That sounded great Purps.
I couldn't stop laughing at the JW on the end of it.
i was able to call in and comment today on this probably is easy to figure out who i am(ha).
maybe we can email mr. monson and thank him for having this discussion.
That sounded great Purps.
I couldn't stop laughing at the JW on the end of it.
just strikes me that with all the 'active' dubs, still giving talks, attending assemblies; they must be looking at everyone with total suspision!.
soz if i've hijacked a previous thred.. much love to fellow 'apostates'.
It's to the point that many in the Borg view those that use it with the highest suspicion. It can't be known that you use the internet without being questioned as to if you're looking at porn or apostate material.
This is just my opinion, but I think the crackdown on networking sites is just a precursor to something bigger to come along. I think they will demonize it so much that many JWs will just about be afraid to use the internet without being afraid of either demons somehow being linked to internet usage, or being looked down on by the congregation for using it for other than business purposes.
Yes i'm serious about the demon thing.
i am going to guess there are few to no women who do this.
it has to be mainly guys.....and why take the chance is my question?.
i never go below 1/3 of a tank and refill.
I like to fill up when I reach half tank. I usually just end up riding it all out to empty until I don't think I can make it any farther though.
besty and i are of the opinion that if more people da'd and said they didn't believe in the whole thing, it would send a serious message to jws.
you wouldn't need to actually criticize the organisation, avoiding the 'apostate' label.
we know that for many, fading is the only option right now, because of the pain involved in losing friends and family but, surely, if enough people went down this route, then more would have the courage to do the same?
A friend referred me to Little Toe's story. That's where I got the idea from. It's a pretty good one.
besty and i are of the opinion that if more people da'd and said they didn't believe in the whole thing, it would send a serious message to jws.
you wouldn't need to actually criticize the organisation, avoiding the 'apostate' label.
we know that for many, fading is the only option right now, because of the pain involved in losing friends and family but, surely, if enough people went down this route, then more would have the courage to do the same?
VERY cool.
I'm really thinking about doing it myself. The only problem is that my parents are in the same congregation and it might come off as me being an angry apostate.
besty and i are of the opinion that if more people da'd and said they didn't believe in the whole thing, it would send a serious message to jws.
you wouldn't need to actually criticize the organisation, avoiding the 'apostate' label.
we know that for many, fading is the only option right now, because of the pain involved in losing friends and family but, surely, if enough people went down this route, then more would have the courage to do the same?
It depends on what kind of Dub each individual is. Some think that every person that DAs themself is heavily influenced by of his pawns. Some think that the person is just temporarily weak, perhaps from some sin. Others that may be on the fence themselves may wonder if the person that DAs has figured out all of the crap also and decided to make a clean break.
Unfortunately, as others have mentioned already, the announcement change causes others to automatically think you are disfellowshipped. I say the only way to get around that is send out letters to others telling them why you DAed(as someone mentioned this already too), or........going out with a bang and announcing it during a talk or something.
been a wee while since i have been here, holidays and stuff.. anyway, i received the new feb 15th wt last night, the one with the generation change.
they have inserted an image that is meant to represent the anointed class, it is not like the usual ones.
generally these pics would have them with gray hair looking very old, but this image "in my opinion" seems to show them a bit younger.
Sounds like the picture does have to do something with the generation change. I hope a scan is posted here soon. I just got my January 15th WT a few days ago.
I wouldn't be surprised if in 10 years from now they have pictures that are supposed to represent the anointed being full of 30 year olds.
after being out of that faith for about 2 years now, i look back and can't believe how they controlled so many aspects of my life.. we let them in and like a deadly disease they just spread and take over.. what we could and couldn't believe, who we could and couldn't associate with, not allowed to play sports, watch what close you were, don't make friends with that one, do this, don't do that, read this, answer this way, sell that mag, contribute to our fund, contribute to the magazines, contribute to building, give us your precious time and you get zippo for it.. and we let them!!!!.
man i'm so happy i'm out - not a day goes by that i don't celebrate my new life, my new friends, my new interests..
I couldn't agree with you more.
I actually feel alive now that I walked away from it. It's wonderful to make friends with whomever I want now, spend my sunday mornings, tuesday, and thursday nights going whatever I want, and not worrying about looking over my shoulder all the time wondering if i'll "stumble" someone.
If only more JWs could get the opportunity to experience it...........
a lot of people here have posted their photo's, but i think the majority haven't... i sometimes wonder when reading posts on here, what person making those posts must look like, not that i want to see their photo, i just find it interesting... i recently got to see a photo of someone i have talked to on here since i first joined, and i had to say the person looked an awful lot like i had imagined, so i wondered if anyone else wonders about things like this?
is there a particular poster you have a mental image of?
care to share it and see if the person really looks like what you think they look like?
I do, for some reason, have this this pre-conceived idea of what some posters may look like. I'm often way off after I see a picture of them.
..the devil is mean!....and..he will pee in your corn flakes!
He also lives in the homes of righteous JWs with at least a few demons by his side.......
.................that's what ones that thought they were so righteous told me at least.