So, what if the article isn't true, would that make you happy?
That still doesn't negate the fact that liberals fight tooth and nail to coddle criminals. Why do you think taxpayers pay for prisioners to get estrogen shots and boob jobs, along with access to cablen T.V. and computers. All provided by our tax dollars. And lets not forget the free weights and nautilus machines. What a great idea, big giant pumped up murders, rapists and burglars. I wish I could afford all the equipment provided for them.
All provided by the courtesy of liberals, you should be proud. When most prisioners get out of prison, they almost immediately go back to the same lifestyle that got them there. In my prison, they would be fed Krispy Kreme and whole milk every day all day and when they got out of prison, these fat blobs wouldn't be terrorizing anything larger than a doughnut.