I want some of what you're smoking...
i thought for some of the new ones here, that this letter would be good to repost..................... dear brothers: you may not remember, but i know you very well.
i met you a long time ago when you came to my house with your smiling faces, your neat clothes, and your soft voices, and a bible tucked neatly under your arm.
you told me many beautiful stories of a "paradise earth," and a "righteous new system" which would be established shortly.
I want some of what you're smoking...
when i was growing up as a born in jw, i remember the fear that dfing stirred up within me.
as a kid, seeing a df'd person was quite a scary thing.
thinking back about how it was growing up, it occurred to me that at the time, i never realized that a person had to be baptized in order to be df'd.
Yeah I was a little "afraid" of DF'd people. I was even afraid of being disfellowshipped as a young boy, and as a young man. Then I found out the truth about the Troof... And suddenly, I would tell others, "Listen, what's the worst that can happen? Its not like the elders are going to take me and turn me over their knee and spank me." So I did as I pleased, and let MY conscience be my guide, sure I'm DF'd, but I don't regret it. I needed to be DA'd or DF'd in order to live the life I wanted, a life of FREEDOM!!!!
I remember seeing DF'd people, and ignoring them, being scared of them, and most of them looked like they were going through hell... EXCEPT my mother. She never let it bother her, and she would make a scene if Dubs didn't act polite and speak to her. She was raised a Baptist, and believed strongly in manners, she found it completely absurd that some people that she knew would try to avoid her. I also remember seeing an apostate once. He was a very old man, and would stand in the parking lot at my friends hall, and try to have conversations with Dubs or try and pass out HIS literature. I was warned to "STAY CLEAR OF THAT EVIL MAN!!!!"
I also remember when I questioned my Dub grandma (been in since 1965) about 1975 and Ray Franz. I was about 13 and I told her that I heard that 1975 they predicted the end of the world. She was furious, and denied it, saying it was the people that "went ahead of the organization". She asked me where I found the information, and I told her, "Well, mom has a book at her place that I've been reading, its questions to ask a Jehovah's Witness. I thought since it was about our religion, I would read it, so I read the whole thing." She became enraged and told my dad, who never did anything about it. She did however make up some line about Ray Franz being a "jealous man, and he was trying to seek fame and fortune. Don't ever look up anything by that terrible man, its all lies, everything you need to know is in the magazines or I can answer for you."
I was so sick of hearing that "EVERYTHING I needed to know was in the publications", that I got really curious what they were hiding when I was about 17 or 18, and then really started looking in college, and at that point I was only going to please my family, and keep the elders away.
for me it was the tuesday night book study.
i didn't like reading, opening/closing with prayers and the uncomfortable, close, claustrophobic setting it was in.
this meeting was the first one to be binned when i started to fade.
Thurs. night without a doubt. For my last 4 years in the Borg I was RARELY at a Tues. night meeting (book study). I lived about 25 minutes from the hall and couldn't justify driving 50 total minutes for about 40 - 45 minutes worth of meeting, plus I was JUST THERE on Sunday!!!! The book study was worthless, I gave MANY AWFUL prayers at book studies when I was younger Dub.
Sunday was tolerable for me, because all my family would be there, and we'd normally go out for dinner afterwards, the speakers were generally terrible though, but I answered alot during the WT study, and made sure I covered it all in a very concise manner so no one else could possibly answer.
i would like to give the full details of my leaving the jw's, but i don't have a lot of time at this moment.
basically i was raised in the organization and it drove me pretty insane bacause my father was an elder, mother a pioneer, sister a bethelite, etc.
so, i did the whole thing for a long time.
Doc, c'mon in and sit a spell !!! Glad to hear that you took off the blinders.
for me - rarely would be the correct word.
i don't miss the indoctrination.
i don't miss the wasted time in service.
