We have a similar situation in Quebec where one of our most well known celebrity is black, Normand Brathwaite. Brathwaite has been vocal in the past about how Quebec is not racist. Sure, there are racist people, but overall, as a province, no. One of the example he used is how he travels the world with his wife who happens to be white. Europe, Mexico, Haiti, etc. The place where he feels no judgement about being with a white women is back home in Quebec. Also, he's been part of the annual National Festivities (Quebec's Day) for 10+ years. How could Quebec be racist when the day dedicated to it had him and other people from different races at the center stage?
Response of the left? He's a house nigger - I actually heard this once in an interview. The kind of black that accepts anything from the white and works against his brothers.
Now, who's racist? People who don't see color, who only see Normand for the talented individual that he is (Actor, comedian, Musician, producer, animator), or the people who bring it all down to Normand being a suck up, some sort of a sell out?