"It's just been revoked!" - Lethal Weapon 2
JoinedPosts by StephaneLaliberte
Just for fun...
by Vidiot in…(and for the very first time), i thought i'd post a new topic completely non-wt-related... about a subject matter i have a particular affinity for.... ..i'm a major movie geek (most people here already know that), but one of the many things i especially like are what i call "middle-finger victory lines".. they are memorable (and extremely quotable) moments of dialogue, wherein the protagonist says an extremely cool or badass comment to a very deserving defeated opponent.... ...usually (but not always) said when victory has just been literally snatched from the clutches of certain defeat, and serving as a tall, proud, and victorious flipoff to the often (but not always) shocked-at-the-sudden-turn-of-events enemy.. my ten favorites:.
"smile, you sonofabitch.
"sheriff brody to the shark......just before firing his last bullet into a scuba tank lodged in the charging shark's open jaws.jaws (1975).
DFed for opening an xmas present.
by JimmyYoung inthis last week i stopped at an antique store that i go to now and then.
the lady who owns it is about 62 and very nice.
i was looking at a vintage 1963 ouija board.
it depends on the attitude also. For instance, if, when confronted with her "terrible sin", she replied: Are you serious? You're gonna hold this against me? Its about your looser son isn't it?. Then, yep. that's what happen. Besides, JP1692 is right. As long as three elders agree, anything goes.
The Apology Tour
by minimus ineveryone seems to be hitting the apology circuit.
if you ever said anything inappropriate or what might be considered offensive, then you must apologize.
if you possibly could have hurt someone’s feelings, you need to say sorry.
I love south park, dispite the fact that they have shocked me more than a few times. Because I'b be shocked 100+ times more if they lost their right to shock me!
How to delete posts to this forum?
by deanxxx inhi, .
i would like to delete all my post on this forum, particularly topics i have started.
how do i do that?.
Simon: If there are specific posts containing personal identifiable information, we can edit those out, but we don't do "I'm moving on now, please trash everything for me"
Thanks Simon. We know that the situation of many of us is very sensitive and thus, your willingness to assist in removing personal identifiable information is reasuring.
The sad thing about woke culture is that it has a real visible effect on everyone else. For instance, in Ottawa (Canada), a teacher in a class asked her 6 year old students to position themselves on a boy to girl spectrum and than stated that there wee no boys and girls. Then went on to introduce them to the concept of non binaries.
How the heck to you want kids to understand that kind a thing? Seriously?
Pissed off parents complained to the school board and the schoolboard stands behind the teacher.
Because 0.001% of the population don't identify as man or woman, lets raise the kids to believe that they are neither.
JWs reach new milestone - JW.org reaches 1,000 languages
by Wonderment inbelow is the copied page found in jw.org from nov. 4, 2019:.
the governing body is pleased to announce that a new milestone has been reached in our efforts to make disciples of people of all the nations.
jw.org now has articles, videos, and audio content available in 1,000 languages, including 100 sign languages..
I remember my dad using this as an argument when I left the JWs. And I told him: They translated the message that the generation that saw 1914 would not pass away in hundreds of languages and printed and distributed it in the billions of times. Did it make it true?
I don't believe that someone who is "woke" would know that they are "woke".
Hypocritical Tyndale video
by neat blue dog inat a recent midweek meeting, a short documentary about translator william tyndale was shown.
it begins with this statement about his death:.
"his crime?
I remember, identifying such hypocrisy when I was "in"; however, I didn’t understand at the time how serious it actually was. I’d go on believing that such small harms were offset by all the “good fruits” the watchtower was doing.
This flawed reasoning collapsed after I read Raymond Franz’s books. It helped me understand that, in order of priority, one should first live with these values and then preach to others about it. Hence, preaching, building and organizing congregations are not “good fruits” in and of themselves. The Pharisees were doing the same things and Jesus called them out as hypocrites.
The fruits are how the members of that religion live their day to day lives. How they display love, charity, etc.
That is when I realized that such hypocrisy was very, very serious. I could not pass this down to my kids and I left.
Narcissistic Elders/Pioneers
by StephaneLaliberte intoday, while listening to a book that covered narcissism, i was a bit surprised to find a connexion with those “seeking privileges” in the organization.
while not being paid, pioneers, ministerial servants and elders invest a great level of time and effort in upholding their responsibilities.
fear of being destroyed by god for not doing enough.
Millie210: Interesting that you mentioned that the JWS are also a pedophile heaven; it crossed my mind when I wrote the post.
Even if the initial intent of the "organization" is not to attract narcissists and pedophiles, it is nonetheless a by product of their teachings when combined with their organizational structure.