Many people leaving the JWs aren't doing great. Many of them even go crazy and fall into many troubles. Its normal, leaving such a religion/cult causes lots of heartache and turmoil and life is especially difficult at that time. Sadly, this is as much as JWs will keep track about you. How you were before you left and how you’ve been a little after. In that time of your life where you had it worst. Then, they lose sight of you due to their practice of ostracism.
As a result, they fail to see that the majority of those who leave their group eventually get back up on their feet and live productive, fulfilling lives. They just assume you’ll go on living a hard life, assuming there is no other redemption to your situation than “returning to Jehovah”. Hence, when they see xJWs doing well many years later, it sends them in a corner where the only remaining option for their temporary sanity is cognitive dissonance.