I too was about to make a "Where's Drew Sagan?" thread.
Glad to have you back buddy.
i'm sure some of you have noticed i haven't posted on hear in over a month.
i've been really busy with a number of things and have also simply been moving on with my life.
anyway, i wanted to know what i've missed while i was gone.
I too was about to make a "Where's Drew Sagan?" thread.
Glad to have you back buddy.
i have three days left of my two week notice working my job.
in march, i will have been there five years.
i took this job, after many years of thinking the end would come soon, keeping jobs that had no future or retirement..........i thought i would retire from this job.. i put my two weeks notice in without having another job lined up.
You're going to be A okay purps.
I wish you the best
Well, i'm technically "still in", but I feel like I outrightly left. I consider myself a fader but I have no intention of ever going back to a meeting or field service again.
It has been a difficult process, but the most difficult thing for me has been the inward feelings that come from leaving the belief system that has been ingrained in me since birth, not the actual fading. One fellow JWD poster that has been a big help to me told me that i'm in a grieving process, and that makes so much sense when I think about it. I went from living solely for the Organization and now i'm not. BIG CHANGE! Hopefully time will help me as I deal with all of this.
with having so many close to me serve in the armed forces, it only helps me appreciate even more those that serve in them.
i've had 7 uncles and a grandfather serve in the u.s. army, another grandfather in the u.s. navy, my late brother-in-law served for 6 years in the air force right on up to his death earlier this year, and my father also served in the air force in his pre-jw days.. even while being a very devout jw, i still had the utmost respect and appreciation for those serving.
from what i understand after chatting with many of you is that some among us on jwd have entered the military after leaving the religion.
Thank you all for the replies so far.
It hurts my heart to see some JW families react the way they do when a loved one enters the military. I know i'm sure appreciative, always was, at the fact that many put their lives on the line to preserve many of the freedoms that I as well as others enjoy.
There was a brother here locally that entered the military while still being a JW. He died in a plane crash and my father said......"well, see what happens when you disobey Jehovah and do something like that?"
with having so many close to me serve in the armed forces, it only helps me appreciate even more those that serve in them.
i've had 7 uncles and a grandfather serve in the u.s. army, another grandfather in the u.s. navy, my late brother-in-law served for 6 years in the air force right on up to his death earlier this year, and my father also served in the air force in his pre-jw days.. even while being a very devout jw, i still had the utmost respect and appreciation for those serving.
from what i understand after chatting with many of you is that some among us on jwd have entered the military after leaving the religion.
I changed my thread title to hopefully eliminate confusion, but i'll say......
Ok, hopefully that'll make things more clear.
ok, my husband is a packer fan and i love my bears.
last night he was so mad, throwing things, cursing like a sailor, basically acting like me, although, little more reserved.. i was in hiding all morning, giggling to myself, showing no emotion for the sake of our marriage...(lol .
so, i sent him flowers, with a sympathy card saying ....."sorry sucker"....lol.
Too funny Brooke!
*ducks back into hiding before JWDer sees this post. she knows who she is and the Packer/Bears convo we had last night*
with having so many close to me serve in the armed forces, it only helps me appreciate even more those that serve in them.
i've had 7 uncles and a grandfather serve in the u.s. army, another grandfather in the u.s. navy, my late brother-in-law served for 6 years in the air force right on up to his death earlier this year, and my father also served in the air force in his pre-jw days.. even while being a very devout jw, i still had the utmost respect and appreciation for those serving.
from what i understand after chatting with many of you is that some among us on jwd have entered the military after leaving the religion.
I didn't say I was entering, i'm asking out of curiosity.
with having so many close to me serve in the armed forces, it only helps me appreciate even more those that serve in them.
i've had 7 uncles and a grandfather serve in the u.s. army, another grandfather in the u.s. navy, my late brother-in-law served for 6 years in the air force right on up to his death earlier this year, and my father also served in the air force in his pre-jw days.. even while being a very devout jw, i still had the utmost respect and appreciation for those serving.
from what i understand after chatting with many of you is that some among us on jwd have entered the military after leaving the religion.
With having so many close to me serve in the armed forces, it only helps me appreciate even more those that serve in them. I've had 7 uncles and a grandfather serve in the U.S. Army, another grandfather in the U.S. Navy, my late brother-in-law served for 6 years in the Air Force right on up to his death earlier this year, and my father also served in the Air Force in his pre-JW days.
Even while being a very devout JW, I still had the utmost respect and appreciation for those serving.
From what I understand after chatting with many of you is that some among us on JWD have entered the military after leaving the religion. My questions to you are.......
How long after you left the religion did you enter the AF?
How did your family react to you entering? That is, if they were/are still part of the religion.
How was/is the overall military experience for you?
anyone allergic to them (if you're allergic to eggs, avoid them please).. i'm getting mine for the 15th year in a row come saturday.
haven't had a flu during the past 15 years.
I haven't had a flu shot in about 10 years I think, and I don't plan on getting one this year.
1 way to prevent the flu - lots of handwashing with warmwater and ordinary handsoap. Learn not to touch your face. Don't shake hands if you can avoid it. It works for us in the office. We also wash the keyboards and telephones, door knobs, light switches now and then. Just plain soap and water, a little bleach.
Those are some of the things I practice to keep me from getting sick.
purplesofa, .
thanks for sharing this book with me.
although i'm sure this book is accurate and these things have happened within the governing body, it did happen a long time ago and even the "annoited" are imperfect men.. after alot of thought and prayer i chose to stay a witness- an active witness to my ability which is now limited.
that is where my assemblies are, and talk about alot of work that needed to be done WOW
I had a part at that hall probably 20 years ago. The last time I went there was about four years ago, wallpaper peeling off the walls, huge, i mean HUGE holes in the parking area. At one time they thought it was sold, but I guess the buyer wised up.
I remember when it had burgandy velvet chairs and drapes around the stage. It was an old theater, even has a balcony.
I don't mean to do any thread hijacking but..........
.................that assembly hall is trash! They should've built another one. I was there earlier this year and they've made some of the changes. A local sister told me she was there a few weeks ago and that alot of the renovations of been done and that it's looking great. I don't think i'll ever see it since I don't plan on ever going back.