You sure write purdy.......wish I understood you.
we find similar separatist reasoning in the knights of the ku klux klan.
such reasoning follows the line of thought present in the hebrew scriptures, that intermarriage with pagan nations would defile the israelite faith.
according to kingdom identity, jesus called the jews children of satan, through the line of cain (john 8:44-47; matt.
You sure write purdy.......wish I understood you.
hmmn, doesn't quite work does it?
ok...we'll stick with 'thirsty' then .
why not register and make a post or two...ask a question...make a statement...whatever !.
I recently discovered this site and decided to jump right in and make a few comments. I ratteled a few cages, but I know when I'm lurking I like to see a little controversy once in a while.
Steven, it's nice to hear from you, congratulations on getting out. You'll have to excuse some of us bitter ones. Were you raised a Witness? Were you able to celebrate your b-day as a child? Become a boyscout? Celebrate holidays like normal children? etc. etc. etc. Or did you have a normal childhood and make the mistake of opening your front door one Saturday morning as an adult and become assimilated?
Crownboy, I think you're going to be just fine. By the way, since when did witness kids start going to college? When I was growing up you didn't even consider going to college. After all, armageddon was just around the corner, we would all have eternity to get some learnin'. I really would find it hard to believe that very many witness kids would come out of college still believing in the Witness mythology.
By the way, Stacey told me that there in a gathering at Golden Gate Park this Sunday, is anybody reading this planning on going?
Thank you all for this board, it's great fun lurking.
for all you american's on the board, are you a republican or democrat of independent?.
read http://www.jehovahs-witness.com/forum/thread.asp?id=12506&site=3 for background.. seems like quite a few democrats here.. slipnslidemaster: "those who would give up essential liberty, to purchase a little temporary safety, deserve neither liberty nor safety.
- ben franklin
I consider myself Republican, even though I believe in a woman's right to choose. For that matter, if you're on welfare abortion should be mandatory. I hear Democrats on T.V. screaming that I don't pay enough taxes, if I paid any more I would have to go on welfare myself.
ok, i know that i'm not the only star trek geek out there.
i know tons of dubs (ex dubs) that love star trek because it's one of the only interesting shows that they are allowed to watch.. anyway, did you watch the first episode tonight?
i'm pretty sure with the one scene, that the dubs will be reproving some for masterbation tomorrow night.. oh and what's your favorite kingdumb song?
7 of 9 goes back in time and falls in love with the Vulcan chick. They don't even need a plot, I'm there every week.
as i read this board i notice that there are a lot of people that like myself don't believe in god anymore, and when i run accross a post where someone is professing their belief in god, that i have nothing but utter distain for them, almost like they don't belong here.
for a newbie that's kind of a ridiculous position i guess.
as i was growing it was constantly shoved down my throat that every other belief system was contlolled by the devil and run by his little demons, so after 1975 came and went and i realized that the one true religion was full of crap also, that left me with only reality to grasp, and that's, you live you die and the the worms eat you.
Don't be so damn sensitive people, I'm just expressing how I honestly feel. I'm not telling you to dry up and blow away if you're stupid enough to believe in ghosts and ferries.
as i read this board i notice that there are a lot of people that like myself don't believe in god anymore, and when i run accross a post where someone is professing their belief in god, that i have nothing but utter distain for them, almost like they don't belong here.
for a newbie that's kind of a ridiculous position i guess.
as i was growing it was constantly shoved down my throat that every other belief system was contlolled by the devil and run by his little demons, so after 1975 came and went and i realized that the one true religion was full of crap also, that left me with only reality to grasp, and that's, you live you die and the the worms eat you.
O.K. safe4kids I can handle your version of spirituality, sounds good to me. And as for you Individuals Wife, I have nothing but love for you honey, "agape" love that is.
One thing I will say though is, if you become a witness later in life you will never be able to comprehend what it was like for us who were raised as J.W.s
as i read this board i notice that there are a lot of people that like myself don't believe in god anymore, and when i run accross a post where someone is professing their belief in god, that i have nothing but utter distain for them, almost like they don't belong here.
for a newbie that's kind of a ridiculous position i guess.
as i was growing it was constantly shoved down my throat that every other belief system was contlolled by the devil and run by his little demons, so after 1975 came and went and i realized that the one true religion was full of crap also, that left me with only reality to grasp, and that's, you live you die and the the worms eat you.
