I'd first let them talk, show some interest and let them speak for a good 10 minutes. Once they are invested in me, I'd ask how joining their religion would make my life better. Why do they want to change my life, what do they know about me that makes them feel the need to change my life. What am I doing wrong? It is likely that they spent the last 10 minutes talking about their beliefs and very little questions for me.
JoinedPosts by StephaneLaliberte
Best way to preach to a JW
by Youngaposthate inwhen they come to your door knocking... the best way to preach back is.... handing them a comic book when they hand you a watchtower magazine..
Could Boris "save the NHS & lives" by BANNING Covid 19?
by BoogerMan inobviously not, but he could do so by banning an even greater killer - tobacco.
smoking has been identified as the single greatest cause of preventable illness and premature death in all 4 nations of the u.k. .
annually, in scotland approximately 10,000 die, in wales, 5000, and in n.i.
I smoke cigars. Started about 3 years ago. Sometimes, its out of habit, will be standing in the cold, rain and wind... won't really enjoy it, and i feel like an idiot.
But then, there are times like this morning, where I go in my yard, and truely enjoy the moment. Comparable to eating your favorite desert.
Logically, I should slow down the amount I take so that it only becomes these moments I truely enjoy. But give up entirely? I don't see the point. Sure there is risk associated to it. There is also a lot of risk in driving to work, swiming in the lac, eating chips, walking a bit too late in the evening in some shaddy area, etc.
My point is: I'd advise control rather than full ban. -
Another heart-worming story
by StephaneLaliberte intoday, i got an email from an old friend with a story told by brother andre ramseyer who attended training at patterson in england.
a service dog regularly attended the meetings with his owner.
when the owner passed away, the dog was given to another blind man.
What probably really happened:
A blind man was walking with his new service dog. Suddenly, the dog started to be pulling towards a certain direction and the blind man, out of curiosity, followed his dog. A few street corners further, they arrived at a Kingdom Hall. While there were no meetings in progress, two brothers were about to leave and walked towards their car and paused. Who was that blind man arriving here with his service dog? Getting closer, they could not believe it, it was Buddy! The dog of their recently deceased friend! The dog recognized them as well and it was unbelievable! Like finding an old friend that was lost! They had a pleasant conversation with the new owner, trying to understand what had just happened. Before leaving, the man took some literature in braille and went on his way.
Then, through the telephone game, the story became what was posted at the top of this thread.
Another heart-worming story
by StephaneLaliberte intoday, i got an email from an old friend with a story told by brother andre ramseyer who attended training at patterson in england.
a service dog regularly attended the meetings with his owner.
when the owner passed away, the dog was given to another blind man.
I think it’s quite believable
Most urban legends are believable, it doesn't make them true. based on Magnum's comment, I could have added: the following question: "is a dog able to tell apart the days of the week?". A lot of things need to happen for this story to be true and we know for a fact that the location was wrong. So, very little chance of this actually being true.
Another heart-worming story
by StephaneLaliberte intoday, i got an email from an old friend with a story told by brother andre ramseyer who attended training at patterson in england.
a service dog regularly attended the meetings with his owner.
when the owner passed away, the dog was given to another blind man.
the direction to not bring service dogs to conventions - road to nowhere
I didn't know there was such a directive. Not such a good idea, if you type in "service dog church", you will quickly land on news reports in 2013 about a young soldier that was asked to leave with his service animal. That church got a lot of bad press and they changed their policy since then. I guess all that is needed is for one blind person to show up to a JW convention with a dog. If they are asked to leave, go to the press... the story will go all over the place!
Another heart-worming story
by StephaneLaliberte intoday, i got an email from an old friend with a story told by brother andre ramseyer who attended training at patterson in england.
a service dog regularly attended the meetings with his owner.
when the owner passed away, the dog was given to another blind man.
Interesting that the message i got was saying Patterson, England. As some mentionned on this thread, there is no such place in England and thus, we'd have to assume that it is Patterson, USA. That goes to show just how reliable web stories such as those are reliable.
Another heart-worming story
by StephaneLaliberte intoday, i got an email from an old friend with a story told by brother andre ramseyer who attended training at patterson in england.
a service dog regularly attended the meetings with his owner.
when the owner passed away, the dog was given to another blind man.
Today, I got an email from an old friend with a story told by Brother Andre Ramseyer who attended training at Patterson in England.
A service dog regularly attended the meetings with his owner. When the owner passed away, the dog was given to another blind man. As the dog got excited every Tuesdays and Sundays, the new owner finally decided to let the dog lead him to the meeting where he started a new bible study!
Isn’t it a beautiful story about how Jehovah uses different means to get to people? <include aww sound here>
Well, I still have some questions about this:
- Was the new owner a neighbor of the previous owner? How did he know to go to the kingdom hall from the new starting point?
- In which congregation and city did this happen? When?
- If that man started a bible study, how long did it last? Was he baptized?
- Did the man live alone? Did he have a family? How did they react to all this?
There’s always a lack of details on stories like this which tends to be the case when stories are heavily embellished or simply made up.
Have you ever known elders who were more into being and elder than really being a believer?
by phoenixrising ini have known many elders who were much more into the idea of being an elder and getting all the old ladies to tell them what wonderful talks they give and the power then really being a believer.
i had one elder tell me that when he became an elder he was on top dog on top of the heap.
i knew some who were really all about the religion and following the cult.
I would say the greater majority for this simple fact: Most of them don't agree with some teaching and yet, will teach it from the platform. Then, with they friends and family, will never contradict what ever they said on the platform. Would this actualy be the actions of a true believer? Teaching things they don't personally accept?
I thought this would be "obvious", but apparently ...
by Simon inif you want to share a conspiracy video that is going to be removed by youtube, maybe sharing a link to a copy that is hosted on youtube isn't the best plan.. who knew?!.
social media is no longer the platform to use for controversial, alternative or "wrong think" opinions.. host it if you feel strongly about it, but don't keep posting "this video has been removed" links, it's a waste of everyone's time..
Ultimate, I don't believe Simon has a problem with people who disagree with trump and criticize his actions. He has it for the people who inundated this forum blaming trump for everything. The way the media and the people are handling trump is beyond proportion. I don't agree with Trump and many of his statements and actions, but I don't agree with how the media is completely crazy about him and coming up with bunker sensationalist titles.
I'll give you a concrete example: Right now, a lot of people blame everything on Trump for the impact the Covid virus has in the states. Unfortunately, we are also in a very similar situation in Quebec (Canada). Everyone knows our government has made crucial mistakes, yet, the Medias are not demanding the head of our prime ministers! We aren't inundated with articles about how our PM is evil, selfish, megalomaniac, etc.
That's the kind of absolute craziness that is beyond ridiculous and that was overstepping on this forum.
Who is considered more bizarre?
by incognito2014 injws or mormons.
from a public point of view not from people within the religion as that would be obvious.. examples of extreme beliefs or behaviour would be useful..
Let me put it that way: South Park hasn't done a show on Jehovah's Witnesses; they did on the Mormon cause the source material is hilarious!