Ha! Is that a joke? He didn’t apologise for outing faders on Facebook or making illegal copies of Crisis of Conscience.
I don't remember him outing faders. I know he was accused of this, but never saw any evidence of this. Aside from that story (which I don't know if it is indeed true), he's been effective at respecting fadders throughout the 7 years he's been active as an "apostate".
As for crisis of Conscience, you're right, I've never heard any excuse for that one. What bothered me about this was not the fact he printed and sold the book, at the time, the book wasn't sold anywhere; the copyright holder wasn't doing anything about it. It was that he added jwsurvey on the book.
So, ok, he doesn't say sorry for everything he should. That goes with his pride character. But I did hear him retract and say sorry when he got his facts wrong.
I don't want to defend the guy like a JW defending the WT. But what I can say is that this guy did and still does a lot and the complaints against him are generally not serious enough to demand his head on a pike.