As I read this board I notice that there are a lot of people that like myself don't believe in God anymore, and when I run accross a post where someone is professing their belief in God, that I have nothing but utter distain for them, almost like they don't belong here. For a newbie that's kind of a ridiculous position I guess.
As I was growing it was constantly shoved down my throat that every other belief system was contlolled by the devil and run by his little demons, so after 1975 came and went and I realized that the one TRUE religion was full of crap also, that left me with only reality to grasp, and that's, you live you die and the the worms eat you. It seems to me most people can't handle that, so they think that some magic ferries are going to pluck their souls from their little death rattling chests the moment they die. Sure, I guess that sounds reasonable.
I would like to walk around glassey eyed and welcoming death with the full knoweledge that I have an E train straight to heaven, but alas, I've been hit over the head with the reality stick. Religious people don't bother me, I guess I feel exJ.W.s should know better. It's like when I hear people say that their not religious but their very spiritual, to me that's a cop out, you're either in or your out. I guess they feel if they say they're spiritual that if there is a God they're hedging their bets and they'll get in heaven on a technicality.
I hope to get to know you all much better, my opinions are strong but I'm really a nice guy.
hello all my hurt fellow exj.w.s out there.. i just recently discovered all these j.w.
sites on the internet when i did a search for jehovahs witnesses on google.
wow, this is fantastic.
Hi guys and gals, the origin of the nickname finnrot came from when in highschool, I exorted my friend to hit his pinball with his "fin" as opposed to the correct term flipper. My friend was amused and started calling me fin, which eventually over time becae finnrot. As for Stacy, I live in the Silicon Valley and would consider it a pleasure to take you to dinner.
hello all my hurt fellow exj.w.s out there.. i just recently discovered all these j.w.
sites on the internet when i did a search for jehovahs witnesses on google.
wow, this is fantastic.
Thanx for all the replies. I think I have it all pretty well worked out. I don't believe in God, anybody with an ounce of logic couldn't. Yet I still fear God. I guess you get out of the cult, but you can't quite get all of the cult beliefs out of you.
hello all my hurt fellow exj.w.s out there.. i just recently discovered all these j.w.
sites on the internet when i did a search for jehovahs witnesses on google.
wow, this is fantastic.
Hello all my hurt fellow exJ.W.s out there.
I just recently discovered all these J.W. sites on the internet when I did a search for Jehovahs witnesses on Google. Wow, this is fantastic. I was raised in this cult until I got out when I was around 17 years old. Even though I believed that Jehovahs witnesses were the one true religion as I was growing up, there was always that little logical voice in me that was skeptical.
Also, for those of you that had the unique and horrible experience of being brought up a J.W. didn't you sometimes wonder how boring it would be living on earth forever with all those rules and all those boring people that you were forced to sit next to at the kingdom Hall? And even as a little kid, I was logical enough to figure that forever was a long time and sooner or later Jehovah would get pissed off at somebody and destroy us all and start over again, don't you think?
The year 1976 was the year I actually left the TRUTH and started trying to make up for lost time. My whole childhood was geared towards armageddon and the year 1975. So being the geek at school that didn't salute the flag, didn't get to celebrate his b-day, didn't celebrate holidays, cowered with his parents in the dark house on Halloween and left the room like a scared schoolgirl when someone brought a ouji board to class, was going to be worth it because they were going to die soon and I would live forever. When 1975 came and left I realized that what I had endured all my life as a J.W. was bullshit.
I wanted drugs and women, isn't that typical when J.W. kids go wild. Sounds like a Fox show. I wonder also if there are other J.W. kids like me that had O.C.D. when they were growing up, mine were ritulals, like counting or having to touch things a certain way with a certain hand. With worring about demons sitting on the end of my bed every night ready to demonize me at the first available opportunity, it's not suprising that I would want to occupy my mind with rituals.
I thought the things I went through were unique to me until I discovered these J.W. threads, I can't get enough, does anybody else want to share their experiences growing up J.W.?
Sorry for my terrible writing skills, I should have spent more time studying in school instead of going door to door. :-)