I despised the WHOLE ENTIRE LAST DAY!!!
It was the worst day, because all I wanted to do was go home.
The morning was always filled with "experiences", and a WT summary that just drones on and on. Then you get a SHORTENED lunch of like only 1 hour on the last day. Then the afternoon fires up and there is always a LONG, BORING symposium, then usually a song, THEN, there is a "brother windbag" that gets up and gives a recap of the whole thing. He usually has the volume, bass and the reverb all cranked up, so he can lean into the mic and say things with a big, booming authoritative voice. Lots of time this gasbag, will drone on and on about "what a delicious banquet the faithful slave provided us", they will then thank every speaker, re-cap EVERY talk, and talk about how wonderful the drama was. THEN, they would announce the release of some new 192 page book, and finally after running over a minimum of 20 - 30 minutes, they would rap it up, and there would be a song and concluding 5 - 10 minute prayer by the "special" Bethel speaker or DO.
Now the "smart" double life Dub, (like myself when I was in) would leave after lunch. Because you'd say all your goodbyes, then in the last 5 to 10 minutes before its time to sit, you grab your books, and lunch bag and head straight for the doors, walking quickly, and avoiding eye contact. I'd usually be back home by the time the DC was ending. I HATED the DC as I got older, as a kid I like staying in hotels, but hated everything else about it.
Nowadays, I thinking of how many family vacations we could have taken instead of going to the damn DC. Even if we would've saved, up money and went once every 3 years somewhere, that would've been nice. I only took one family vacation with my parents, while I was at home, and we were visiting relatives when we were there. I never understood how important family vacations were until you're older, and realize that you never went anywhere.