Very nice job Terry!!
JoinedPosts by bluesbreaker59
by Terry inloving and forgiving are a huge component of jesus' message to his disciples.. in answer to the question as to how many times forgiveness should be offered to an offender, jesus gave the reply, "seventy (times) seven.
" (variously interpreted as either 77 times or a multiple of 70 times 7).. an example is given of a man who owed a considerable sum of money whose debt was forgiven.
this man failed to forgive a much smaller debt owed to him.
Family situation
by frisbee injust looking for a bit of good advice, my daughter and son in law have been dfd and i have two great grandsons, elders on patrol realise have been communicating and are now arranging for a meet with co in two weeks, they saw fit to remove what limited priveledges i still hold with all that stuff about disloyalty, sharer in wicked works etc.
so now too visit and hug grandsons may release the damocletian sword, are any of you guys stll in touch with close family even if still in - have you had major run ins with the boe in similar situations.oh, i dont need a get out clause for the moment.
Hug, the grandkids, and keeping talking to your daughter and son in law... PLEASE!!!! My dad (the elder) recently decided to stop talking to me, and it hurts alot, because I'm about to get married to the woman of my dreams and we plan to have kids.
Why do I feel like I'm losing my wife to this website?
by sarabi ini'm a jw in good standing and she is too.
she has had a lot of questions.
now, i feel like there is a division between us.
Welcome Sarabi!!!
Please come on in, take off your coat and shoes, and stay a while!
As for "losing" your wife, that only happens, if you were to practice the "art" of shunning, or if you were to try and force her to do things she doesn't want to do, like go to the elders about her questions, etc. As stated earlier by someone, you did take a vow before God to stick by your wife, and that bond is not to be broken by men, you know the verse, "What God has yoked together, let no man put apart." So if the elders found out, and pressured you to do something, they would be going directly against the counsel of the Bible. Also the understanding / teaching of the "faithful slave" is totally contrary to what's really going on. It was brought out that the GB doesn't communicate with the "annointed", rather its that group of old men making up rules for the best interests of the "company".
Please truly EXAMINE the history of this "group". I did and it scared the bejeebies out of me. Russell sounded like a nut case, constantly flip-flopping doctrine, then Rutherford came along and made his own predictions, they did ALL of this in the Lord's name. The Bible speaks VERY FRANKLY about people predicting things in God's name, and misleading many, those are FALSE PROPHETS!!! The Bible also talks about "do not go beyond what is written", yet the Society has PLENTY of man made rules.
Read the Bible, not the NWT, get a King James Bible, or get a modern English translation Bible. Do research, don't just cite certain scriptures, rather, read the WHOLE chapter to understand the context of it. Question EVERYTHING.
Better things to do than think about "The Big Announcement"
by bluesbreaker59 inso i'll throw out a few:.
play my guitarhave sexsmoke some meatcook for my girlfriendhang with friendscuddle with my girlfriendhang with my familygo to a music storego to a guitar shopclean my housego to churchhave more sextry new whiskeygo on a roadtripgo to a small concert, in a cool venuelisten to music at home on my killer stereo systemgo out on a datego out for mexican and get drunk on margaritastake a hearty dumpsniff my own flatulencewatch grass growplay with belly button lintthink about the 1984 celticsfantasize about new guitarsdaydream of getting rich and never working againreally these are just a few... frankly, i couldn't care less what these mindless zombies are up to, it doesn't affect me in any way, shape or form.
why do i care what they do?
Very nice OTWO...
Ditching the Book Study. Is it just a Buy Now, Pay Later option for the WT?
by nicolaou init's unconfirmed and it may be nothing more than a rumour but it seems that the congregation book study may be about to see it's demise.
i think this could have a very positive effect as far as the watchtower is concerned for quite a few years.. the mood will be lifted.
there will be a whole new evening of freedom and the brothers will be happy for it, don't underestimate the goodwill this will generate.
