Welcome Angie, You do have one of the funniest dads in the world, such a cool guy, he also mentioned to me that you're quite a musician? I play a little myself ; ) One of these days, we have to do a midwestern aposta-fest, maybe have some live entertainment. Good to have you here!!
JoinedPosts by bluesbreaker59
Say hello to RollerDaughter! That's me! :)
by RollerDaughter inhi friends!
i'm angie, the daughter of his-awesomeness rollerdave!
i mean.... his um evilness mr scary apostate... o_o :p (nevermind the fact that they wouldnt baptise him... eeentaresting....).
Favorite Stones song???
by bluesbreaker59 inok, because flipper brought up the beatles, i have to bring up the "anti- beatles".
i always preferred the rougher, raw edge of the stones, and the more guitar driven sound with a swaggering, swinging beat.. i'll go with tumbling dice, keith here was at the peak of his addictions and still came up with one of the coolest riffs.
anything from the micktaylor era is fabulous in my opinion, but sticky fingers and exile on main street are my favorite albums..
OK, because flipper brought up the Beatles, I have to bring up the "Anti- Beatles". I always preferred the rougher, raw edge of the Stones, and the more guitar driven sound with a swaggering, swinging beat.
I'll go with Tumbling Dice, Keith here was at the peak of his addictions and still came up with one of the coolest riffs. Anything from the MickTaylor era is fabulous in my opinion, but Sticky Fingers and Exile on Main Street are my favorite albums.
Favorite All time Beatles Song- Please List
by flipper ini've been inspired by ip sec here starting a thread on all time favorite led zeppelin songs.
so i will give credit where credit is due, thanks, ip sec !!
so what was your favorite beatles song of all time ?
Not a big fan of the first ever "boy band", but I did love Lennon. So I'll go with any of their early songs, where Lennon was really belting it out. I hated the later psychadelic stuff. "She Loves You", "Daytripper" (cool guitar riff that Nazareth later ripped off) "I Wanna Hold Your Hand", "I Saw Her Standing There". Lennon and McCartney were made to sing together though, and George had some cool riffs. I hate Yellow Submarine.
What is Your Favorite all time Pink Floyd Song ?
by flipper inwhen i had a thread a few months ago on your favorite all time groups.
i believe pink floyd finished very high in the ratings.
so, considering there are many pink floyd fans out there, including myself, what is your all time favorite pink floyd song ?
Comfortably Numb - for the guitar solos
Shine on You Crazy Diamond - for the guitar
David Gilmour has some of the greatest guitar tone in the history of rock, and great feeling and vibrato as well. His use of delay is nothing short of extraordinary.
Fade Unsuccessful
by FadingELD ini am new to this site but have been lurking for a while now.
i have not told my story yet because i am in the middle of a situation i had hoped to avoid.
my wife is still a jw in good standing, my two sons were dfd a year ago.
Oh Fading, you poor soul. How is your wife taking things??? Do you still have a copy of the book? Will she demand that you return to the flock? Going through a committee for being an "apostate", that would be exceptionally tough. I've heard most Dubs won't even touch that book for fear of "demons getting them".
Please follow up, I'm very interested in your story.
Is it all just a 'Cosmic Crapshoot'?
by AK - Jeff infirst my faith in the wts went away.. later my faith in religion [for purposes other than fellowship] went away.
to date, my faith in the existence of the 'great cause' remains, but is tarnishing in some respects.
i have no clear picture of what we really are, where we are really going, and why we exist.
Here's my thoughts on life:
I think you should be the best person you know how to be. Love your family, love AND STICK to your mate like their is no tomorrow, tell them every day, because you never know when its going to be your last. Cherish your friends, thank them for being your friends, and always provide a listening ear in a time of need. Give of yourself and your means to those can't or need help. Stay away from man made food products, cause they'll kill ya, and eat a well balanced diet everyday. Enjoy life, enjoy all that it has to offer, and do all things in moderation. Lastly, never interfere with another's happiness.
Everything else, is small stuff...
Folks that are in/still in the "bloom of youth"
by XOCO ini'm kind of learning the ropes here i just wanted to see if they are any young people and what i mean is from teen to 20ish.
no offense to anyone who is over that age but u are still welcome to post here
Yeah, I was out with friends last night drinking until 1 am. This morning my head is a little sore...
Is anyone here have a myspace page
by Es ini just joined to see if i could find a few long lost friends, i would love to add anyone here that has a page.
How the Circuit Overseer Manipulates the Body of Elders
by TMS inthe relationship between local elders and the circuit overseer has fluctuated over the years.
in the sixties, .
the circuit overseer simply appointed all the servants.
I hated "the dog and pony show", that would go on during CO visits. The people that weren't there since the Memorial or last assembly would show up, be early, AND comment!!! Then the elders were practically on their knees every time the CO was around. Every retarted, dry humored joke they would tell was thought to be the funniest thing ever (apparently they never heard of Richard Pryor). People would always line up in droves to work with the CO in service or take him to lunch, then they'd act like the big cheese.
My dad and I used to crack up at this behavior when I was a youngster. This all changed after dad became an elder, and was buying the COs suits, meals, gadgets, etc. I was repulsed by the behavior, realizing my own, rebellious fireball old man had become a company man. He still was a fireballer to the local BOE, but everytime the CO came around, he was just like a lap dog.
Bachelor Weekend!
by RollerDave inlooks like i'll be having a bachelor weekend as my beck is going out of town on a 'consolation prize' vacation with her mom.. see, her mom tried inviting herself along on out trip up north to stay in the dome, and we put the kibosh on that!.
but they had to offer her something, so i was beck and her sister rosie taking their mom to wisconsin dells this weekend.. i got my truck, my scooter is fixed, i'm at my lowest weight since starting my diet and feel great (except for a bit of a cold), the upside is i can do anything i want!.
the downside: no beck.. i think friday night i'll go to the best asian resteraunt in the known universe in no.
Well, Friday night I'll be playing with my blues band at one of my favorite central Iowa bars. Saturday morning I'll be up early smoking ribs, and then Saturday afternoon I'll be attending a jam session in honor of a musician friend of mine who just passed away. Saturday night I'll be drinking, and Sunday, I'll be at with my girlfriend for a family dinner and then watching football. Sounds like a PERFECT weekend to me.