Just thought it was interesting to mention that in Quebec (Canada), they modify the canons so that they can only shoot blanks.
Also, there is no real ammunition allowed on the set.
so alec baldwin shot a woman dead on set and seriously injured another man.. what do we put this down as?
a tragic accident?
maybe ... except that implies no one was to blame.. the more you find out, the more it seems that this was due to negligence and lack of attention to safety.
Just thought it was interesting to mention that in Quebec (Canada), they modify the canons so that they can only shoot blanks.
Also, there is no real ammunition allowed on the set.
it doesn’t have to be about big money.
When I was a kid, I dreamed of being a Lawyer, but I quickly gave that up as this wasn't a suitable objective for a JW. Then I dreamed of being a Solution Architect (SA) in IT. Well, now I'm where I wanted to be 20 years ago. I'm an SA. And now that I reached that dream... well, I don't know anymore.
Truth is... I'm competitive and I like to be the best at something. I'm very good in IT, one of the best I know. So, its very satisfying on that front. But I also feel that my life could find greater meaning in helping people out. That's why I keep thinking that I could be making Youtube videos, provide advises and opinions and spend my time researching various subjects that impact people's lives. But then, a lot of people do that. Would I be as good in that field as I am in IT? I don't know. And once I reach that dream, will I grow tired of it and dream of something else? I don't know. I guess I'll have to try, but I got to get my "ducks in a row" before then.
And then, who knows, maybe I'll change my mind when I actually have the time to start chasing that dream.
In the meantime, I know I am very successful on the most important project of my life: Being a good family man. So, even if I don't achieve anything else, I think we could still wrap up my life as follow: Stephane was a good guy who loved and took care of his family. The rest is just bonus and having fun in life.
so alec baldwin shot a woman dead on set and seriously injured another man.. what do we put this down as?
a tragic accident?
maybe ... except that implies no one was to blame.. the more you find out, the more it seems that this was due to negligence and lack of attention to safety.
If you are physically fit to work and don't, this likely shows issues with Mental wellness and/or drug dependencies.
This is what needs to be addressed and this needs to be done in a firm fashion so that people have all the rewards that come with working hard.
so alec baldwin shot a woman dead on set and seriously injured another man.. what do we put this down as?
a tragic accident?
maybe ... except that implies no one was to blame.. the more you find out, the more it seems that this was due to negligence and lack of attention to safety.
Alex Baldwin is one of my favorite actors. I don't care about his personality and personal views in the same way I'm an absolute fan of Tom Cruise, but can't imagine having a beer with him.
That being said, the guy killed someone! Clearly the gun worked as expected. So the issue was the way it was handled. Was it careless? For instance, if you drive too fast (carelessly) and cause an accident, you can be held criminally responsible for it. Same logic goes with guns.
Answering "no" to the questions should be considered criminal negligence. Even if someone hands him the gun and tells him its not loaded. He was an active part of that negligent process. He is responsible. He should, at the very least, stand trial. Perhaps he could be declared "not guilty" at that trial, but he should still have to go through the trial process.
On the other hand, if, for what ever reason, a live round was painted blue, than, it would remove Baldwin from the loop; attention would be diverted to who painted the live rounds. Sure, there are other security measures that can be followed:
While breaking the above rules wouldn't be criminal negligence, they could easily lead to civil claims.
Oh, one last thing: I very much doubt that Tom Cruise would make a mistake like this considering how serious he's been with gun training for his movies. One of the best fast draw on movies is him in Collateral!
so i showed one of my older uncles the link on jw.org.. https://www.jw.org/en/news/jw/region/global/the-governing-body-announces-that-some-in-person-meetings-will-resume-in-select-areas/.
keep in mind that this is one of the relatives that is a true believer and used every excuse you can think of for the cancellation of all kingdom hall meetings.
and he also used every scriptural argument you can make up to justify the end of the door to door ministry.
I think this is a good thing. I can see the impact the whole covid thing is having on my dad and I know he'll be happier to see people in person.
What evidence did you folks find in Ray's books that was important to you?
