My wife found out I was cheating... she found all the letters I was hiding from her.
Now I don't think she'll play scrabble with me ever again. i thought i'd treat myself; i placed an order with the acme escort agency.. damn it, they only had a fiesta available!.
My wife found out I was cheating... she found all the letters I was hiding from her.
Now I don't think she'll play scrabble with me ever again.
what most jehovah’s witnesses don’t realize about their version of the new system is who’s gonna mow the grass?.
after the system is destroyed who’s gonna make that nail your pounding with a hammer?
I used to believe that all the bad/difficult/boring jobs would eventually be done by robots. As long as these robots we're produced by Skynet, we'll be fine. lol
That being said, we're still on our way towards robots, but no paradise in sight though.
watchtower basketball guidelines.
click image to enlarge.
Honestly, I think most of these rules are alright, except for
1) Maximum of 4 players per team in half court games. I assume they want to reduce the risk of injury with too many players in a game, but, these aren't kids, they're adults! Let them decide for themselves.
and most shocking:
2) Give a donation! Out of what? Their next to nothing allowance?? Seriously! Why wouldn't they be able to provide them this small benefit that millions of Americans has access to? For all I care, they could get an indoor pool and it would still be fine considering the amount of time they spent in there with next to no compensation at all.
ostriches, chickens, emus, penguins, ...the dodo + others i cant remember.. it seems a bit mean..
I visited an aquarium the other day and thought how mean God would have been to create sea horses. They're cute, but it's obvious that their life without arms and only one big tail sucks. It's obvious that not all lives have the same value to him, so where did he draw the lines and why?
in the united kingdom.. . .
I don't get this... doesn't this type of action put them into further risks of lawsuits for anything done by any of the congregations under that big umbrella? I mean, before, they could try to sue a congregation and the best they'd get was everything that congregation had... basically, building + 20k? Now they can go for millions in that collective fund. Their need for authoritarian control over everything will bit them in the ass.
joey jojo: The biggest issue I see out of all this is the extreme position taken by the majority that ALL people who didn't want to get vaccinated were automatically anti-vaxxers and nut jobs, in the same class as those who believe in the flat earth and see conspiracies everywhere.
My family and I took the vaccine to lower the chances that we'd get covid and hand it to my mother in law that lives with us. I understood that it was simply "lowering" the chances that we'd give it to her. Had it not been for my mother in law, I see no reason why I would have vaccinated my kids.
Now, had I taken that decision, the majority of people would have looked at me like I was a nut job!
If there is one thing I've learn about my experience with the JWs is that nothing in this life is black or white. Its one gigantic gray zone where we need to weight the pros and cons of everything.
As for the mask, while it doesn't stop the spread of a virus, it does slow it down. It slowed it down just enough for our medical system to be able to handle it.
the bible records resurrections and there is orher evidence besides that gives hope.
what do you think, is there enough evidence to believe in another life?.
Waton: Valid question. In the story, all the resurrected ones came back to the same kind of life, even after having broken the life/genetic line to A&E's faulty one.
Very interesting... for some reason, I never thought of this until you mentioned it here. That is soo true! If they were resurrected, then why did they have to die again?
"breaking news | 2023 conventions.
we are pleased to announce that the governing body has decided that, jehovah willing, we will resume in-person regional conventions in 2023. branches will now begin scheduling dates and selecting venues.
we pray for jehovah’s rich blessing to be with all those involved in the planning.".
I clicked on the link and can't see anything about a 2023 convention. Am I missing something?
straight from the horse's gb's mouth - from the 2022 convention broadcast.. it's at the 38 min.
30 secs.
point of the jw broadcast:
Other Christian groups would probably agree with the idea, if not the exact wording.
Isn't that the reason why the Catholics baptize babies?
from jw org news alert:.
breaking news | resuming public witnessing.
on may 31, 2022, the governing body informed all branch committees that they may now resume all forms of public witnessing with the exception of the door-to-door ministry.
Most JWs I know are happy about not doing door to door. This may very well become the new standard. Besides, times have changed in several countries. At least, in Canada, I can tell you that 30 years ago, it wasn't rare for people to knock on your door for various reasons. As the years passed, this has become rare, even before covid. Even pop in's are no longer socially accepted: Friends and family now text or phone before showing up!
Times have changed and JWs should change with their time. Perhaps Covid is the perfect time for that transition.