joey jojo: The biggest issue I see out of all this is the extreme position taken by the majority that ALL people who didn't want to get vaccinated were automatically anti-vaxxers and nut jobs, in the same class as those who believe in the flat earth and see conspiracies everywhere.
My family and I took the vaccine to lower the chances that we'd get covid and hand it to my mother in law that lives with us. I understood that it was simply "lowering" the chances that we'd give it to her. Had it not been for my mother in law, I see no reason why I would have vaccinated my kids.
Now, had I taken that decision, the majority of people would have looked at me like I was a nut job!
If there is one thing I've learn about my experience with the JWs is that nothing in this life is black or white. Its one gigantic gray zone where we need to weight the pros and cons of everything.
As for the mask, while it doesn't stop the spread of a virus, it does slow it down. It slowed it down just enough for our medical system to be able to handle it.