For 26 years I ignored the prophecies and the scandals believing that the love within the organization compensated for these shortcomings. Sure, we weren't perfect, but we were all people seeking to do God's will!
Then I read Ray's book! I understood that the love I was after was not a fruit of the organization, but simply the people in it. While we judged people by their actions, we didn’t judge the leadership in the same manner.
While guilt was imparted to the short comings of individual man, leaders never took ownership for their actions as a group, no remorse, no regrets. And yet, being a group does not make them less accountable to act as Christians. For instance, how can someone be forgiven for a sin he expresses no regret about? Same goes with the leaders. What about the way they go about, disfellowshipping people who disagree with them on non-core teachings? What about all the rules they’ve put in place that go beyond the scriptures? They would never accept this if it was only one man. In fact, they despise the Catholic and their Pope for that reason. What they fail to understand though is that a group of man or one man are bound to the same judgment, same rules.
Based on this, it was clear to me that the Organization’s leaders were not the type of Christians that Jesus thought about. So, I left.
Just about everyone in my family. At one point, my mom, dad, sister, ants, cousins, they were all out. I was the only one in... Then they got re-instated one after the other.
I find it interesting that all these people committed serious sins and now, they have some kind of a judgmental attitude towards me. I left on principals; I didn't agree with the teachings. I never divorced, cheated on my wife, or committed fornication. Never drove drunk or did illegal drugs. Yet, people who did such things, but were later re-instated believe they have the moral superiority to judge me.
i see that marvel are introducing a gay captain america as dc announce the son of superman is bi-sexual.. whereas i don't give a hoot about a person's use of their genitalia as long as it is consensual and not with kids, i'm finding all this 'inclusivity' becoming a bit boring.. are dc and marvel just virtue signalling in the hopes of selling comics and not being set on fire by the antifa frauds?
I don't mind gay super heroes, but turning existing super heroes into gay super heroes doesn't work. You are changing a fundamental part of the character.
Sure, its not superman, its his son... but they still call him superman and has the same powers... so, its a cheap replacement trick.
Anyways, people will vote with their wallet. I'm willing to spend on a new gay super heroes, but gay superman? Nope. Not a dime.
i replied to a lesbian on the quora website who tried to state that god destroyed sodom because of the violent rape the people were trying to commit, not because they were homosexuals.
her argument perperuated so often was that it stated nothing about sex between "two consenting adults".
but, instead of using the bible scriptures such as a man shall not lay down with another as a woman, i used something else you never hear anyone use.... i told her to look to genesis 6:1-4 .
Waton - the question is, what evolutionary advantage would homosexuality impart on the individual the fittest to procreate, or more interestingly to humanity, as a whole?
No evolutionary advantages but there are no disadvantages either. With 6% of the US population identifying as gay, homosexuality is no threat to the reproduction of humanity. In the meantime, we enjoy amazing artists such as Elton John and Freddy Mercury. We also enjoy our friends and family members living their life free and happy. Letting them be and possibly be the best that they can be makes the world a better place. Morality, arts, and life’s pleasures are also part of evolution. Happy and united groups have much greater chance at survival than groups divided within themselves.
i replied to a lesbian on the quora website who tried to state that god destroyed sodom because of the violent rape the people were trying to commit, not because they were homosexuals.
her argument perperuated so often was that it stated nothing about sex between "two consenting adults".
but, instead of using the bible scriptures such as a man shall not lay down with another as a woman, i used something else you never hear anyone use.... i told her to look to genesis 6:1-4 .
I find this post interesting; not because I'm against homosexuality, but because it is right: the bible is homophobic.
Here are the “high level” possibilities regarding God vs homosexuality:
I believe in option 1, perhaps option 2 as well.
Option 3 doesn’t make much sense to me: You pick and choose teachings based on your desires, not logical conclusions on what originates from God. Also, does it make sense for God to leave such conflicting messages in books that are supposed to represent his teachings?
Option 4 is even more absurd as this implies that people must twist the meaning of the scriptures beyond common sense.
Sadly, hatred towards the LGBTQ+ community is not isolated to the JWs and it is even more sad to see people from that community trying to reconcile with the holy books while they are in fact, the source of their abuse.