Don't let anybody haul your mattress away without your knowledge.
Don't forget what book you stashed your "MAD" money in.
then quit opening your wallet upside down, open your purse right side up, and sew up the holes in your pockets!!!!.
did i forget anything?.
warlock .
Don't let anybody haul your mattress away without your knowledge.
Don't forget what book you stashed your "MAD" money in.
my computer has been crashing for weeks.
i finally got sick of it and bought a new one.
it's a lovely computer but i am still having the bsod.
Google for vista bsod, you should find your answer there, hopefully.
we all know wt's view of "apostates"and disfellowshiped persons.
they grap from the old testament quotes that "god's people, isralites" stone to death the evil doers, even the unobedient children.
the first one to cast the stone was a close relative, parents, brothers, sisters.
Oh Homer,you said:
"mankind has advanced somewhat from
those times wo'uldn't you agree ?"
I'm sure you're aware of what is going on in the middle east with all those modern day religious fanatics, such as the Taliban, the Shiia's, Sunni's,Sikh's, et.,al. Religious fanatics are killing people in the name of God, even,or more so, their own relatives that supposedly break their religious and cultural more's. Yes, people would/will kill their brothers and sisters,even relatives, in the name of God. I'm so glad "the rule of law"exists in this country and most of the rest of the world.
please, don't go insane now.
of all the apocalypses on this site, the one youre about to read is probably the most mind-boggling of them all.
Elsewhere said:
" Finally, the Universe is totally and utterly empty. You won’t see any light or spot any planet -- in fact, you won’t even find the tiniest speck of dust. The Universe has sterilized itself. All there is left, is emptiness, and darkness"
I believe that that means that existence still exists, otherwise, dust, emptiness and darkness would not exist. "Nothing" could not exist in non-existence. I believe there is no "is" if existence does not exist, therefore, we wouldn't quite be back to where we were before the "big bang", I think. I tend to believe there was no "time" before the "big bang." Even "nothing" did not exist before existence.
So, how many zero's befrore we get to NO existence? LOL
shunning is certainly very bad.
it has a very serious personal, social, and psychological remifications.
regardless of one's age, it looks like alot of people are finding it hard to overcome its consequences.
This case was just reported today in the San Bernardino Sun newspaper; check it out.
no, not "brother rolando" but "brother rando".
ever hear of him?
i stumbled upon the website, where "brother rando" is an expert on everything jehovah's witness.. i looked up his profile and this is what i found:.
Here's something curious, are JW,s speculating about the year 2034 or is this just brother Rando running ahead?
Did Jehovah promise a peaceful and secure new order before the generation that saw the events of 1914 CE passed away?
According to scripture Jesus said he would rise on the third day and he did. But is there another meaning? We are not sure and it would indeed be speculation.
One speculation is that if we apply the Day to the Lord is a thousand years to us. Then two days are about to pass with the third about to begin. Jesus was put to death in 33 CE. If we add 2,000 years then we come up with 2033 with 2034 being the beginning of the third day.
Also there is speculation how long a generation is. Since Jehovah cut man's life span to 120 years, we add 120 to 1914 and again come up with 2034. Should 2034 come and go like 1914 it doesn't mean it hasn't come true because we won't know until AFTER the fact. That way Jehovah can judge an open heart and not someone who is trying to get in by deception. 1914 for a certainty is the beginning of the end, for we can point to the "signs" afterwards. But the end itself won't be revealed until "after the fact" and will be too late for those who hesitated to act at all.
My only advice to you is in two words which takes much work.
Be Ready.
Brother Rando
it appears that the watchtower teaches that the 1000 year reign starts after armageddon, which makes sense.
(revelation 20:6) .
.happy and holy is anyone having part in the first resurrection; over these the second death has no authority, but they will be priests of god and of the christ, and will rule as kings with him for the thousand years.
Hello all.
I'm thinking that JW's say that Jesus starting to rule in 1914 has to do with Jesus taking over the throne that was held by his forefather,David, and
which was promised to him (David) forever. 2 SAM. 7:13: "He shall build an house for my name, and I will establish the throne of his Kingdom for ever.
See also Acts 2:30: "Therefore being a prophet, and knowing that God had sworn with an oath to him, that of the fruit of his loins,according to the flesh,
He would raise up Christ to sit on his throne."
Who Christ is now ruling over now I'm not sure, I guess like David He rules over Israel, only in this case it would be "spiritual Israel." The thousand year
reign is a different matter.
OMG!! Am I preaching, Can I count this time? I'm sorry folks, just putting in my $0.02.
i was very surprised that the wall street journal would publish this crap worthy of
and i was even more surprised they put it on the front page.. but it's in today's wsj - dec. 29 edition.. it's a story about a russian professor that is predicting the end of the usa by the year 2010.. he points to the fact that states will withhold support to the federal government.. they went so far as to make little diagrams on what states would go to canada and what to russia.. this one is easy though - say what you want to say - but 2010 is only a year away - and nothing is going to happen to the usa.. i'm not a flag waving redneck either - but the infrastructure of the us is too strong - too advanced.. con.
I think the US will annex Canada AND Mexico before the end comes!
That's a good one but do you know who would constitute the majority of voters in the new nation, Canemerexico? I believe trouble is coming because China needs to provide 20 million new jobs every year in order to keep it's ever growing workforce employed. To do this they must maintain double digit economic growth, which they can,t. Even now they are
having job related riots over there. We need China to flourish so we may flourish here in the USA but it looks grim. I wish I
knew what to do or how to prepare for this downturn, I don't.
if you read any book on the planet as long as you have some kind of education you can read it and clearly understand it and not argue this means this and that means that.
18 now i say to you that you are peter (which means rock),[a] and upon this rock i will build my church, and all the powers of hell[b] will not conquer it.
18"i also say to you that you are (a)peter, and upon this rock i will build my church; and the gates of (b)hades will not overpower it.
there is no church on the planet that is a true worshiper and teaches truth
I believe you hit the nail on the head with that statement.
I also don't believe there is any religious group or organization that has or teaches the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth.
will they ever announce that the world wide preaching work is finished?.
will they fill that gap with something else, like "new system" lessons?.
I think that the watchtower has said that for so long, That if anything does ever happen
The WTS just has to keep on dancing and dancing aaaaaaaaaaaaand dancing, sooner or later it's gonna rain.
Look at'em dance.
PS: I remember TERRY using this illustration.