If you rely on that beady-eyed monster joke-hova, you will have a life of stagnation. You never get to do anything you really want to--just pious-sneering. You will be broke, sick, and stupid. Stifle your dreams and those of any children you might happen to have. And more problems because they are always pushing you to be more extreme within this abomination of a religion.
Challenge 1: Joke-hova always interfering with your happiness. That thing wants to put limits on how you go about sex within the marriage. As with everything else. You can't get a decent income--today, we work 80 or 90 hours a week, and cannot even provide the standard of living that one person working 40 hours a week could have in 1967. And all the money you waste--gas for field circus and grand boasting sessions, hotel payments, suit dry cleaning, eating at McDonalds every day, and so on waste a lot of money. Not to mention the donations. Put that abomination in your marriage, you are going to wreck it more assuredly than adultery would have.
Rent? This means selling that decent house that would have had room for the whole family, renting a tiny studio, and wasting more money on something you don't even own. You will own nothing. You will need to throw away everything that means anything to you, just to fit into that tiny studio. Not to mention, they want you getting your furniture and other things at walmart instead of the many fine sites online that sell top quality at full prices (sort of like Sears did in 1968). Good for walmart (that abomination of a "store"). Not good for you, or the environment (the top quality means fewer pieces in the landfill, less plastic in the ocean, and less time and money wasted in the future replacing things that break.)
Obviously, they wish to disconnect us from our past. There was more going on in 1967 and 1968 than drugs and riots. This is a period where we were trying to disconnect from that archetype of the perfect slave, and the washtowel doesn't want anyone trying to go back to this time. (It was also a time when people were more care-free.) Instead, it is endless field circus, endless donating money and psychic energy to enslave the whole world into Noahide Law, endless cheap crap that is intended to be thrown in the landfills and oceans after a month or so, and endless drudgery.
And more of those shots against The Wimpiest Disease on the Planet.