DesireousOfChange: I'm curious if there are any of the kids that you think
might have been better off in life if they'd had stayed with The Troof?
Great question. You are correct in stating that many who
leave tend to go to a debauched life and some never make it. In those I have mentioned,
many experienced severe depressions and some fell into dependency for drugs/alcohol
for several years. In fact, one of the 14 even died in a car accident due to reckless
driving. Despite this, most of them now lead normal lives; even if this meant several
years, if not, decades for many! And
yet, some are still struggling with their spiritual identity to this day.
This often brings the comment from JWs: “All this is because
they left the truth!” “See what happens when you leave Jehovah!” What they fail
to understand is that for many, if not, all of those who struggled in their
lives, the primal cause was, in fact, being raised in the truth in the first place.
Those who leaves the JWs will come from severely broken
families. They will generally loose all proper contact with their family and
friends. This, in and of itself, is already very difficult, and yet, there is
more! They will also experience a sense of absolute loss, not knowing who to
trust anymore.
Throughout their childhood and young adult lives, they were
told time and again not to trust anyone but their religion. This trust is severely
broken the day they find out that they were in fact lied to. That the history
of their religion has been whitewashed, that they are in fact permissive
towards pedophiles, that historical facts supporting their prophesies have been
deliberately selected/manipulated to fit their narratives, that biblical
passages have been taken out of context to support their believes, etc.
Deserters have to re-evaluate their view of the world and everything
that surrounds them. As they struggle to build all this, severely isolated through
the practice of shunning, those who cause the most harm than blame these victims:
“It wouldn’t be so had they remained faithful to God (aka: Watchtower).”