JoinedPosts by snowbird
by snowbird inplease choose the correct word for the following:.
1. fds is an acronym.
Are Ex-JWs smarter than the average bear?
by reneeisorym ini've noticed that most of us may not have a college education but most of you are extremely intelligent people.. do you think that ex-jws are smarter than the average bear?.
Gopher, you asked:
2. Is eideticism something you can lose
I don't know if I've lost it or the encroachments of other things have crowded it out. I do know that eideticism in more pronounced in young children. I didn't even know I had that ability until one new teacher noticed that I would go ahead and write down all the words on a spelling test before she called them out. I'm talking a spelling list of 20-25 words.
She marched me to the principal's office because she thought I was cheating somehow. I couldn't figure out what the fuss was all about; I thought everyone else processed information the same way. They didn't know what to do with me, so they left me alone to read books, take spelling tests, and solve math problems all at the same time!
Listing of common acronyms
by 1914! incould someone list off the common acronyms and their meaning?
i've been an ex-jw for a few years now and can't seem to remember a lot of them.
i had no idea there was a society like this!
Can I play?
Jeff, of course you can. I thought it stood for: some nutty a** fouled up.
Thanks for the correction.
Listing of common acronyms
by 1914! incould someone list off the common acronyms and their meaning?
i've been an ex-jw for a few years now and can't seem to remember a lot of them.
i had no idea there was a society like this!
Ok, Mr. Minnesota Nice,
What does snafu stand for? It is a true acronym, not initialism, by the way.
by snowbird inplease choose the correct word for the following:.
1. fds is an acronym.
SandraC, consistently 95-99 percentile on standardized tests in English grammar and usage, despite pathetic showing in "success" in real life
You are some alright White girl! Same here for high test scores. I was told by one teacher that I am a word warrior. Thank you, SandraC. Peace and Love,
Are Ex-JWs smarter than the average bear?
by reneeisorym ini've noticed that most of us may not have a college education but most of you are extremely intelligent people.. do you think that ex-jws are smarter than the average bear?.
I don't know about smarter than the average bear, but I used to have an eidetic memory.
When I told one elder that I'd memorized all the Kingdom songs and all the public talks, he said that Satan was playing games with my mind.
by snowbird inplease choose the correct word for the following:.
1. fds is an acronym.
Ahem, let's try this again, shall we? Please select the correct words from the following:
1. To members of this board, FDS is an acronym/initialism for faithful and discrete/discreet slave.
2. Since learning of the corruption of the WTS, what are your/you're plans for its/it's reformation?
3. A person who sees no reason to believe in a diety/deity can be called an athiest/atheist.
4. It is a show of hypocricy/hypocracy/hypocrisy to pretend to be something or someone you are not.
5. I suspect Bethel members monitor/moniter this board for their/thier own nefarious purposes.
by snowbird inplease choose the correct word for the following:.
1. fds is an acronym.
Please choose the correct word for the following:
1. FDS is an acronym
My story, Part II
by pmouse inpart i is here
part ii.
my grandmother still had two children, my aunts living at home during the 60s.
I so enjoy reading your stories. Part I and II are are downright captivating; I can only imagine what Part III will be like. Your family reminds me so much of mine. I used to tell people that my family put the d-y-s in dysfunctional.
Growing up, we were so backward and cut off from outside folks that until I was around the age of 10, I thought babies were born orally! I also thought, until I was a teenager, that men had to unsheath themselves as horses do before they could perform sexually! Can't you see how I was easy picking for the Witnesses?
You really should look into writing as a career because you do it so naturally and well.
Alone in the car
by Blackboo inlast week i saw a former jw sister of mine in a grocery store parking lot.
i was waiting for my brother to come out from work.
i sat there for a good 30 minutes..and she never moved a muscle.
In my area no one is interested, so pioneers have to come up with some pretty creative ways of getting their time in. Some have resorted to volunteering to read to kids at daycare centers. As long as they read something from the Society's publications, they count it as a "Bible" study.