Let's see there is.......
John Barr, Samuel Herd, Geoffrey Jackson, Theodore Jaracz(the boss), Stephen Lett, Gerrit Losch, Anthony Morris III, Guy Pierce, David Splane
I expect there to be an addition soon.
Let's see there is.......
John Barr, Samuel Herd, Geoffrey Jackson, Theodore Jaracz(the boss), Stephen Lett, Gerrit Losch, Anthony Morris III, Guy Pierce, David Splane
I expect there to be an addition soon.
japan since the 1970''s has had amazing publisher increases!
every year the number of witnesses shot up by many thousands.
this peaked in 1998, since then the number of witnesses and congregations has continued to drop!.
I remember when the Japanese JWs used to be so idolized here in the U.S. No wonder that has changed.
for those that still have doubts about the true nature of the wts organisation, its leaders and r&f and who think that this organisation has a supreme status through being hand picked by god as his sole organisation on earth: .
far from the gb being a group of god appointed saintly elite over an angelic jw society they are group of despicable ever scheming devious men directing a vast and nasty network of jw communities of venomous sneaky vermin which with their poisonous fangs will suck the life out of anyone that gets caught in their cultic spider web of deception and just as with some poisonous spiders you may not realise that you got bitten until well after the fact.
jw sainthood, what a joke, it is as real as easter bunny.
RF it's amazing how easily people can get taken in by the totally false idea that the WTS is a modern day faithful copy of the early church, in fact it is a gross travesty of it. The lack of historical knowledge plus naivity is what does it. Some background reading on the subject will quickly clear up the misconceptions.
...and background reading is something that many JWs just won't do unfortunately.
The entire Watchtower system has it set up to prevent outside research. Take your average JW...........they work a 40+ hour work week, they have children to care for, they have other absolutely necessary responsibilites, and they need recreation. Add that with the fact that they're hounded to making 5 meetings a week, go do door to door magazine sales field service, prepare for meetings, prepare for field service(most don't but some do), and doing family studies, your averaged JW just won't have to to do the research.
Then there's another hurdle....the mental implanting of the idea of looking no further for information than the "UnFaithful and Foolish Discreet Slave" who are terribly biased and uninformed themselves.
All of these are things a JW must tackle until they get the courage to do outside research. Fortunately many are doing it since we see the end result being sites like these.
......on the unfortunate side, the Governing Body can very well do whatever they want and say they are the modern day spitting image of first century Christianity and still have it's share of devoted followers.
when i was an elder, i commonly got in my ( required) minimum of ten hours a month.
typically, i put.
in a lot of time door to door.
Did anyone deduct from their report time out for coffee and donuts?
There were many that would drop a tract on a counter or just about anywhere wherever they took their coffee break. So they take a 20 minute coffee break, drop a tract and their time is still going. Sure, I did the same thing sometimes, but I still believe the actualy hours reported on the overall report when you look at the methods are bogus.
i haven't been to a meeting in going on 2 years and have moved since my last one.
i don't know any jws in my city, never even seen one on the street, and have been looking for the nearest kh.
i am going to check the schedule and see when their service meeting is.
I'm tempted to go, but I want to be consistent with my fade.
Knowing the personality of my congregation, they'll eat that info up like they're at an all-you-can-eat buffet after a 3 day fast.
The majority don't like thinking for themselves so the information is no shocker for them I don't think.
when i was an elder, i commonly got in my ( required) minimum of ten hours a month.
typically, i put.
in a lot of time door to door.
Excellent point metatron, and this is something i've often thought about.
The WTS knows this, and that's why I think they aren't so detailed in explaining exactly how field service time is supposed to be counted. There have been many that have only talked to one person in a total of 2 hours in being out knocking on doors, yet 2 hours were counted for the day.
I wouldn't be to surprised if the WTS put some idea in the heads of the Borg members and making it even more gray as to how to count time just to get the average hours up.
as we know, jws tend to have a very strong fear of satan.
after thinking back, i can't believe the extent to which the concept of satan has gripped many jws with fear.. for instance, there was a member of my congregation whose feelings i hurt unintentionally.
i still believe that if they would've stopped and thought about it that i meant no harm, but since they were hurt i apologized.
Another JW I know...everytime she has problems with any equipment...blender, mixer, a/c ...whatever. She blames demons in it. I said well why don't you give it to me? But no. If she continues to use it and have problems, she will throw it out. She wont give it to someone else or have someone fix it. She does not want to be blood guilty of passing on demonized stuff.
I hope she realizes that almost everything we use will break down eventually. I guess the manufacturer didn't apply the "anti-demon equipment protector".
The above references are taken from 1 John 5. It was only after I left the JW's that I read the Scriptures in context. What the above is saying is that we don't have to fear Satan or any other gods if we are in the Father and the Son. But, of course the WTS doesn't want us to have that assurance. They want us to look to them for security. Cunning, deceitful bastards!
To protect yourself from Satan and the demons you must do more in field service, read all the publications, and attend meetings. That is the basic essence of all of articles pertaining to this issue. Of course, in their mind, the WTS believes the only way to be in the Father and Son like you said, is by the activities they promote.
as we know, jws tend to have a very strong fear of satan.
after thinking back, i can't believe the extent to which the concept of satan has gripped many jws with fear.. for instance, there was a member of my congregation whose feelings i hurt unintentionally.
i still believe that if they would've stopped and thought about it that i meant no harm, but since they were hurt i apologized.
Blaming Satan is a very convenient way for people to feel no responsibility or accountability for their behaviour. It allows them to put themselves in the position of being a "victim" and wounded - and therefore have no responsibilities for the choices they make.
It seemed that some thrived on how much more it appeared that Satan was combating them, thus believing that they must be doing something right in order to be a threat and target to him. It's so sad.
I find it funny how JWs are always so quick to say that others blame Satan for everything while they, at the same time, do the exact same thing. Talk about the pot calling the kettle black.
are there any very active apostates in your area?.
i'm talking about the snarling, fire-breathing, district convention picketing, apostates that are an absolute nuisance to local congregations, and are very irritating thorns in the side of the watchtower society.. i don't know of any in my area but i've heard rumors of one group in particular that is well known and very active.
if it's true i'd like to find out who they are.
WTWizard...you've given me some ideas.
I might consider pioneering again.
for those that still have doubts about the true nature of the wts organisation, its leaders and r&f and who think that this organisation has a supreme status through being hand picked by god as his sole organisation on earth: .
far from the gb being a group of god appointed saintly elite over an angelic jw society they are group of despicable ever scheming devious men directing a vast and nasty network of jw communities of venomous sneaky vermin which with their poisonous fangs will suck the life out of anyone that gets caught in their cultic spider web of deception and just as with some poisonous spiders you may not realise that you got bitten until well after the fact.
jw sainthood, what a joke, it is as real as easter bunny.
Excellent post greendawn!
I didn't develop similar ideas and feelings about this until I began to read the Bible with a fresh approach, without the Watchtower blinders. I couldn't stop reading as I was reading how Christianity was started and what it was all about. I quickly saw that the Jehovah's Witness organization was not the modern day "copy" of first century Christianity.
Being a JW isn't refreshing as Jesus said following him would be. He came to take the burden away.
Far from the GB being a group of god appointed saintly elite over an angelic JW society they are group of despicable ever scheming devious men directing a vast and nasty network of JW communities of venomous vermin which with their poisonous fangs will suck the life out of anyone that gets caught in their cultic spider web of deception and just as with some poisonous spiders you may not realise that you got bitten until well after the fact. JW sainthood, what a joke, it is as real as Easter bunny.
I love this paragraph.