I was rockin out on stage with my blues band!!! That afternoon and day I spent with my girlfriend, just bumming around, didn't even think about that stupid, "anti-Jesus fest"
JoinedPosts by bluesbreaker59
How did you spend the memorial?
by sinis inpersonally, i stayed at home (my wife went), made steaks, drank beer, and watched several vulgar/demonic movies in the world of the jw's (halloween, the eye, hitman, no country for old men, saw iv).
i later went over to my mother in laws house to meet up with some other in laws - who i saved from the jw's - and talked about how the memorial was a waste of f@cking time... then drank more beer waiting for my wife to come back...
I was DF'd one year ago today!
by bluesbreaker59 injust thought i'd celebrate my one year anniversary!!!
Just thought I'd celebrate my one year anniversary!!!!
What are your lame memories of events growing up as a J-Dub?
by superman insorry this post is so long but i had to tell this story like most of you here, i grew up as a j-dub and have many memories of many extremely lame events that we had to endure (mainly because of some bone-headed elder, or holier-then-thou pioneer).
i'll never forget probably one of the lamest things that took place growing up as a j-dub.
this one kid (bless his heart, he really tried hard to be cool) in a neighboring hall tried to throw a get-together for all of the young kids in the different local halls.
Anytime you had a get together you had to have a "Watchtower consideration". I hated trying to play sports with witnesses, because they wouldn't keep score, most of them were so pathetic they couldn't even catch or throw. Trying to play music for them was almost impossible, because EVERYTHING is WRONG or SEXUAL. I was in a "witness band" while I was still in, but "on my way out", and at band practice we'd play all kinds of songs, but for the "gig" (aka get-together) we had to play songs that the "elder drummer", "Ministerial servant bassist" and "pioneer singer" felt were appropriate. Somehow "Keep Your Hands to Yourself" was appropriate, but ZZ Top's "La Grange" was not appropriate, so we did one and not the other. We did some Fats Domino and some Chuck Berry, but most of the songs were "90's pop garbage". Afterwards at both of our "shows" we were questioned about our lyrics and music, RIDICULOUS!!!!
I hated going to my friend's hall with him because on Saturday afternoons after service we'd have a "Watchtower study with movies" at a young elder couple's house. All the teens in the hall were "invited" (expected to go) so we'd have to study and read all the scriptures all afternoon, and then watch some G or PG rated movie. The time I picked it was "The Nutty Professor" with Eddie Murphy, and it was turned off within 20 minutes, so played some stupid winking game. Oh how I don't miss those days.
Who's Got The Blues [C.D.'s and D.V.D.'s]?
by Rapunzel into state the obvious, rock and roll has its roots in the blues.
if you listen to many "classic" rock bands - like led zep, the who and the stones - the influence of the blues is self-evident.
the members of both those bands grew up listening to the blues.
I'm a traditional blues HOUND!!! Listening to old Jimmy Reed right now, and I kicked off the morning with Howlin Wolf. I also play in a very busy blues band around Iowa, we play alot of Freddy King stuff, he's my blues guitar god, well Freddy, BB, Hollywood Fats and Albert Collins are all kinda in a big tie.
Another couple recommendations for you: early Fabulous Thunderbirds, Hollywood Fats, James Harman Band, RL Burnside, Freddy King, Albert Collins, Nick Curran, Little Charlie and the Nightcats, Bo Ramsey (he's tough to find but WELL worth the effort, his slide will send shivers down your spine), early 70's ZZ Top for some "rockin" blues, and maybe some Roy Buchanan for some fiery telecaster aggression.
Enjoy the listening!!!
Drinks with my father last night...
by bluesbreaker59 inok, so i've been df'd for almost a year now, and out of the blue my dad asked me to go out for drinks with him.
this is big because he's an elder in my former hall.
he's only seen me once in the year i've been out, at my (step)grandfather's funeral (his father in law).
