I have this game for my PSP. It's very enjoyable.
got it the other day from my husband.. never played the first one, i'm so loving this one.. has anyone else played it?.
I have this game for my PSP. It's very enjoyable.
greetings, friends:.
did you - with or without holding an official position in the congregation - find that those needing to talk gravitated toward you?
did those individuals who unburdened themselves feel better after talking with you?
I was always viewed as being very approachable by congregation members, but it seemed to be more apparent when I was appointed an MS.
I sometimes felt odd that ones twice and three times my age would confide in me with some things they didn't even feel comfortable in approaching the elders with. I'm glad that I was able to help some.
dear jwders,.
i would like yalls opinions on which other bible translation is a good to start for reading when weaning off the nwt?
thank you in advance for your suggestions!.
virtually everybody above the rank of elder is/was a pioneer.. you can't become a c.o.
without pioneering.. bethelites (even sisters who marry in) were pioneers.. the administration is full of pioneers that worked their way up.. missionaries and senior overseers at all branches were.
You can see how this is going to cause the WTS to drag on with worn-out thinking
and cause it's upper levels to stay HIGH AND MIGHTY and look down on the rest of
Unfortunately, I think you're right. That's alot of the reason that I beleive there won't be much change for the better withing the organisation. The HIGH AND MIGHTY thinking continues on, even among many JWs my age. Many of them possess this very attitude and have the feeling of superiority over others simply because they're pioneering while others aren't.
....and it was all that i expected.. she and i were extremely close at one time, but we sort of lost touch with each other over a year or go or so, not getting to talk to each other much within that time frame.
she's a very hardcore pioneer as i once was.
i think that's why we got along so great.
primitivegenius, you sure crack me up buddy. lol
I doubt she'll ever talk with me again anyways. That's yet, another reason why I can't be a part of this organization....no "love" shown unless you are 100% in agreement with them. The judgmental way she came off to me just wasn't a very good way of trying to invite me back.
as i read it on your posts, it seems that at your assemblies there were candy machines which you were somehow forbiden to use.. am i right?.
it just seems ridiculous to me!
why, oh why could you not get a bit chocolate from a machine?
good ole shasta, and sandwiches!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
bringing, *twitch*.........back.......*twitch twitch*.......memories......
i can't wait for the new smash brothers.
solid snake and sonic the hedgehog are in !.
I don't play Wii much, but this game will definitely force me to.
Sonic > Mario
sausage biscuits from mcdonalds.
i broke down and got one today.
come now, tell me about your guilty pleasures.
Me!!! I'm the least noticed.
i have been around the jw's for a long time.
we all know that there is not enough attention .
shown to the elderly, depressed, and those in need of financial help in the congregations.. i have often said that the witnesses show more attention to strangers by going from door.
I say get rid of counting time altogether.
Also, would counting time really draw ones to show true love to individuals from the heart. Im of the opinion to think that there would be even more "love" shown to the brothers out of a sense of duty, instead of actually wanting to do it, if the religion were to make the change that you suggested.
I'll say that many JWs really want to do more for the congregation members, but they just don't have the time since you already mentioned the pressure to do more field service. By getting rid of counting time in every way, they'd have more of an opportunity.