My ex wife and her weirdo family, pack of crazies.
JoinedPosts by bluesbreaker59
Trapped in an elevator...
by whitman inwho is the last person you would ever want to be trapped in an elevator with?
for me - tom cruise.
Was my entire life fake?
by BonaFide inso i start thinking about all my "privileges.
" i went to mts, took 600 pages of notes, went to my assignment, i am still serving under the mts program.
for a few years until my circumstances changed.
Good luck with your journey, its a tough one. I was 3rd generation, born-in, I was "used" alot with "privileges", but I wasn't an elder or servant. I was also living a double life for about 11 of the 25 years I was a witness. Then I left last year in Jan. 2006, it was the best decision I ever made for my well being. I asked to be removed from the organization.
I did months and months of soul searching before coming to the decision that EVEN IF, they had the "truth" I didn't want it any more. THEN, I looked at some information online, like Six Screens of the Watchtower, lots of time spent looking up Charles T Russell and then finally got up the nerve to read "Crisis of Conscience". I learned that its just a very successful publishing company with many real estate holdings, that has lots of good intentioned people working FOR FREE so it can make more money. I don't blame the "rank and file", they are usually innocent victims, but I do try to enlighten the few that still speak to me.
Its tough with family and friends that are in though. Because you think they are "real" but they have been so conditioned by this cult that they WILL shun you, and will view you as a demon, if you speak your mind about the REAL TRUTH of this organization.
Eventually if you make friends "outside the Village" then you'll see they are your real friends, and you can have a very loving supportive group of friends that will stick by you no matter what your religious ideas are.
My dad, the elder, finally had to admit to me the other day that I'm happier than he's ever seen me, and he can tell that when he talks to me. He also said that "My happiness was all that ever mattered to him, nothing else matters." Things have been great for ole Bluesbreaker since leaving the Borg. I wished I could be with my dad more, and that I could get the motivation up to lose some weight but otherwise my life is better than its ever been.
by LunaFing inso i was wondering........why do jw's insist that jesus was not put on a "cross" but on a stake?
Because they have to be different, and argue NIT PICKY details.
Hi! I'm new here!
by gloobster ini just signed up here, so i guess i should let everyone know a few things about myself.. my maternal grandfather was an elder in a congregation here, and he and my grandmother raised my mother quite strictly as a jehovah's witness.
my father's father was also a jehovah's witness, though much less devout.
when my parents were in their mid-20's they more or less disassociated themselves from the flock.
Welcome to the board
Great Strides Have been Made!
by Sunspot insince i last posted here, some wonderful blessings have come my way!
my oldest son who i shunned in 1981 and who has since cut me out of his life....has finally "come around" and we are making some real headway towards being in each other's lives again.
he has restored an old 1933 ford jalopy and asked me if i wanted to go for a ride in it with him!
I love getting together for birthdays, holidays, anniversaries, or NO REASON AT ALL!!! I have time to associate with my family and friends, and now that I'm no longer a Dub, its so wonderful to be included on so many things. Keep up the great work!!! I just pray that one day my dad and his family will wake up and we can all be together again.
Assembly news
by lancelink inthis afternoon i went out to lunch with a few witnesses who were talking and talking about what .
a great district assembly program there is going to be this year.
they have not gone yet, but people from their old congregation which is up in northern wisconsin .
Funny, I didn't feel like I missed much at all. Even if there was a big announcement, where would it rank in your life?
I know for me, it would be somewhere on down the list of what kind of garbage bags I prefer. Actually probably lower...
Why On Earth Did YOU Ever Become a JW???
by minimus inmy excuse: born in it and stayed in way too long.. your reason??
Born in, 3rd generation (on my dad's side)
My dad's mom, is an old school UBER DUB, she still believes in the 1914 doctrine for god's sake. She suspects everyone of being a child abuser, yet not anyone in the Borg... She is bat shit crazy these days... She believes EVERYTHING that the Borg teaches... Luckily she is advancing in age, she will die a witness, I guarantee it. However my dad is now an elder, and he's spent almost all his life doing it. He has his moments where he's expressed doubt and concern, but I doubt he ever leaves the Borg.
Promiscuous or sexually free?
by brunnhilde inso i'm 37 and i've only been with one man, my ex-husband, in my entire life.
i just started a new relationship with a wonderful man but i'm fighting the preprogramming that comes from being a dub for 35 years.
how have other people overcome the inhibitions and issues that come from the ridiculously rigid sexual mindset of the wtbs?
I'm one of those that believes it should be a committed relationship. Basically meaning at least no one night stands... But that's MY BELIEF
I didn't enjoy sex while in the Borg, my ex and I were incompatible sexually. She also thought it was dirty, and really didn't like sex, until she found another guy, then I think that changed.
Since I've been out I haven't "went over board", but I have discovered how wonderful sex is with the RIGHT person. My fiancee and I love making love.
I suggest that you will know for yourself when the "time is right", there will be a light that kinda goes off in your head. Then just enjoy yourself.
Yet another new guy...
by tresdecu infirst, let me say it is scary posting here for me.
if my past self could see me now!
i am a ms, been so for about 12 years.
Welcome, please stick around and keep finding out more "truth about the troof"