Just throwing it out there.
for additional information:.
for additional information:.
for additional information:.
Just throwing it out there.
for additional information:.
for additional information:.
for additional information:.
What if the Universe is 28, 336 years young?
What if each "day" of Creation was 3,760 years?
What if there was only supposed to be 7 "days", but due to a contingency, 8 "days" were allotted before the Day of Eternity (2 Peter 3:18) began?
What if the 7 "days" have ended, and we are now 2,016 years into the 8th "day' which will end in the year 3760?
What if we are now in the 8th "week" (Book of Enoch) of said 8th "day"?
What if, according to the aforementioned Book of Enoch, the Millenial Kingdom is due to be set up before the 8th "week" ends?
What if the 8th "week" ends in the year 2256?
That would mean humanity has less than 240 years to witness the most spectacular happenings ever, and 1,744 years before time becomes meaningless.
What if ... ?
first of all, i am not quite sure whether this is the right place to ask my questions.
if this is not really appropriate, please tell me in advance, but i really did not know who to turn to, so i thought why not ask the internet... now, i know many of you are apostates and i'm not really looking for "leave it all behind you" answers, but really for experiences, thoughts and ideas... as well as maybe some verses if you can think of any.. anyway, first things first.
since this is very anonymous and i'd like to keep it that way, i will not give you my name, but still, i think some background info might be helpful.
And since this particular handling of a situation seemed just plainly wrong to me I started asking myself if there might be other things that are not as they should be...
Hi and welcome.
With the above quote, you just answered your questions.
Please trust your instincts.
I left the JW's some time ago, so I know nothing of their stance on the transgendered.
Neither do I know any transgendered person/s.
However, I do know that they are not what they seem.
If you truly want to know what you're getting yourself into, JWfacts can help you out a lot.
"by the rivers of babylon, there we sat downye-eah we wept, when we remembered zion.s.
boney m. – rivers of babylon lyrics,1978.
a large part of the judaen population was deported to babylonia after the destruction of jersualem and the temple in the year 586 b.c.e, especially the leading population stratum.
I'm doing research that points to Jerusalem's destruction by the Babylonians occurring around the year 403 BCE.
One day, I'm going to publish what I've been blessed to find.
Ezekiel and Daniel seem to have been written during the Babylonian exile, and Esther and Nehemiah during the subsequent Persian rule.
The books were written to chastise and encourage the Jewish people who looked forward to restoration to their homeland.
This is all the input I have for now.
I love the 137th psalm.
Here it is in its entirety from The Message Bible.
Psalm 137
1 Alongside Babylon's rivers we sat on the banks; we cried and cried, remembering the good old days in Zion.
they were joined later by a group of romans, galatians, ephesians, philippians, and thessalonians.. 4 colossians showed up 16 days later.. not one laodicean was ever seen.. sylvia.
Azotus/Ashdod, Ashkelon, Ekron, Gath, Gaza ...
Five principal cities of the Philistines/Palestinians ...
Five axis lords of the Philistines ...
It's all coming back to me now ...
they were joined later by a group of romans, galatians, ephesians, philippians, and thessalonians.. 4 colossians showed up 16 days later.. not one laodicean was ever seen.. sylvia.
That's what I'm talkin' about.
Can't wait for CoCo's take.
may 21, 2016 to all congregations re: annual items for 2017.
Requesting printed bound volumes is discouraged.
These are for research purposes, dummies, not for building your personal libraries.
they were joined later by a group of romans, galatians, ephesians, philippians, and thessalonians.. 4 colossians showed up 16 days later.. not one laodicean was ever seen.. sylvia.
Tee hee hee.
they were joined later by a group of romans, galatians, ephesians, philippians, and thessalonians.. 4 colossians showed up 16 days later.. not one laodicean was ever seen.. sylvia.
Good one!
well, last monday my mother, a jehovah's witness since her baptism in 1968 died last week because she would not accept a blood transfusion.
she was 76 and had lung and skin cancer.
i know that the cancer would have gotten her anyway, but she was bleeding internally, and was told that she needs a blood transfusion, as her blood count went all the way down to 3.2 (should be 12-14.
I'm so sorry.