Remember, we must be PERFECT just as our LARD is PERFUCT.
ahahahahah, that one made me laugh! :)
my dear, dear simon,.
it is with a heavy heart that i approach your throne today.. i fear i have become aware of a minor boo-boo on the site.
remember, we must be perfect just as our lard is perfuct.. the problemo esta dis: .
Remember, we must be PERFECT just as our LARD is PERFUCT.
ahahahahah, that one made me laugh! :)
i'm new to the forum.
i'm an ex-jw who actually faded from jws.
i'm here to drop by every once in a while to ask a question or two.
While Jeus, as a Jew in the first Century, was likely a fondamantalist Creationist, mentioning a story to draw a point doesn't mean you believe that story to be historical or true.
For instance, if I say: It is the turtle that won the race, cause, unlike the rabit, she never stopped moving towards her objective. This doesn't mean I believe that this race actually ever occured. I just use a well known story to drive a point.
i have a niece who is trying to get pregnant.
she was telling me her husband had to go to a room with porn in it and masturbate into a cup to get tested.
i never thought of this before but but how would a jw handle this.
I would imaging JWs would say that they did it without the help of porn, even if that was not the case.
just a quesiton: can disfellowshipped individuals attend the video meetings.
if they can, do they have to turn off their video and sound?
can they attend with their family?
Hello everyone,
Just a quesiton: Can disfellowshipped individuals attend the Video Meetings. If they can, do they have to turn off their video and sound? Can they attend with their family? Is there any specific instructions for them?
just wondering if anyone can confirm or deny this unofficial jw experience that my father received by email.
i’ve told him that it against wt rules to forward unofficial accounts.
but of course he just puts that down to apostate driven lies.
just wondering if anyone can confirm or deny this unofficial jw experience that my father received by email.
i’ve told him that it against wt rules to forward unofficial accounts.
but of course he just puts that down to apostate driven lies.
While there is no proof about this, it could happen. Even if the emails are filtered by employees, it could have made its way to the CEO, after all, their platform was at the center of keeping a world wide cult afloat. That in itself is impressive.
are you reticent to express your opinion when it comes to religion or politics?.
when we were jws , we had to be so careful that we didn’t stumble anyone.
are you comfortable saying that you don’t agree with someone or something even if it appears you are in the minority?
I find that many people are like the JWs in that they've been told to believe things and they don't question the official doctrine. For JWs, its the governing body. For many, its the media and whatever trends are on social media.
For these types of people, I usually don't go out of my way to share my thoughts and I try not to have friends like that.
hi i don't mean tie my shoe laces together,.
i realize some theocatic warfare involved (lying) getting fed up with trying to fade .. how do jw family members react?.
I faded and didn't lie to my family. I didn't see the point in keeping a relationship with them if they didn’t respect me. In exchange, I give them the respect I expect from them. I don’t preach to them or try to subvert their faith. On the contrary, my wife and I will help them when help is needed; for instance, with tablets and other devices.
As for everyone else, I told them I needed time and never said more. If I ever need to lie to JWs doing some type of investigation trying to break apart my family, I will happily oblige. Still, politely avoiding questions tends to be easier.
it's long overdue, i know, and i apologise profusely but it's tough working full-time and trying to spend time on all the ex-jw work that i want to do...... that said - here are the 2018 survey results for anyone interested and i am already working on the 2019 results.
also, i'm tweaking the survey for the 2020 release which will be soon..... hugs to all!.
sherrie d'souza (aka unstuck!).
I believe the first reason of the survey was to allow active Jehovah's Witnesses to participate and give their opinion on issues where they are usually unheard. Thus, the title of the site: Giving a voice to the silent majority.
However, out of the 8+ million Jehovah's Witnesses on the plannet, only 378 chose to participate. In this sense, this survey, while I admire the sizable effort, is not a success.
Perhaps active JWs would be more responsive if:
Other than that, the survey sounds like a big echo chamber where we get to hear the same things we hear on facebook and on forums such as this one. It doesn't give us a view on active Jehovah's Witnesses.
And I say all this with the utmost respect I have for Loyd and his friends by the way. I want to mention this as I know all the effort that went into doing this and its not pleasent to hear negative feedback such as the one I am writting here. At least, they can draw comfort in the massive success they've found on Youtube. :)
In my experience the bigger the bag he bigger the ass. You could always tell the idiots who thought a lot of them-self by the bag they carried.
Not so sure. I remember bringing my whole family stuff in there. 4 bibles, 4 kingdom songs, 4 magazines, 2 kingdom Ministry, 4 bible study book, 2 drawing books for kids, other kids stuff. My wife carried the baby babby bag. It wasn't that I was soo spiritual, I had everyone's stuff in it.