SL how do you not know that one of the elders in your hall knows that you post here
I use an pseudonym and purposefully try to be vague enough. But if I was too paranoid, I wouldn't write on this board at all!
yesterday, while having a smoke outside my house, i saw the google street view car drive by.
so here i am, wondering when this picture will make it to the web and when a jw sees it.
even if they blur the face, i bet it will be really easy to make out who's smokin' outside.
SL how do you not know that one of the elders in your hall knows that you post here
I use an pseudonym and purposefully try to be vague enough. But if I was too paranoid, I wouldn't write on this board at all!
yesterday, while having a smoke outside my house, i saw the google street view car drive by.
so here i am, wondering when this picture will make it to the web and when a jw sees it.
even if they blur the face, i bet it will be really easy to make out who's smokin' outside.
"the stink of cigars was so too overwhelming"
That's why I don't smoke inside and was enjoying the spring when that google car drove right by me.
yesterday, while having a smoke outside my house, i saw the google street view car drive by.
so here i am, wondering when this picture will make it to the web and when a jw sees it.
even if they blur the face, i bet it will be really easy to make out who's smokin' outside.
Rocketman123: I smoke cigars and don't inhale. Sure, its not good, but statistically speaking, it isn't as bad as you'd think. I actually took the time to research this before I started
yesterday, while having a smoke outside my house, i saw the google street view car drive by.
so here i am, wondering when this picture will make it to the web and when a jw sees it.
even if they blur the face, i bet it will be really easy to make out who's smokin' outside.
"if you are a young person, you also need to face the fact that you will never grow old in this present system of things.
because all the evidence in fulfillment of bible prophecy indicates that this corrupt system is due to end in a few years... therefore, as a young person, you will never fulfill any career that this system offers.
I think this is one of their worst false prophecies.
has anybody here been watching the series on stan or anywhere else called the godfather of harlem ?
i think it was towards the end of the 3rd episode of series one where the question is raised .. i am so far enjoying the episodes i`ve watched ..
According to JWs, ALL of 'em! The Christians, Hindus, Shintoist, Buddhists, Muslims, atheists, EVERY ONE! Heck, even the "spiritually weak" JWs!!
The only ones that will survive are a few million faithful JWs.
Following that logic, you're more likely to die in a traffic accident in the next 10 years than to survive Armageddon!
now that there are no meetings to physically attend, i am in a position where i listen in to my wife's zoom calls.
i thought some of the ideas in last week's clam were a bit strange, for instance they harped on about being 'friendly' to non-jws but not to become 'friends' with them.
the poignant question being put to the audience; 'what is the difference between being friendly to an unbeliever and being his friend?'.
They are nice with you with the constant and never ending hope that you will convert to their beliefs. But nice is just nice. They're never be your friend.
so, in a couple weeks, the jws move on in their bible-reading slog to the book of deuteronomy.. take a gander at deuteronomy 23:12,13:.
a private place should be designated for use outside the camp, and there is where you should go.
13 a peg should be part of your equipment.
this is very good! Really nice post!
don't know how many of y'all still watch it.. this month's topic is "the king of the north" - cook goes into monotonous detail over the jw interpretation about rome, germany, ussr, russia, etc.. leaving aside for other commentators the emotionally manipulative videos of jws in russian holding cells, the tearjerker interviews, the god-awful stiffness of cook (i suspect he has never genuinely smiled, much less laughed, in his 60+ years), just thought i'd comment on one topic.. the centerpiece of the program is a "morning worship" monologue from splane.
let's again just leave to the side the dude's pomposity, smugness, and inflated sense of his own genius, and think about this part of his monologue.. he was tracing the history of the "king of the north" and talked about how "britain" (not england, not the united kingdom, not great britain, but "britain" - no idea why they have that fixation - anyway...) became the kotn in the 19th century.. paraphrasing his comments: "britain would not have become kotn if france had its way.
france was much wealthier and more powerful, but at the battle of waterloo, britain defeated france.
When I was a kid, around 18 years old, I started realizing that the king of the north prophesy didn't flow well. Why was it one king after another within fairly little time and than, for Rome/Britain/USA, it was 2,000 years, completely ignoring that the Romans were not the "prime" rulers since the 500s?
Than, when I was in my early 20s, realised that the prophesy was in fact written after the first few kings and the remainder of the text was simply a false prophesy.
However, for JWs and other fundamentalists out there, this cannot be. It is the word of God and thus, MUST be true. So, rather than facing the obvious and logical explanation, they twist the scriptures to fit their narrative.
so a few months ago i saw avatar (2009) from beginning to end for the first time.. if i'd seen this when i was ten, i'd probably have loved it.
i find the film entertaining but i do have issues with it.. the movie is beautiful to look at, and there's definitely some interesting concepts.. but star wars it ain't.. first issue, the na'vi: these are blue-skinned humanoids with tails.. my first question is: why do blue monkeys who live 5 light years away on an extrasolar moon have african accents?!.
i know what writer/director james cameron is doing in this film.
people don't dress up and go to conventions. Nothing.
Because people don't aspire to be, or find it fun to dress as, these characters in that movie. None of them spectacularly stands out and the story is basically very similar to "dances with wolves". Bad civilized nation takes over native in a cruel way. Been there, done that.
The only thing that was spectacular with that movie at the time was the visual effect. You didn't go to that movie for the story, you went to see the water falls from floating land masses, the dragons and the ships, all in 3D (when 3D was so cool).