Well unfortunately for me I married into a weirdo witness family. They were completely DIRTY, TRASHY, STINKY people. They lived like pigs. I remember walking into their house, and wanting to throw up. I should've known then that it would never work. Their dogs, would crap on the floor and they'd wait a few days to even pick it up, their dishes would be laying around all over, glasses of milk left laying around, their bathroom was disgusting, clothes all over the place, and of course that awful smell of animals in the house... The wife pioneered, she was a recovering drug addict, who had 3 kids by 3 different men, before she was a witness. She swore, lost her temper constantly, picked fights, and said the dumbest things you've ever heard. The husband was not the father of any of the children. He was a recovering alcoholic, and really just a big, dumb simpleton. He was constantly, hugging people, touching them, and doing whatever the wife told him to do. They would fight constantly, and they were truly embarrassing to be around. They took me in front of the elders, and decided that we had to get married, since we were messing around.
Well of course this behavior played over into my (ex) wife when we got married, and she never picked up after herself. Her parents were constantly calling, and interfering. Truthfully she never had a chance to be normal. We divorced because we didn't love each other, she was cheating, and I couldn't deal with all the idiots anymore.
Then of course there were the weirdo annointed. I knew two of them. Both were women. One barely ever came to meetings, and she divorced her husband, who was still a witness. The other claimed to be annointed late in life, she was a realtor, and truly a pain to be around, she was always "holier than thou".
Then there was my grandma, and she was a weirdo too. She constantly nagged the family, quoting scriptures and watchtower articles to us all the time. She was always telling people about vitamins, and different health cures. She was constantly accusing people of child abuse or sexual abuse. She was the driving force behind my family staying in the Borg. She completely denied 1975 ever happened. She also would still talk about 1914 well after the change occured in 1995 - 1996. She constantly spoke of the 1914 Generation, and how I would never graduate high school, I'd never have a job, never get married, etc. She IS a weirdo, completely obsessed with JEHOOBA.