Sure I miss being able to see my father's smiling face, and talking to him. I miss my "good friends", that are scared to death to talk to me now, due to my being DF'd. I miss seeing my little cousins grow up (they were 17, 8 and 4 when I left). I don't miss giving talks, going to meetings, dealing with elders, going in service or anything else. I also don't really miss the witness "gatherings", where I would almost always be forced to sing and play my guitar at, and had to be concerned about "which songs" I played. I don't miss dealing with ego-maniac janitors either... I don't miss seeing my ex-wife's family at conventions...
goodevening all.
i am new here and thought i would introduce myself.
this is my official first post on this board.
Hey there,
Welcome to the forum, take off your shoes and coat, put up your feet and rest a spell.
since some of us are still active and have to hide our so-called apostate literature, i am curious about where some of you keep it.
i have to leave it at my workplace.
i manage, however, to have one book at home.
Mine was on my coffee table for a long time, now its on my book shelf. I'm DF'd and proud of it.
think about whether they would sleep with a friend or not - i know you guys have said that before "that a guy is thinking whether or not he would sleep with a girl friend" well now i know for sure it's true.. my mate - my buddy - the guy i hang out with admitted that he would sleep with me - i was a little stunned and taken off guard - i laughed so hard.
then he proceeded to say he thinks i have romantic feelings for him..... i mean we flirt, but on such a non serious/fun way that it means (to me at least) nothing.
he was so serious - that made me laugh even more.. anyway i had a good laugh..
2 of my best friends on the planet are females, known them since college, and we worked together. We had lots in common, and helped each other through stuff. They like me giving them "male insight" and I like them giving me "female insight" on matters. I mean I've had a passing thought about sex with them, but nothing more than a "gee wonder what it would be like" type thing. When I'm with them I view them as just friends, or when I do stuff for them its because I care about them (and their husbands).
So I disagree that we are CONSTANTLY obsessed with sex with all women. Some women that I associate with I've never had a passing sexual thought about. I talk to them or help them out because I like people, and they're nice, genuine, cool people. That's my $.02
my daughter goes to a school where one of the office personel is a jw.
my hubby is df'd i haven't been to a meeting in 3 years.
when we go into the office and have to talk to her she directs all of her responses to me even if my husband is the one that asked the question.. once my husband went in there with my daughter and this person didn't direct her answers to my husband who asked the question, but to my daughter who was just tagging along.. this is stupid.
Those idiots always freeze up around me, and act completely retarted. Thinking if they freeze and stay really quiet I won't see them. One time a 6'3 , 280 lb man tried this on me, it was hilarious watching him stand completely still while my mom (also Df'd) and I (DF'd) "milled" around teh meat case picking out our meat for that evening's meal, and carrying on a conversation around both sides of him... It was priceless...
there was this awesome girl i truly fell infatuated with at 16...laura harris from washington, nc.
it was mutual, but she was 18, and in dub years those two can be huge!
missed her for years, and when i think about her, i get a smile with eyes closed....same thing with betsy from dunn many years later.....we were both married and to gooda dubs to be bad with each other....damm it.............................oompa.
Well I was quite the "playa" as a teen, collecting phone numbers, going on "group dates", and emailing and flirting at assemblies like a mad man. At one time I was juggling 5 women, never did anything with em, just stupid puppy love garbage. Then, I got broke up with by "the one", we were truly a "power couple", but she fell for another guy and broke my heart, I cried and got depressed. Then a couple months later I decided I needed to "rebound" quickly, so I went to a "Dub party", and it was really lame, but I met my future (now ex) wife there. Looking back my ex and I had nothing in common, but we were really horny, shoulda just left it at that instead of getting married, but her elders and parents pressured the shit outta us, so c'est la vie. Now I'm happily divorced for over 2.5 years, and with the love of my life. I've truly never been happier, and actually even wish my ex all the best in her life too.
There was one that I almost fell for a second time shortly after I was divorced. I actually went to see her before my divorce was final, and we made out like horny teens a couple times. She was too much of an ultra dub though, we tried long distance dating but eventually she found a younger man that she could control, and she married him. I honestly think she may have had some mental issues too that were undiagnosed. I found out she was breaking up with me when I got an invite to her wedding...