Not to sound insulting, but you come off with some real anger issues. I hope whatever troubles you gets resolved soon and you find peace and contentment.
Yes, Jesus taught about love. But, is it a blind love? No. Does Jesus love Satan and his demon horde? Does Jesus love Judas Iscariot? Does Jesus have love for those that he'll destroy during the Great Tribulation? What about his love for the Pharisees of his day? Love for wayward Isrealites; Korah? Dathan? Abihram? Love for Pharoah and his military force?
Again, you ask why am I on this board. Why do most ex-dubs on this board talk about how "witlesses" are led by the nose, can't think for themselves, and have the intellectual capacity of a gnat yet when a witness comes on this board to discuss topics ex-dubs want to run them off? Do ex-dubs prefer their rants go uncontested? I would think there wouldn't be so much gnashing of teeth when one of us shows up.
Unfortunately, your experience isn't uncommon. Constantly, there's reminders for Elders NOT to impose our personal views on others. Yet, as in your case, too many Elders still "suggest" or out right "tell" others what to do. No Elder has the authority to tell someone to take back their mate. 1 Cor. 7:10,11.
As far as your case with the JC, surely, you were smart enough to realize your written letter was the evidence needed to get dissed and the consequences of your impulsive actions. So, now you're living with the consequences of YOUR actions. Since you can use a BIG BOY voice, surely you can accept your BIG BOY actions, right? Be man about it and accept the choices YOU made. Don't expect others to compromise their lifestyle when you chose not to compromise yours for their sake.
Prodigal Son: Luke15:17-21 - The son "came to his senses", repented, and returned to his father with a humble attitude (make him one of the hired servants). Notice the steps taken by the son BEFORE his father tenderly kissed him and prepared a feast for him. What steps would you need to take?
1919: Matt.24:45 - Out of all of the religions "professing to be Christian" which one is the most progressive when it comes to understanding Bible doctrine? Hellfire? Immortality of the Soul? Trinity? Neutrality? Rapture? Earthly paradise? Jehovah being Supreme? Is the WTBTS perfect? Far from it. But, how does it's basic teachings stack up with your Pastors and other religions professing to follow Christ? You said it aptly, "all religions have flaws", but some more glaring flaws than others.
Russell: Studied it all. Sex with secretaries, scorned wife, cooky writings, white robes standing on the Brookly Bridge in 1914, ect. Just as you mentioned, I don't follow any man, I base my beliefs on what the Bible says.
Your Pastor/Father in-law doesn't drink or swear? Is that all it takes for you to trust someone?