Posts by R.F.
I sent you a text Leslie! Call me if you need ANYTHING at any time!!!!
xxxx is no longer one of Jehovah's Witnesses
by Honesty inis this getting to be a habit right after the announcements during tms/sm nights?
An inside source has informed me that there were two announcements of this sort on a recent meeting, bring the DFing/DAing count in my congregation to 11 or so within the last year, and as far as I know NONE of them are seeking reinstatement at this time. This is great news! The congregation is really crumbling.
Honestly, When You Were A Witness, Were You A Jerk?
by minimus indid you think you were better than everyone else?
did you talk down to people?
were you a know-it-all?
No, No, and No.
Bethel- Which Governing Body member had a Nervous Breakdown and why?
by Witness 007 in{from watchtower life story- please note the pressure put on him at bethel}.
in 1934 karl klien had a nervous breakdown while serving at bethel.
baptized at 12 he didn't go door to door till he was 18...while serving as a teenage elder!
How in the world did he pull off banning t.v.???
Bethel- Which Governing Body member had a Nervous Breakdown and why?
by Witness 007 in{from watchtower life story- please note the pressure put on him at bethel}.
in 1934 karl klien had a nervous breakdown while serving at bethel.
baptized at 12 he didn't go door to door till he was 18...while serving as a teenage elder!
I don't think I ever read his life story so thanks for sharing.
Being put under all that pressure, i'm surprised a nervous breakdown was all he had.
2007- Witness Meetings= Why can't women wear pants/trousers??
by Witness 007 inwhen my mum went to her first meeting she was dressed to perfection, she wore nice ladies dress trouser/pants.
the witness stuying with her told her it was "not apropriate" to wear this to the 2006 i was in a congregation where a sister would put a skirt on over her pants she wore to work.
it looked weird, but the pants ban still is in force 2007.
Wouldn't it be great if they demonized the big coffee break in morning service?
There would be a sharp decline in field service hours. Besides, that's why many go out in the first place.
Sorry WTS - Higher Ed More Important Than Ever!
by Seeker4 ini'm working on an article tonight from an interview i did last week with jane sanders, the president of burlington college and the wife of us senator bernie sanders.
i was thinking of the wts's comments this summer at the dc where they really bad mouthed the value of a college education.. this is what jane sanders said:.
"the cost of education is very high, and we are one of the only industrialized nations in the world that doesnt give some kind of strong support to higher education, that considers that that is a necessity.
The R&F defintitely are realizing this.
There are some in my congregation that are in their thirty and fortysomethings pursuing higher education now. There is one brother in my congregation that received his Master's degree last year. Everyone said he should've put more effort into reaching out to become an MS, but he frankly told them that he needed to look out for the best interests of his family.
My parents aren't college educated and they always scraped by. Alot while growing up, there were many times that I wondered if I would end up eating on some days, but it always worked out.
My mother doesn't want me to have to deal with that so she use to say that she wanted me to go back to college. When I told her recently that I wanted to go back she said..."you aren't forgetting about Jehovah are you?" I think she just said that since I stopped going to meetings and obviously planned on replacing time spent on meetings and field service with schooling. She hasn't said anything like that since. Deep down, I know she wants me to go back.
by nvrgnbk ini believe the moment's right to discuss a very serious
what do you like?
let's edumicate one another!
Well, i'm going to be one of these "light beer fanatics" and stick with old faithful this weekend.
Welcome 4mylove
by poppers inshe just posted this on another thread:
hi all, i finally got the nerve to join.....
welcome to the board.
I'm looking forward to hearing more from you.