To answer the earlier question about my stepmom, well... She was never really nice to me growing up, it caused a lot of fights between her and my dad, because she would start yelling at me or getting on me for nothing, then my dad would here it and put her in her place, really quick. The last time she ever jumped my case when I was 18, she started in, and I decided that I'd had enough. So this time instead of standing there and taking her yelling and berating, I yelled at her, "Shut up, I'm tired of hearing you run your fat mouth. You're not my mother, you never have been, and you never will be!!!! Now do you have anything else to say???" She ran away in tears and never talked like that to me again. Everything I ever did was wrong in her eyes, going to college, going out for academic clubs, being involved in local community groups, etc. She also was always riding me about doing better out in service. Dad on the other hand, saw my gifts; public speaking, influencing others, sharp analytical / logical thinker, and he NURTURED those, by letting me do whatever groups I wanted in high school, and telling me to go to college, because he knew I didn't want to do manual labor or be a janitor. I started college in 2000 when the WTS was "soft" on education, by the time I was done, they were starting to stiffen again. Dad also encouraged me when I bought my first guitar, and was really impressed when I bought my first Les Paul, he's always been really proud of my musical accomplishments. I remember how he cried when I told him I was getting married to my (now ex) wife, he knew that it wouldn't work and he begged me not to. I didn't listen, and 5 years of unhappiness later, I got a divorce when she was cheating on me.
So basically I don't care about having a relationship with her. I respect her as my dad's wife, and I try not to cause them any issues. We get along better now that I'm an adult, and she knows not to cross me. Her family are a bunch of "holier than thou" Dubs, so I don't care for them either. They are the type that will shut off a PG-13 movie!!!!
My dad only had one more sister (older), and she is about half crazy, from dealing with my cousin and her husband works all the time. He put her through the ringer, being a drug addict, alcoholic, trouble with the law, in and out of jail, and just generally hating being raised a witness. He's now totally clean and has a great life with his fiancee. Then there is my dad's mom, my grandma, and well she is probably the most self-righteous Dub ever, total "company woman". She's been in for over 40 years, and frankly I think when she dies, I think dad and his little sister will quit going. Grandma ALWAYS was brow-beating us with scriptures, telling about service or other kinds of BS nonsense. She was best friends with an annointed couple that spoke about 10 different languages, so therefore she was "always" right, that's also who studied with her. I remember expressing some questions about the 1995 / 1996 change in doctrine, and she came down on my cousin and I like a ton of bricks. She told us, "You boys are just like that governing body member back in the early 80's that thought he knew more than Jehovah too. Ray Franz, he was a trouble maker, thinkin he knew more than Jehovah; well Jehovah showed him" Grandma also like to beat my cousin and I at the bookstudy, because she'd take us because our parents were working. She would take us behind this "curtain" they had setup at this old lady's house and just tan our hides, she'd whip us and we'd be screaming bloody murder, meanwhile they were all out there studying.
How I LOATHED her, but she's in her mid 70's now, so its not much longer. She had some good traits too, but for the most part, she was pretty much just a loyal Dub.
Bonnzo, I play primarily blues, lots of slide guitar too, some rootsy stuff, and I love swaggering, ballsy bluesy rock, like the Black Crowes, The Rollings Stones, The Faces, Allman Bros., early 70's ZZ Top etc.
Drinks with my father last night...
by bluesbreaker59 inok, so i've been df'd for almost a year now, and out of the blue my dad asked me to go out for drinks with him.
this is big because he's an elder in my former hall.
he's only seen me once in the year i've been out, at my (step)grandfather's funeral (his father in law).
Ok, so I've been DF'd for almost a year now, and out of the blue my dad asked me to go out for drinks with him. This is big because he's an elder in my former hall. He's only seen me once in the year I've been out, at my (step)grandfather's funeral (his father in law). I now have a beard, play in a band, have a wonderful woman in my life that I am very serious about, and I'm just happy to be alive. The "premise" of this meeting was to introduce me to a restaurant owner, so my band could play there, and to talk about helping him out with his business, as I used to be in the same business a few years back. I thought this was going to be a memorial invite, and a brow-beating session. Well...it wasn't. I was nervous all day, and had been praying about it. When I got there a strange calm came over me, like nothing was wrong at all. I came in and sat down and could see his hands were shaking, and he was nervous, but happy to see me. We talked about life, football, music, our jobs, my girlfriend, restaurants, etc. Nothing religious was said. We talked and drank for a little over an hour, and then left, out in the parking lot he hugged me, and told me how much he missed me, and "We have to do something about that". I told him that I didn't like it either, but I was not going to be a witness again ever. He said "Well, when you told me the other day that you and GF are thinking of getting married and having a family, I have to be a part of that. It would kill me to not be around my grandkids. We have to do something about this so we can spend time around each other again. I'm not sure what yet, but we'll work it out." I told him ok, and we left, we are supposed to meet up again next week.
