I wonder - so as not to be seen as discriminating/persecuting JW's - if the Norwegian government will target any other religion for their unpleasant practices, and create new laws to deal with them?
The practice of enforcing shunning among the JWs is beyond "unpleasant". It isn't simply: You should keep away from people who left our group. It's: If you don't follow this practice, you will also suffer shunning as we'll throw you out as well!
Unpleasant would be more like, this person ...
- is the only one in your group who doesn't eat pork
- will not go to war (assuming they are a small minority in your country)
- will never work on sundays
- will not celebrate christmas or halloween on your street
- will preach all the time
- will ask for special time off due to religion
- etc.
Enforcing disfellowshipping goes beyond mild inconvenience by threatening the freedom to choose your beliefs, your religion; the very thing they demand!
How would they react if people, upon hearing that they are JWs, would stop talking to them completely, shun them and not hire them anywhere? They would cry out "Persecution!" from the rooftops. But when THEY do it, it's ok? They're hypocrisy is loathsome.