs on television, does that make them "teledubbies" ?.
A thought on Terry's question which was:
JW's kick out naysayers (apostates) as fast as possible, but, Jehovah allowed Satan the run of heaven for millennia: what gives with the double standard???
Yes, and even if Satan was thrown out of heaven in 1914 ( which I don't believe any more), why dump His problem child on us mere mortals? Didn't our forebears saddle us with enough already?