See my dad was a wonderful father. He raised me on his own from the time I was 5, until I was 11 when he married my stepmom. My mom was only a weekend mother at that point in my life. I DO miss him, but I know that he desires to be a witness, and so does my step mom, so I don't cause any waves for them. I just let them be, and I continue living my life the best way I know how. Its very difficult, but I know that he can't support my choices on the holidays, birthdays, sleeping with my girlfriend, occasionally smoking a cigar, going to the Presbyterian church, etc. Recently, like the last 6 months or so, we've been talking on the phone every week, usually 2 - 4 times a week. I don't desire to see my step mom or her family, I also don't care about many people from my dad's family. I just want to have him, and my aunt (his little sister) involved in my life. They are the only ones that still speak to me, since I got DF'd.
My girlfriend and I have talked very seriously about my dad's family not being involved in our life OR with our (future) children, should we have any. Neither of us want ANY JW influence on our kids, we want them to have a very happy, normal childhood. We also have said that if the family won't speak to me, then they won't speak to our kids either. Its just such a pain in the ass, I wished this religion would just come to an end, or that my dad would "wake up", and realize he's serving a book company.
Memorial conundrum - "So good to see you. Where have you been?"
by Meeting Junkie No More inok, gearing up for the memorial - our annual have to attend.
this is the first year that we will be showing up without having been to meetings in months.
on the last meeting i was cajoled into attending, i was bombarded with the above question.
Get disfellowshipped, smell of cat fesces, wear tons of cheap cologne, OR
DON'T GO!!!!! I assume you're an adult... adults ARE NOT "forced" to do anything. It'll be a cold day in hell before someone "makes" me go anywhere. I got the invite the other day in my door, I didn't even read it, just ripped it up and threw it away. I don't want any of their damn garbage.
There truly are plusses to being disfellowshipped, the best is the following:
- You know who your TRUE friends are
- You know who your TRUE family is
Lets talk about Jesus!
by real one inluke 4:16-19 jesus, went back to nazareth, where he had been brought up, and as usual he went to the meeting place on the sabbath.
when he stood up to read from the scriptures, he was given the book of isaiah the prophet.
he opened it and read,.
Ok, I believe in Jesus, or rather, the Bible's message of love for neighbor, trying to care for those without, and also trying to be a good person by following the basic 10 commandment type principles. What's wrong with that? Jesus, according to the bible, preached about good ideas, love, spreading the message of hope, honestly I don't see how having a certain hope or having genuine love and affection for your fellow man is a bad thing??? That's what I get from Jesus.
HOWEVER, I must say this... If a Jewish carpenter today dressed in a robe and sandals walked from town to town in the US, claiming to be sent from God, or God's son, and showing love for one another, and using parables about slaves, etc. We might think he's crazy, but more than likely, no one would really pay much attention... I think that "Bible Jesus" message, is a pretty basic concept that anyone could've said, but all good concepts, its a shame more people don't put more of them into practice really, the world would be a better place.
Jesus never said anything about R rated movies, drinking, smoking, having fun as a family, celebrating holidays, etc.
Another reason for leaving.
by crapola ini've been trying to think of a reason to stay with the wt org.
can't think of one,but can think of many reasons why ineed to leave.
first of all, a few years ago when i thought the bros. were god, i tried to help my daughter who was having kindof a hard time.
That was a heart wrenching account, and one I'm all too familiar with. Going in front of the elders as a teen is not easy, and frankly, dammit, ITS NOT RIGHT!!! Why do these 60+ year old men need to know what 17 year olds are doing??? IN GRAPHIC DETAIL!!! PERVERTS!!! They are getting there jollies from this. The scripture says you MAY call in the older men to pray over you, it doesn't say anything about being drug through the mud by a group of old perverts, and told how terrible you are. Good grief (SAFE) sexual experimentation is important for teens, that way they can be healthy, sexual adults in their serious relationships and marriages. I'm not advocating being promiscuous, but having a few partners, and practicing safe sex doesn't hurt anybody. This organization also stifles creative thinking, independent thought, and individuality, all things that you need to be a successful person out here in THE REAL WORLD!!!
My advice, stop listening to those puffed up, windbag janitors, and go enjoy real life. Enjoy your family, enjoy your hobbies, go find a church that has truly warm, caring people in it, and still allows independent thought, go make REAL FRIENDS. The air is fresher, the sky is more blue and the grass is greener out here, it was truly the best decision I've ever made for myself.
Tell A Story In 29 Words - In Honor Of Extra Day
by snowbird inhere's mine:.
i've fallen down many times, but i've always managed to arise.. i know the day is coming when i will fall down and stay down until someone lifts me.. sylvia.
There once was was a man named tucker...