See I still think that the "mid week Brainwashing" will be too much time, involved for the regulars, and its still at the end of the week. I know my dad and step-grandpa, were constantly "lobbying" for this arrangement. They were constantly complaining about gas prices, etc. So I think this may be the motivation for the Borg...
You see, the less "travel" to the Kingdumb hell they have to do, the more gas (money) they save... Therefore MORE money available for "mother"... That's my theory anyway. I can almost hear the articles now on "What a loving arrangement it is, therefore give more of your 'valuable things' to Jehooba"... Blah, blah, blah, and the great hamster wheel keeps on spinnin'...
Judicial Committee - BBoard May Be Facing One Sooner Than He Thinks ...
by BBOARD ini feel a jc is coming for me soon.
here is just a snippet of some of my missed opportunities (girl's names have been abbreivaited for obvious reasons):.
9th grade cm, 10th grade gk, 11th grade - gj.
Hit it boy!!! Move out, get a decent place, have some nice furniture, and a nice bed, keep your place CLEAN, and learn to cook a couple things, and watch the females POUR IN!!! Hell if you can dance a little, carry on even a little conversation, and keep a couple bottles of wine around, you're TOTALLY in.
Then ALWAYS do the following:
- Always wear a rubber, ALWAYS!!!
- Never hurt a nice girl's feelings
- DON'T live like a slob (plates, garbage and crap everywhere, etc)
- Live each day as its your last
- Have no regrets when you "settle down"
I wished I would've never been married when I was 18 (one of those FORCED Dub marriages), I divorced at 23 and then I "got my groove" back. It was nice to have again, DON'T waste your life living for others, live for yourself, and find out who YOU want to be.
Better things to do than think about "The Big Announcement"
by bluesbreaker59 inso i'll throw out a few:.
play my guitarhave sexsmoke some meatcook for my girlfriendhang with friendscuddle with my girlfriendhang with my familygo to a music storego to a guitar shopclean my housego to churchhave more sextry new whiskeygo on a roadtripgo to a small concert, in a cool venuelisten to music at home on my killer stereo systemgo out on a datego out for mexican and get drunk on margaritastake a hearty dumpsniff my own flatulencewatch grass growplay with belly button lintthink about the 1984 celticsfantasize about new guitarsdaydream of getting rich and never working againreally these are just a few... frankly, i couldn't care less what these mindless zombies are up to, it doesn't affect me in any way, shape or form.
why do i care what they do?
No one, has ANYTHING, better to do than worry about "the BIG announcement"??? Really??? Wow... its like being in the Borg again, just "waiting" for Armageddon...
Better things to do than think about "The Big Announcement"
by bluesbreaker59 inso i'll throw out a few:.
play my guitarhave sexsmoke some meatcook for my girlfriendhang with friendscuddle with my girlfriendhang with my familygo to a music storego to a guitar shopclean my housego to churchhave more sextry new whiskeygo on a roadtripgo to a small concert, in a cool venuelisten to music at home on my killer stereo systemgo out on a datego out for mexican and get drunk on margaritastake a hearty dumpsniff my own flatulencewatch grass growplay with belly button lintthink about the 1984 celticsfantasize about new guitarsdaydream of getting rich and never working againreally these are just a few... frankly, i couldn't care less what these mindless zombies are up to, it doesn't affect me in any way, shape or form.
why do i care what they do?
So I'll throw out a few:
- Play my guitar
- Have sex
- smoke some meat
- Cook for my girlfriend
- Hang with friends
- cuddle with my girlfriend
- hang with my family
- go to a music store
- go to a guitar shop
- Clean my house
- Go to church
- Have more sex
- try new whiskey
- go on a roadtrip
- go to a small concert, in a cool venue
- listen to music at home on my killer stereo system
- Go out on a date
- Go out for mexican and get drunk on margaritas
- Take a hearty dump
- Sniff my own flatulence
- Watch grass grow
- play with belly button lint
- Think about the 1984 Celtics
- Fantasize about new guitars
- daydream of getting rich and never working again
Really these are just a few... Frankly, I couldn't care less what these mindless zombies are up to, it doesn't affect me in any way, shape or form. Why do I care what they do? For my family that doesn't speak to me? Is it because I'm considering going back? Is it because I'm 'taking note of the last days'? LOL!!! Life is GREAT outside the fairy tale land of Oz. Why do you all care? I guess I understand for the "faders", but really if ALL the faders, and people "going through the motions" just LEFT the Borg, can you imagine, how the Borg would be hit?
I'd love to see another mass exit... There are TONS of people I knew while in that we're only going because of their family. I say get out when you're YOUNG, and END THE CYCLE!!!! Start your own family, enjoy your spouse, kids, and TRUE friends, nothing says "F you" to the Borg more than getting out, and being successful, and happy, they HATE that.
1914 & Generation What change?
by johnnyc ini have read through many posts on this website that refer to the fact wtbts changed their viewpoint on generation and its relevance to 1914. there was just an article out in the wt (last six months) that reiterated the fact this viewpoint did not change, and that the wtbts still expects the generation who were around in 1914 to physically see the conclusion of this system and the visible second coming of jesus here on earth.
the wtbts did state they consider anyone being born in 1914 would be applicable, which is a change from earlier discussions, but they have not (from what i have seen) said that generation could pass away altogether.
sincerely i ask: if anyone has that information i would love to see it.
After 1995, the generation was ANYONE who saw the sign and ignored it. That could be someone born in 1900, sure, but it also was now wide open for that generation of sign-ignorers to include people born in 1950, 2000, 2020 or 2070 - they simply all had to share that same bad attitude about the sign of the kingdom.
You know, my cousin, and I weren't very old, perhaps 14 or 15, at the time of that convention, but we were paying attention, and even OUR YOUNG MINDS, grasped the concept and what this meant... It meant THIS CULT could keep going on forever, because this "generations upon generations" teaching meant anyone not heeding the example of Christ... Totally the meaning of False Prophet, as outlined in the Bible.
I'm shocked they ever revised this stance, because frankly right now, this could run ad nauseum. This new one with the "Annointed Generation" not passing away is also a good one, because every 5 years or so, someone in that 40 - 60+ crowd is claiming to be annointed. There were a few shocking examples in my area, but its not like you were allowed to "question God"...
1914 & Generation What change?
by johnnyc ini have read through many posts on this website that refer to the fact wtbts changed their viewpoint on generation and its relevance to 1914. there was just an article out in the wt (last six months) that reiterated the fact this viewpoint did not change, and that the wtbts still expects the generation who were around in 1914 to physically see the conclusion of this system and the visible second coming of jesus here on earth.
the wtbts did state they consider anyone being born in 1914 would be applicable, which is a change from earlier discussions, but they have not (from what i have seen) said that generation could pass away altogether.
sincerely i ask: if anyone has that information i would love to see it.
My grandma was ("is", I presume) one of those ridiculous Dubs that CONSTANTLY irritated her family members talking about JW life, or quoting scriptures to us. Her most popular was 1 Cor 16:33 - "Bad Assoc. spoil useful habits", I grew to truly HATE that scripture AND her. She constantly would butt in on family matters that didn't concern her, always being a black cloud over everyone with her opinions. She came in in the mid 60's, and somehow STILL denies that 1975 ever was predicted. She had no life outside of the CULT, and constantly talked about the "new system", and until that summer, she'd sit down and calculate it to you about the "generation of 1914", and how "the end is getting close". I strongly suspect as she's gotten older that she has to wonder if all these years of being a faithful old kook are worth it. What was worse was the fact that she lived with my dad and I after my parents got divorced, and my grandpa died, we bought the family farm, and therefore I was around her everyday from 8 to 15. I miss her in some ways, because she'd watch SNL with me and Cheers, and she loved music, especially old rock n roll, crooners, and some old blues. But then in the next breath she'd be ranting about "The Faithful an Discreet Slave"... Oh how I hated that phrase, to this day it makes my skin crawl.